Russian Scientists Have Proposed To Turn The Moon Into "Noah's Ark" - Alternative View

Russian Scientists Have Proposed To Turn The Moon Into "Noah's Ark" - Alternative View
Russian Scientists Have Proposed To Turn The Moon Into "Noah's Ark" - Alternative View

Video: Russian Scientists Have Proposed To Turn The Moon Into "Noah's Ark" - Alternative View

Video: Russian Scientists Have Proposed To Turn The Moon Into
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Russian scientists from MEPhI and the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences proposed to use the Moon as a kind of "Noah's Ark", building special shelters and placing objects of cultural heritage there

The report of Russian scientists entitled "The moon as an ideal repository of cultural treasures" says that over the years of the existence of human civilization, priceless treasures of material culture have been accumulated, but natural disasters, the impact of environmental factors, as well as wars and man-made disasters, these treasures are quickly destroyed …

Planet Earth has become a very unsafe place for storing world heritage masterpieces and they may simply not reach our descendants. To save them, the Moon will help us. It is the most suitable place to store cultural treasures.

The moon will become a space museum and at the same time a reliable safe for all cultural and material wealth accumulated by mankind during its existence.

Scientists propose to create reliable storage facilities on the Moon, where priceless books, ancient manuscripts, scrolls, paintings of great artists and many other priceless artifacts will be placed.

The atmosphere of the moon is very rarefied, which means that the treasures will not be threatened by fires and, in addition, no bacteria can harm the objects of art, since they simply do not exist on the moon.

Earthquakes, fires, landslides, mudflows, avalanches, tsunamis - none of this is on the moon, which means that in the bunkers built on the Earth's satellite, you can forever keep the masterpieces of world culture. Special bunkers are proposed to be built under the surface of the basalt lunar rocks, so that even a huge asteroid falling on the moon could not harm the artifacts stored in the treasury.

In addition to bunkers and secure storage, scientists propose to build on the moon, copies of the great architectural objects of the Earth. In caves under the reliable shell of basalt rocks, such objects of architectural heritage can be built. like Notre Dame, St. Basil's Cathedral, Taj Mahal and the Great Pyramids of Egypt.

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Scientists do not count on the participation of the world's states in the implementation of this project and offer the participation of private investors. This will be beneficial, since by building storage facilities for cultural heritage treasures, private investors will be able to build storage facilities to preserve their accumulated wealth, as well as create habitable bases on the Moon in order to provide themselves with a place to live in the event that if life on Earth becomes impossible as a result of natural, man-made or cosmic disasters.
