24 Personalities In One Body - Alternative View

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24 Personalities In One Body - Alternative View
24 Personalities In One Body - Alternative View

Video: 24 Personalities In One Body - Alternative View

Video: 24 Personalities In One Body - Alternative View
Video: Dissociative Identity Disorder - Switch caught on camera - Multiple Personality Disorder Audio Fixed 2024, September

Billy Milligan was born in 1955 and after a while got into all psychiatry textbooks. Usually, a split personality implies that there are two personalities inside one body, most often in conflict with each other. Inside Billy, 24 personalities gathered, the change of which others could observe and even distinguish personalities by voice and facial expressions!

Of the 24 personalities, 10 were the main ones, and the rest were suppressed for committing acts dangerous for the “collective” and were called “undesirable”. The kaleidoscope of personalities was fantastic: Arthur is an intelligent Englishman who was responsible for order in relations between subpersonalities, Ragen is a communist from Yugoslavia, two teenagers, a three-year-old girl, a 19-year-old girl, Allen is an artist, musician and a swindler, and others.


Source: sciencedebate2008.com

At 23, Billy was arrested on suspicion of rape. His guilt was obvious until the psychologist noticed that at times he was acting very strange. After a thorough examination of the suspect, many incredible details of the life boiling in his mind were revealed.


Source: sciencedebate2008.com


Promotional video:

Source: upload.wikimedia.org

Billy Milligan personalities:

Billy Milligan's alter personalities appeared at the age of 3-4 years (an unnamed boy with whom he played, and Christine, who took care of his younger sister). The number of individuals increased between the ages of 8-9, when little Billy was repeatedly raped and beaten by his stepfather. 10 individuals were considered basic (the description is given as of 1977-1978, during treatment).

Billy, the original William Stanley Milligan, is a major suicidal personality.

Arthur is a sophisticated, educated Englishman. An expert in science and medicine, with a focus on hematology.

I independently studied the Arabic language (to study the inscriptions on the Egyptian pyramids) and Swahili. Using logic and deduction, he found out that he was not alone in Milligan's body, and identified the rest of the individuals. Along with Ragen, he took responsibility for the general body - except in dangerous situations.

Established rules of conduct for the rest of the "family members" - the personalities of Milligan.

Reygen Vadaskovinich is a Yugoslavian with a Slavic accent in English, writes and speaks Serbo-Croatian. He is a "keeper of hatred". The communist, expert in weapons and ammunition, is in charge of physical fitness. Possesses extraordinary strength, thanks to the fact that Arthur taught him "how to control the flow of adrenaline." Ragen's weak point is women and children, he does not hesitate to help them if they are in trouble, even to the point of stealing food and things for them. He manages basic actions in dangerous situations and, along with Arthur, can classify individuals as "unwanted").

Allen - 18 years old, cheater, manipulator, has excellent eloquence. Most often communicates with the outside world. Draws portraits, plays the drums. The only right-hander and the only one who smokes cigarettes.

Tommy is the "keeper of salvation." In his own words, he is often confused with Allen. I independently understood electricity, the principles of operation of electrical and mechanical devices, locks. He learned to control muscles and joints, to get rid of handcuffs. Plays the saxophone, paints landscapes.

Denny is a frightened 14 year old boy, afraid of people, especially men. Draws only still lifes, because he is afraid of the earth in any form - Chalmer once forced him to dig a grave and buried it in it, leaving only a hole for breathing.

David - 8 years old, "keeper of pain". It takes consciousness to take the pain of others.

Christine is a 3-year-old Englishwoman, one of Billy's first personalities to emerge and the first to know about the existence of someone else. She stood in the corner at school and at home, if "Billy" misled, because, unlike other personalities, she did it calmly. She is dyslexic, but Arthur teaches her to read and write. Ragen has a special affection for her. Favorite of the "family".

Christopher - Christine's brother, 13 years old, plays the harmonica.

Adalana is a 19 year old active lesbian. Has the ability to occupy the body at will. Cooking, putting things in order in the "family", writing poetry. Occupies the body in situations when it comes to being a "gentleman", gentle with women. She was the one who dealt with rape.


Source: livelib.ru

13 other personalities were declared undesirable by Arthur and Ragen for certain misconduct (antisocial behavior, violation of the rules, etc.).


Source: look3.ru


Phil is a Brooklynian with a pronounced accent. A criminal element, engaged in drug trafficking, participated in armed robberies of homosexual couples, waiting for victims in parking lots along the highway.

Kevin - Phil's friend, developed a plan to rob a pharmacy, and then stole the loot from his comrades in the business. Later, during his stay at a high-security clinic in Lima, in gratitude for the uprising against the orderlies who beat the patients of the clinic, Arthur struck Kevin off the list of unwanted.

