What Melted The Steps In The Ancient Egyptian Temple Of Dendera? - Alternative View

What Melted The Steps In The Ancient Egyptian Temple Of Dendera? - Alternative View
What Melted The Steps In The Ancient Egyptian Temple Of Dendera? - Alternative View

Video: What Melted The Steps In The Ancient Egyptian Temple Of Dendera? - Alternative View

Video: What Melted The Steps In The Ancient Egyptian Temple Of Dendera? - Alternative View

On the western bank of the Nile is the small town of Dendera, which was inhabited even in the pre-dynastic period. The main attraction of Dendera is a temple complex with an area of about 40 thousand square meters, built of sandstone.

It is believed that its construction began in the era of the Ptolemies, but much more ancient ruins rest under the solid foundation of thousand-year-old stones. They can be considered the same age as the Great Pyramid.

The main temple of the complex is dedicated to the revered in these parts of Hathor - "Golden Lady of Love", the goddess of joy and beauty, the patroness of women and children. Unique architecture, walls dotted with hieroglyphs, elegantly decorated columns, colored paintings and bas-reliefs - every detail here is of great historical interest. For many centuries the temple was littered with stones and covered with sand. Stables were located on the upper floors. Bonfires were made there, so some of the inscriptions cannot be restored. In 1876, the temple was reopened, and the German Egyptologist Johannes Dumichen began excavating it.


Here, on the ceiling of one of the upper halls, the Zodiac of Osiris was found - one of the most ancient astronomical symbols on our planet. In addition to the signs of the zodiac, it contains images of the constellations. The ancient Egyptians were well versed in astronomy and astrology.


On the side of the temple is the famous "Stargate" - a mysterious structure, which, according to legend, on the days of the winter solstice turns into a portal through which powerful streams of divine energy pass.


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Much of this amazing temple has been the subject of many years of controversy. For example, the bas-reliefs with the so-called "lamps" of Dendera. Official science considers them to be a symbolic image of a god "sprouting like a flower." But alternative historians write that the ancient people already then used lighting devices similar to modern ones.


No less mysterious part of the temple is the staircase leading to the roof. It would seem that there is something unusual here: in my opinion, these are just steps that have been pressed down over many centuries by tens of thousands of feet, destroyed by erosion, etc. But foreign researchers have a different opinion on this matter: the staircase looks like it was melted by something in the middle.


“It is difficult to imagine the temperature capable of“melting”a solid stone,” the media write. Journalists consider this a consequence of the use of beam weapons or a targeted nuclear explosion. Exactly the same traces of ultra-high temperatures can be found in photographs of the cities of Petra and Wadi Rum in Jordan. In this regard, researchers cite biblical information about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were burned by heavenly fire. It would be logical to assume that we are talking about meteorites. However, authors who specialize in alternative history write that the religious book mentions the war of the gods (aliens, who in ancient times could not peacefully divide earth's resources and territory among themselves).

The domestic researcher Sibved tells about a similar phenomenon - molten stones on his LJ page. He was interested in the unusual elements of the Sacsayhuaman masonry in Peru. He believes that in several places the stone was melted and "floated".


Artifacts of the global ancient war are found all over the globe. Many sites with traces of radioactive ash have been found in the Indus Valley. The Mahabharata describes a weapon whose use has led to such devastating consequences - "a sparkling column of smoke and flame, as bright as a thousand suns", "perpendicular explosion", "the water began to boil and the fish were charred."

Probably for the same reason, the stone walls of an ancient city found in northern India were turned into glass. Maybe there was a volcanic eruption? But archaeologists have found no signs of an eruption.

Fused walls are found in France, Turkey, Great Britain. Scientists say that such a strong effect requires a temperature of about 1.5 thousand degrees. Will we ever learn the truth about what destroyed ancient cities? Hardly.

PS: And yet - what melted the steps in the ancient Egyptian temple of Dendera? How right are foreign journalists who claim that nuclear weapons were used here?..

Elena Muravyova for neveroyatno.info