Mysterious Places Of Our Planet - Alternative View

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Mysterious Places Of Our Planet - Alternative View
Mysterious Places Of Our Planet - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Places Of Our Planet - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Places Of Our Planet - Alternative View
Video: 12 Most Mysterious Places Scientists Still Can't Explain 2024, September

There are amazing places on Earth where interesting unique natural phenomena occur. The reasons for some are known, others have not yet found a scientific explanation.

"Singing" dunes and "ringing mountains"

On the territory of the national park, located not far from the former capital of Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata, there is a "singing" mountain, which is 3 km long and more than 150 m high. A magnificent view of mountains, rivers and flowering valleys opens from the dune. This place is popular with tourists not only because of its beauty, but also because of the phenomenon of the sand dune - it "sings". When dry weather sets in, the sands emit sad melodies similar to the sounds of organ.

As scientists have found out, the reason for such strange sounds is sand. It is the friction of the grains of sand that produces a pleasant sound, which depends on the mass of sand - sometimes it is barely audible, sometimes it is loud and terrible, instilling some kind of mystical horror.

In the old days, when the reasons for this phenomenon were not yet known, the people who lived not far from this place endowed the hill with supernatural powers and composed legends about it. Along one of them, under a sandy hill, is the burial place of Genghis Khan and his soldiers. And the sound of the dune is the khan's narration about his past campaigns and battles.

The dune was included in the list of the Seven New Wonders of the World.

In the USA (Pennsylvania) there are not singing mountains, but "ringing" ones. The mountainous terrain itself makes ringing sounds of varying strength - from barely audible to loud. People get an inexplicable feeling of fear from such a ringing. The locals called this place "Rock Garden". It is interesting that sounds are emitted by both small stones, the size of a human head, and huge boulders, but only brown stones. This is another mystery - their color. It is not typical for this area and why such a color is unknown. American scientists at the end of the last century investigated the "ringing" mountains and found holes 10-15 cm in diameter at their base. They were made, presumably, by human hands. But these moves are not associated with the appearance of ringing sounds - a mystery deep underground.

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Disappearing lake

In South Ossetia there is Ertso Lake of extraordinary beauty with clear water. It is surrounded by virgin forests, there is a sandy beach with the purest sand. Here locals rest, as well as tourists who are attracted by the wonderful place. Every year a festival of bard songs is held here, young people arrange picnics, set up tents. It is a pity that fish are not found here - such a "regime" is difficult to withstand

This lake has a secret - it sometimes disappears!

Why is this happening? The reservoir is relatively small, less than a kilometer in area, but the depth cannot be measured and given at least approximate figures. The lake is replenished with rain and rivers and streams flowing into it. The water disappears every five years, not immediately, but within 30 days, gradually exposing the bottom. According to some assumptions, the water goes into underground channels located in the mountains. An even bigger mystery is why water returns after a while. No answer was found.

There are always legends about such places. Local residents came up with this - a large snake, fleeing a ram, to whose horns sharp daggers are tied, takes all the water. Interesting legend, but what is really going on?

This wonderful and unusual lake is included in the book of records and achievements "Divo".

Moleb anomaly

The Moleb anomaly is located near the village of Molebka, Perm Territory. The area of the geoanomalous zone is about 70 sq. km. Than this zone has attracted attention. Once upon a time, the Mansi peoples, the indigenous inhabitants, considered these places sacred and made sacrifices.

In the 80-90s of the last century, the geologist Bachurin discovered a 60-meter round footprint, which immediately interested the scientist. After some time, a group of researchers of anomalous phenomena arrived in the village. They took photographs, carried out biolocation observations, conducted medical experiments. People in these places feel strange - they are often tormented by headaches, sudden drops in mood, fever. Everyone agreed that this is the place where UFOs constantly fly - in the form of plates, balls, cigars.

It was officially recognized that this is an anomalous zone. Since the end of the 80s, ufologists and simply enthusiasts who love all kinds of riddles have come here. Now in the Kishert district, where the village of Molebka is located, they are working on a project to create a ufological reserve.

There is a strong dowsing anomaly in this area. Flying balls, dark shapes and strange glow are constantly observed. A chronological experiment was carried out with a mechanical clock, they were placed in a thermos in one of the anomalous zones - and after the experiment they began to lag behind by almost six hours. In addition, strange pyramids are found in the Zone, and in photographs of one place on the banks of the Sylva River, dark balls with white spots in the middle are almost always obtained. Many more anomalies are observed near the village of Molebka. This land is being studied, perhaps it is here that contact with creatures unfamiliar to us will occur.

There is also a mysterious zone in Central Asia, in Kyzyl Kum, which is almost unexplored. In the mountains, rock carvings have been found depicting people in spacesuits, and next to them are devices resembling spaceships. Where could these drawings come from if they were not made by a contemporary artist? UFOs are also often seen here. One local resident claims to be in constant contact with aliens. In particular, she assured that, according to the information received, UFOs were destroyed in Earth orbit, and even said where the debris fell. After a while, geologists working in the place indicated by the woman saw strange spots. They took samples of this substance for analysis. The results of laboratory research have shown that it is not of terrestrial origin.

In the village of Bogopol (Primorsky Territory) there is an unusual hill. She is interesting in that she can predict the weather. Locals do not need to check the weather on TV or the Internet - just look at the top of the mountain - if the clouds are thickened there, no matter how sunny the weather is, it will rain tomorrow. Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that there is a lake with clear clear water at the top. Before it rains, water condenses moisture, serving as a barometer for residents.

There is something interesting and mysterious in every country, in every corner of the Earth. Solving the secrets allows you to learn something new about your land, its history and development.