RAS Scientists Have Not Found Ways To Exclude The Effect Of Radiation On Cosmonauts And Satellites - Alternative View

RAS Scientists Have Not Found Ways To Exclude The Effect Of Radiation On Cosmonauts And Satellites - Alternative View
RAS Scientists Have Not Found Ways To Exclude The Effect Of Radiation On Cosmonauts And Satellites - Alternative View

Video: RAS Scientists Have Not Found Ways To Exclude The Effect Of Radiation On Cosmonauts And Satellites - Alternative View

Video: RAS Scientists Have Not Found Ways To Exclude The Effect Of Radiation On Cosmonauts And Satellites - Alternative View
Video: 27. Nuclear Materials — Radiation Damage and Effects in Matter 2024, July

Russian scientists do not know how to completely protect astronauts and equipment from the harmful effects of space radiation. Vladimir Kuznetsov, head of the Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told the journalists about this.

The problem of space radiation, as noted by Kuznetsov, is extremely complex and currently has no solution.

“The United Nations Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space is dealing with the problem. And the UN Scientific Committee also does not know how to completely eliminate the negative effects of space weather, and, in particular, space ionizing radiation. This is the same fundamental thing, like, for example, the weather on Earth, which we also have to reckon with in one way or another, Kuznetsov said.

It is impossible to completely exclude the effect of radiation from space, but it is possible to minimize the harm from it - for this, scientists are developing special recommendations, implying, for example, the use of radiation-resistant electronics and forecasting space weather.

"Radiation affects not only astronauts, but also the electronic equipment operating in space - individual charged particles enter microprocessors and disable them or make them work with errors," the scientist notes.

Kolesnikov Andrey
