Leonov's New Physics And His Engines - Alternative View

Leonov's New Physics And His Engines - Alternative View
Leonov's New Physics And His Engines - Alternative View

Video: Leonov's New Physics And His Engines - Alternative View

Video: Leonov's New Physics And His Engines - Alternative View
Video: Колыма - родина нашего страха / Kolyma - Birthplace of Our Fear 2024, April

Quantum engines are not an abstract concept or the distant future of physics. This is the business of today. Now many countries are conducting research in this direction, but only a few have achieved success: Russia, jointly China and the United States, as well as Germany.

All countries are going their own way, developing technically completely different units, but the most interesting and successful in this series are the quantum engines of Vladimir Semyonovich Leonov (chief designer of NPO Kvanton, candidate of technical sciences).

Before starting work on his machines, the inventor created a new concept of space and time - the theory of superunification. Currently, it is not recognized by the scientific community, since it contains such components as ether and quanton. Leonov suggested that even vacuum and time consist of elementary particles - quantons. Actually, this is a development of the very old theory of Mendeleev about the zero element of his table, which the scientist called Newtonium, but did not dare to introduce it into the periodic system.

It seems to be nonsense, from the point of view of modern quantum physics, but Leonov's engines, based on this assumption, work. And there are already several varieties of them. Moreover, a patent for an invention has been received!

Their technical performance is different, although they are all based on the theory of superunification.

"Low-speed engine" - for cars and other ground vehicles. Its principle of operation is rather complicated and is based on the polarization of quantons in magnetic and electric fields of various directions in which the "working fluid" rotates. Nickel is the fuel. Energy of "combustion" from 1 kg. Ni is equivalent to 1,000 tons of gasoline.

For rockets, another version of the engine has been created, based on the principle of cold nuclear fusion. During the tests, with a net weight of the device of 50 kg and with a consumption of 1 kW. energy - a thrust of 500 Kgs was created. Which is an order of magnitude higher than modern space engines.

The scientist calculated that a spacecraft equipped with such a device can reach a speed of 1000 km / s. With such characteristics of rockets, we will get to Mars in two days, and to the Moon in a few hours. The benefits are obvious: engine weight is minimal, fuel consumption is very low, payload is orders of magnitude higher than modern spacecraft.

Promotional video:

Rocket engine Leonov
Rocket engine Leonov

Rocket engine Leonov.

The need for such a device has long been ripe, since modern piston, electric, jet engines have reached the peak of modernization, machines operating on other physical principles are urgently needed, which would reduce or completely eliminate the share of oil and nuclear fuel in energy production.

The field of application of the energy of quanta is very wide and the advantages are obvious here.

In the automotive industry, these are all-terrain hovercraft. Submersibles equipped with such a device will be able to easily transition from an underwater state to an airborne one and even go out into space as a UFO. Energy supply to dwellings is solved without problems. Micro robots will heal people.

Types of Leonov's engines
Types of Leonov's engines

Types of Leonov's engines.

There are many such applications of quantum energy that can be thought up. So far, these are only dreams. However, dreams are dreams, and the first patent has already been obtained.

PS In the scientific literature, engines are called quantum, although in the case of V. S. Leonov, or rather quanton.
