The RAS Scientist Told When Mankind Colonizes Mars - Alternative View

The RAS Scientist Told When Mankind Colonizes Mars - Alternative View
The RAS Scientist Told When Mankind Colonizes Mars - Alternative View

Video: The RAS Scientist Told When Mankind Colonizes Mars - Alternative View

Video: The RAS Scientist Told When Mankind Colonizes Mars - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson - Can People Colonize Mars? Discovery Science Documentary Films 2024, September

Nathan Eismont, a leading researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told about the prospects for space exploration and, in particular, about the upcoming colonization of Mars.

On February 22, the last Soyuz-U rocket launched from Baikonur - the contribution of rockets of this type to space exploration, according to Eismont, can hardly be overestimated.

“Soyuz rockets” are the basis of Russian cosmonautics. And not only, by the way, domestic - at one time all the countries of the socialist camp used "Unions". These rockets were also used for interplanetary expeditions,”says the scientist.

He adds that interplanetary launches are the area of astronautics that currently worries people the most. And if earlier everyone dreamed of colonizing the Moon, now more and more talk about the development of the Red Planet is heard.

“Speaking about the colonization of Mars, first of all it is necessary to define what exactly is meant by this. If we are talking about a simple landing of a person on Mars, then this is one thing, but if we mean the creation of a full-fledged colony on the surface of the fourth planet, then this is completely different. But in general, given the latest advances in science, the colonization of Mars seems to me completely real. Humanity will get to Mars in the coming decades,”said Eismont.

Kolesnikov Andrey