There Is Plenty To Build On The Moon - Alternative View

There Is Plenty To Build On The Moon - Alternative View
There Is Plenty To Build On The Moon - Alternative View

Video: There Is Plenty To Build On The Moon - Alternative View

Video: There Is Plenty To Build On The Moon - Alternative View
Video: This Is Why We Are Building a Moon Base 2024, July

Scientists are ready to build scientific bases and houses on the moon from local natural material.

Our only companion has enough building material to start a grand construction project.

The lunar surface is covered with gray coarse dust. Which could one day be used to build colonies and a scientific base on the surface of our natural satellite. This powdery soil is now seen by scientists as the ideal available material for building on the moon. Experiments show that moon dust can be baked and pressed into blocks to create reliable building bricks.

"Moon bricks will indeed be made of dust," says Aidan Cowley, a scientific advisor at the European Space Agency. For a long time he studied lunar dust and conducted a variety of experiments with it.

“You can safely create solid blocks of moon dust in order to build roads and launch sites, as well as scientific bases and homes for the life and work of astronauts on the lunar surface. The lunar dust structures should protect astronauts from the aggressive lunar environment,”the scientist added.

European experts regard moon dust as the best option for establishing a permanent lunar colony. The use of this material will allow autonomous construction on the Moon without the need to bring building materials from Earth, which would be a very costly and inconvenient solution.