Walter is Australian and hunting enthusiast. He was allowed to the body when his ability to find the right direction was required. Arthur classified it as undesirable for "barbarism" - the murder of a crow in the forest.

April is a black-haired, dark-eyed, slender girl with a Boston accent. Was obsessed with the idea of killing Billy's stepfather. Declared unwanted after persuading Ragen to kill Chalmer. Arthur, calling Christine, was able to persuade Ragen not to commit murder.

Samuel is a religious Jew. Was deemed undesirable by Arthur for selling Allen's painting. The only religious person.

Mark - "Workhorse". He is often referred to as a zombie because he does nothing if not told and stares at the wall when everyone gets bored;

Lee is a joker and a witty. For the first time he began to control the body in the Lebanese prison and then was declared undesirable for the fact that his pranks went too far and threatened the "family". After that, he disappeared from consciousness completely.

Steve is a parodist who was called in prison after Lee was exiled because he could make people laugh. Infuriated Ragen by parodying his accent and Arthur by talking Cockney. He was caught mocking the prison warden, with the result that Milligan was placed in an isolation cell.

Jason is the "pressure valve". Used as a child to release tension, but it constantly led to difficult situations.

Bobby is an inactive dreamer. He dreamed of adventure, saw himself as an actor, traveler, hero, but did not want to do anything concrete for this. He went on a hunger strike, for which he was ranked as "undesirable" - in prison conditions he needed good physical condition.

Sean is a deaf boy with a developmental delay. He occupied consciousness in childhood when Billy was punished and shouted at him. Due to his deafness, he often buzzed, listening to the sounds echoing in his head. It was classified as undesirable, since it was not necessary in adulthood.

Martin is a snob and braggart from New York. Arthur classified it as undesirable due to the lack of a desire for self-improvement.

Timothy - worked in a shop as a flower merchant until he ran into a gay man who was flirting with him. After that, he entered his own world.

The unifying personality was the Master, who first emerged clearly during Billy's treatment at the Athens Mental Health Center. It was he who helped Keyes tell the story of Billy Milligan, as he was able to recall those episodes that were not available to the rest of the "family".

Some of Billy Milligan's personalities were gifted artists and musicians, each specializing in a different direction in painting / graphics or musical instrument. All 24 had different IQs and different EEG data.


Source: pepel.me

7 most interesting facts about Billy:

1. The personality of Billy himself was not allowed to control the mind, because every time he came to himself, being in an unknown place or prison, he tried to commit suicide. When he woke up, Billy was shocked every time, because he considered the last suicide attempt successful and thought that he had been dead for a long time.

2. For one of the birthdays, three-year-old Christine (one of the personalities) baked a cake for Billy. On this occasion, Arthur gave permission to "wake up" Billy, but this led to another suicide attempt, and Billy was "put to sleep" for several years.

3. Individuals had different abilities and characters. Two of them spoke with accents, one knew a language that Billy had never learned, another knew how to get out of handcuffs and therefore played the role of a leader when going to jail, the third painted great pictures, and the young girl was a lesbian. Possessing "specialization", different personalities began to control the mind just at the moment when it was most needed. So, when Billy was in pain, the teenager David was involved in the work, who took the pain on himself. Billy himself never had mixed feelings: different personalities were responsible for everything.

4. In order for Billy to stand trial and testify in the rape case, psychiatrists tried to "collect" all the individuals into one. The so-called integrated personality has been formed over the years and with great difficulty. At first, it was possible to "glue" the persons closest to each other in temperament. However, when Billy got too worried, personalities fell apart again, and everything had to start over.

5. When personalities were combined, the general abilities turned out to be worse than the abilities of each individually, the resulting personality had problems with self-determination and was a kind of "average" version, unable to remember his own name.

6. It turned out that the rape was the fault of Adalana (a 19-year-old lesbian) while one of the other individuals tried to rob women. Despite the fact that Adalana was forbidden to acquire consciousness, she "illegally" turned on and committed crimes. None of the other personalities knew about the perfect.

7. During interrogations, it was extremely difficult to talk to Billy. For this, it took a long time to persuade Arthur to give permission to wake Billy. The permission was given in exchange for a promise to ensure the safety of the suicidal Billy, primarily from himself.

Post-release activities

In 1988, after 10 years of intensive treatment in various Ohio medical institutions, Billy Milligan was declared "whole" and released. It is known that in 1996 he lived in California, owned a small film studio "Stormy Life Productions" and was about to shoot a short film (which, apparently, was never released). William Milligan's current place of residence and occupation are unknown, his former acquaintances have lost contact with him. According to his lawyer, Bruce Tabit, “There are beautiful frescoes on some of the walls of the rooms in his house, while others are covered with mathematical formulas. It's beyond human ability to know everything about Billy Milligan."


Source: img.joemonster.org