Pinocchio, As A Prototype Of Neo In The Matrix, Or Old Fairy Tales In A New Way - Alternative View

Pinocchio, As A Prototype Of Neo In The Matrix, Or Old Fairy Tales In A New Way - Alternative View
Pinocchio, As A Prototype Of Neo In The Matrix, Or Old Fairy Tales In A New Way - Alternative View

Video: Pinocchio, As A Prototype Of Neo In The Matrix, Or Old Fairy Tales In A New Way - Alternative View

Video: Pinocchio, As A Prototype Of Neo In The Matrix, Or Old Fairy Tales In A New Way - Alternative View
Video: The Matrix Starring Forrest Gump - Hero Swap 2024, September

Philosophical and esoteric interpretation of the tale by A. N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

Brief initial transcript of roles, images, impersonations:

The key is a word, image, concept, knowledge, or all in the aggregate, as a tool and means of passage through the portal.

The secret door is a portal.

Buratino is a newborn Mind in this incarnation.

Papa Carlo is Consciousness.

The cricket is an old and wise Soul.

Buratino is a newborn mind. Just as a person's mind is formed from the images around him, he was blinded from scrap materials, from logs. He is alive, curious, sticks his nose everywhere, learns the world. Self-learning element. Pinocchio is obstinate, careless and careless, which is why he always "steps on a rake" and gets into ridiculous situations.

Promotional video:

Once, being at home, Buratino expresses a desire to eat, i.e. to satisfy the primary needs of his body and his desire and curiosity leads to a canvas with a hearth, behind which there is a secret door to another world. He pierces the canvas with his nose (curiosity), which is why he almost discovers it. But the time is not yet, the Mind is not ready yet and the Cricket takes his attention away from this. Often, at first, Buratino will show aggression and disrespect for the Cricket.

Cricket is a wise mentor and guardian who is watching what is happening. This is the Soul. He knows the way to the world of God and patiently waits for the mind (Pinocchio) to be ready to enter the cherished door. He is a guide between the physical world and the spiritual world. Often quietly and cautiously, Buratino warns against trouble, but Buratino does not want to "hear" him and gets a roll as a result. The cricket wants Pinocchio to study, go to “school”, but Pinocchio is obstinate and stubborn because of his youth, he is too self-confident, he is a manifestation of the Ego. “Okay, live,” - Cricket answers this and continues his patient waiting and observation.

Pinocchio visits his fear in the form of an old rat. This fear is caused by his own ignorance. It emerges from the depths of the subconscious. This fear is as old as the world itself. He begins to absorb, suck Buratino into his deepest depths, but then Papa Carlo comes to the rescue.

Papa Carlo is the one who gives life. Lets everything be. He's not as old as Cricket, but just as wise. This is Consciousness. He breathed life into Buratino. He is his help, care and support in this world. Dad introduces Buratino to the ABC and talks about the school, making him interested in this topic. Buratino recalls that Cricket also told him to go to school. “The cricket is very wise, obey him,” Father Carlo replies, confirming the undeniable and very significant authority of the Cricket as a Soul. The soul must always obey. He is also always selfless and gives the blessings of life (jacket) for the bare essentials - for learning Buratino. "Daddy, where is your jacket?" - “Nothing, kid, live and learn,” - says the dad. Buratino is already ready to take the first step on the path of his education and development. “Cricket, it has been decided - from tomorrow I will become a man”, - Buratino addresses him.

And so he goes to the school of life.

For the first time he meets the key figures of the Cat Basilio and the fox of Alice as images, personifications and manifestations of deceit, temptation, greed, meanness and hypocrisy. Also interesting and especially significant is the image of Karabas-Barabas - the embodiment of the Matrix or System, which enslaves minds (dolls), forcing them to play fictitious roles. Enslaved minds unwittingly praise Karabas, convincing themselves and others that everything is in the order of things, everything is as it should be and they seem to like it. “Long live our brave Karabas, it is comfortable for us to live under his beard. And he is not a torturer, but simply our kind teacher,”the dolls sing. But it is not difficult to recognize and see the falsity of this whole theater. At first, Buratino is carried away by new impressions and experiences, but does not know what awaits him later. Karabas, on the other hand, openly profits from his flock, introducing his ideology of life into the masses: “Hey,old and young, for the fact that I do good, drive your gold coins and don’t forget the silver,”he sings. It can also be compared to the image of the modern financial system. “We'll show you the show! Ah, this is just a feast for the eyes, this is just a pleasure, this is just a gourmet!”, - Karabas imposes a form of life, when people do not need anything except bread and circuses. Alice and Basilio are standing on the street, begging for alms, recalling the existing problems in the current system of social society, such as poverty, banditry and corruption.except for bread and circuses. Alice and Basilio are standing on the street, begging for alms, recalling the existing problems in the current system of social society, such as poverty, banditry and corruption.except for bread and circuses. Alice and Basilio are standing on the street, begging for alms, recalling the existing problems in the current system of social society, such as poverty, banditry and corruption.

Pinocchio is not a simple mind. He is the chosen one. He quickly begins to notice gaps in this theater. He laughs at the system.

Here begins an ordinary day, children run to school, are late. The warning bell of the overseer of order and regime rings. But Pinocchio is in no hurry to go to school, he knows that she will not go anywhere. He is more interested in life itself, as it really is, without unnecessary theories and teachings, which are poured into heads in educational institutions. It is better to study life in its direct participation, in contact with reality. And the Barabas theater is its real embodiment. Pinocchio wants tickets to the first row, but the cashier answers: "Four soldo." Buratino is confused. This is where the harsh reality begins - it is necessary to have money in the system, which he does not yet have.

"Where do they get them, these four Soldos, please tell me?" he asks. “Where do they get it?” The cashier asks in surprise, “from thick wallets, my clever girl,” she replies and laughs haughtily. Dejected, but not discouraged, Buratino wants to solve the first problem-problem that has developed and quickly finds a solution - to try to sneak unnoticed among the queue. Where is in this life without impudence and resourcefulness. But even so it did not work out - the guardian of law and order (police, security forces) intervenes and returns it painfully taking by the ear "into place". Pinocchio tries the second option: ask others for money, for example, one boy with a fat wallet. Not passed - "Look for the fool" - the boy replies. It is not customary in the system to give for nothing. The third option is to sell something of your belongings, a jacket or a hat. Again it did not work. But having offered a more interesting and unusual thing, his own beautiful alphabet, and then the deal was a success. Buratino, having received money and the first economic skills, goes to the theater.