Appolo-20's Secret Mission To A Ghost Spaceship - Alternative View

Appolo-20's Secret Mission To A Ghost Spaceship - Alternative View
Appolo-20's Secret Mission To A Ghost Spaceship - Alternative View

This story belongs to the most mysterious and controversial stories of the modern Internet. Although many have not even heard of her. I will try to tell it and show everything. I must say right away that I used a huge amount of information. I found some of the evidence on the NASA website, and some on various Internet sites. Conclusions, of course, you have to do, but personally I was convinced of the complete correctness of this amazing legend.

Since 1966, the satellites of the USSR began to transmit the same information. When flying around the moon, the photographs showed the same object. Huge size. More than five kilometers long, it jutted out of a meteorite crater. Most of all it looked like a giant plane. Its, obviously, technogenic origin was especially strong in photographs taken after 1966. So many extraordinary details became visible in the photographs of the Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 missions. A huge, pointed aviation nose, very similar to the nose of a fighter. Oval body. Above the hull rises a superstructure, so familiar to all of us from science fiction films. The photos were taken from the lander. In those early years, science was ahead of its time, especially in such things as the search for intelligent life in the universe. There were almost no dogmatists and religious fanatics then, but those who were, did not take part in space programs. By the way, let me remind you that the fathers of domestic and foreign astronautics have always looked for brothers in mind. If you do not believe me, then find a description of S. P. Korolev's trip to the zone of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. This pundit had seriously intended to find UFO wreckage there. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that in recent years, with its huge technical potential, science has completely lost all interest in riddles and secrets. In general, information about the spacecraft has been confirmed. One of the landing modules managed to shoot a video of the crashed spacecraft. Apparently the ship made a hard landing on the lunar surface. Partially stuck in a meteorite crater. Its huge body is literally pierced by meteorite holes. So,the ship has been lying on the moon for many millions of years.

In 1976, the most secret mission in the history of astronautics was organized. The ship Appolo-20 took off with an international crew in August 1976. The mission is not fixed anywhere. Therefore, we only know about the crew from the story of its pilot. William Rutledge was born in 1930 and now lives in Rwanda in Africa. According to him, he was the pilot of the LM-15 lunar cabin of the Apollo-20 mission. Link to his interview.

In addition to the pilot himself, there were two more people in the crew. Leon Snyder is Bell Lab scientist and cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. Leonov was included in the crew at the request of NASA. Let me remind you that in those years the authority of the USSR was enormous. In the space race we were the first, but not in manned flights to the moon. And this project was not the first. A little earlier there was a joint Soyuz-Apollo flight. The success of his mission, apparently, played a role in the selection of a new crew. According to the former pilot, the target was Iszak D crater, southwest of Delporte crater, the far side of the Moon. And then the fantasy began. The landing was comparatively successful. The astronauts boarded this ship. A huge, almost destroyed monster lay on the moon for billions of years. Little that the cosmonauts found there, they took with them. But their main find was stunning. A dead woman lay in the capsule. Oriental type, with dark hair. Completely naked. Her height, according to the pilot, was about 165 cm. In the eyes and lips of the dead woman there were incomprehensible iron devices. Leonov believed that she was the pilot of this ship. And these devices served her to communicate with the ship's computer. The second body was destroyed. Only one head has survived from it. Leon Snyder said that Alexey Leonov named the humanoid Mona Lisa. It was under this name that she was known from all reports on this expedition. The autopsy of the corpse was not performed, as it was very cold. According to the witness, the woman's body was covered with a protective film. Likely a biological spacesuit. A video was taken of a body examination aboard the Appolo 20. In addition to this amazing story, Leon Snyder remembered thatthat they also found the wreckage of some once inhabited base. Unfortunately, all the buildings in the base were destroyed. The body of the ship's pilot, some artifacts were delivered to Earth. This story would never have been heard if video and photo evidence had not surfaced one day. After the Apollo mission was curtailed, these artifacts were planned to be destroyed. But one soldier stole several files. They have been surfing the Internet since 2007, since the very formation of YouTube hosting. Alexey Leonov never told the secret mission of Appolo-20, but it was understandable. The fact is that he was always in the service. This irreplaceable specialist would never dare to break his vow of silence. Leon Snyder was in Russia in 1993. But then there was a war. In Moscow Boris Yeltsin destroyed the remnants of the Constitution from tank guns. Therefore, Leon had to interrupt his trip to Russia.

I checked all the photos of the Appolo-15 and Appolo-17 missions, since there are quite a few of them on the NASA website. In addition, I studied photographs from 2009. All photographs have this very ship. Somewhere it is more, somewhere less, but everywhere it is the same. I give links:……

And here are the photos taken by NASA ships:

Promotional video:……

Here are photos for 2009:…

So this whole story is absolutely true. And somewhere in the lunar crater lies a huge ship from the distant past. Waiting in the wings and his hero.

Base on the moon
Base on the moon

Base on the moon.

The base on the moon is being surveyed by astronauts
The base on the moon is being surveyed by astronauts

The base on the moon is being surveyed by astronauts.

The ship in the video of the Apollo 20 mission
The ship in the video of the Apollo 20 mission

The ship in the video of the Apollo 20 mission.

Video with the ship
Video with the ship

Video with the ship.

The pilot of the deceased ship is on board
The pilot of the deceased ship is on board

The pilot of the deceased ship is on board.

The pilot's face
The pilot's face

The pilot's face.

This is filmed on the Moon in 1976
This is filmed on the Moon in 1976

This is filmed on the Moon in 1976.

The pilot's face aboard the Apolo 20 module
The pilot's face aboard the Apolo 20 module

The pilot's face aboard the Apolo 20 module.

Inspection of the pilot's corpse
Inspection of the pilot's corpse

Inspection of the pilot's corpse.

Footage of the examination of the pilot's corpse
Footage of the examination of the pilot's corpse

Footage of the examination of the pilot's corpse.

Valentin Degterev. Internet journalist. Specialization in the genre of searching for various artifacts