These 10 Facts About Money Will Shock You - Alternative View

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These 10 Facts About Money Will Shock You - Alternative View
These 10 Facts About Money Will Shock You - Alternative View

Video: These 10 Facts About Money Will Shock You - Alternative View

Video: These 10 Facts About Money Will Shock You - Alternative View
Video: 3 Facts About Money that Could Make You Wealthy 2024, September

It doesn't take a genius to grasp a simple fact: Few people are happy with the current financial situation. Many are still experiencing the consequences of the crisis, some are unable to find work, and some are paid too little. One way or another, money is often the cause of frustration and problems. People love money, people do everything to earn more, life revolves around finance. However, some related facts can cause real shock. Here are ten compelling examples.


A small group of people controls the wealth of the world

This is a phrase you hear all the time: one percent, or even a tenth percent of the population owns most of the world's money. In fact, there is no need to demonize wealthy people. But the problem does exist. The richest people in the world, making up one percent of the population, have as much as ninety percent of the rest of the planet. There are over one hundred thousand families with a multimillion fortune!


Most wealthy people keep their money abroad

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The United States of America is one of the richest countries. At the same time, the wealthiest families of this country keep their funds abroad to avoid paying taxes. In recent years, this behavior has not been approved, but it is often formalized quite legally. As a result, twenty one trillion dollars is tax free! This is more than the GDP of Japan and the United States combined.


Leading Companies Own Trillions

It's not just individuals who store their funds overseas - large corporations do the same. For example, many of the leading American companies hold millions in foreign accounts. Two trillion is the amount that is being hidden from taxes. What is the problem? The fact that this money could be wisely invested and help the state of the economy.


The average worker hasn't had a pay raise for many years

While someone gets rich, most people live without even a raise in their salary. Purchasing power has remained the same for decades. There are many reasons for this situation, especially globalization and the economic crisis. Nevertheless, the fact that we earn as much as we did in the seventies cannot but surprise


Bank commission for the year is millions

Hidden payments are everywhere, the financial system is practically built on them. Most likely, your bank charges you the payment for maintaining your account, for the operation of your card and other services. The result is an impressive income for a financial firm. Banks earned more than eleven million dollars in overdraft fines alone in a year!


Some industries are flourishing more than ever

It seems that airlines and hotel chains should be in trouble. The opposite is true - these industries have never been so profitable! Standard service is reduced to a minimum, airlines impose additional fees on almost everything. You will hardly find free snacks and drinks. The same is with hotels - in some you even have to pay for using the Internet!


The cost of wars is terrifying

While government programs are constantly being cut in the budget, many countries spend huge sums on war - and war does not generate any income. For example, the military action in Iraq cost the United States more than two trillion dollars. Some of this amount has disappeared inexplicably! Just imagine what you could do with that amount of money.


Huge sums of money are stolen from workers every year

The problem of wages is much more serious than many might imagine. Huge sums are stolen from people - some are paid less than the required minimum, some are not paid for overtime. Many employers are adept at dodging payments. Employees are afraid to complain, so no one takes action. As a result, the situation remains unchanged.

Pension turns into a pipe dream

The retirement age is pushing back, the crisis has deprived many people of savings, so the dream of finishing work at a certain age turns into a mirage. Of course, the situation differs from region to region. However, many people are unable to survive on retirement, so the outlook is completely disappointing.


Many people have virtually no savings

Most people find it extremely difficult during the stressful moments of life. More than half of the population has no savings or only a very small amount. Every five people did not put aside a single ruble. If any tragedy occurs in life, it becomes almost impossible to pay bills. The economic situation is one of the reasons for this situation, although the inability to manage their income also plays a role. People should pay much more attention to obtaining basic economic knowledge so that financial management is not so difficult for them.

Marina Ilyushenko