Perhaps The Mother Of Apollo And Artemis Is A Slav Woman - Alternative View

Perhaps The Mother Of Apollo And Artemis Is A Slav Woman - Alternative View
Perhaps The Mother Of Apollo And Artemis Is A Slav Woman - Alternative View

Video: Perhaps The Mother Of Apollo And Artemis Is A Slav Woman - Alternative View

Video: Perhaps The Mother Of Apollo And Artemis Is A Slav Woman - Alternative View
Video: BOSTON ORIGINALS: Spring 2019 Reading 2024, September

We all know this story, but let me remind you.

One girl was dating a married man who was known as a great ladies' man.

The man's wife found out about everything and began to pursue the girl.

She had to flee to a strange island that wandered on the sea, and there she was freed from the burden right under a tree.

From this connection, twins were born, a boy and a girl. From the very birth they turned out to be more than smart: the girl who was born first, immediately began to help her mother in childbirth and adopted her own brother.

Over time, the twins made a brilliant career in every sense, becoming solar and lunar deities, pushing back the old gods - Helios and Selena.

In addition, they have mastered many related specialties - patronage of the arts, hunting, obstetrics.

They were always respectful children, ready to destroy all enemies of their mother, who was named Leto (stress varies), Lato or Latona. Being a great goddess in the Cretan-Mycenaean era, in ancient times she goes into the shadows, making way for youth.

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Academician Rybakov in his famous work "Paganism of the Ancient Slavs" puts forward a dizzying version that the Hellenic goddess actually has Slavic roots: Summer is the "pseudonym" of the Slavic Lada.

Despite the fact that many researchers considered Lada to be just a fiction, a “meaningless word” from the widespread chorus “Lel-Lado”, Rybakov gives weighty arguments proving the reality of her cult. Ethnographic material convincingly shows that such a goddess was revered in Bulgaria, Lithuania and other countries.

Further, Rybakov notes the connection of the entire family, born on the nomadic island of Delos, with the mysterious Hyperboreans.

Hyperboreans are a people living somewhere in the north. By the way, like Lada, he was also often denied existence. Like, there was no such people. Rybakov argues that the Hyperboreans mean the ancient Balts and Proto-Slavic peoples.

The academician points out the following:

The delegates, by the way, did not return home - they were obviously sacrificed. (Although, perhaps, having decided after the classic that "the north is harmful to me," they simply decided to settle in a country with a warm climate.) But even after the girl's embassy did not return, the Hyperboreans did not stop sending gifts to the Delian deities, handing them over with an opportunity.

This zeal can only be explained by one thing - the gods, whom we know as ancient, were once revered in the north.

This is what Rybakov ultimately paints:

As you can see, the goddess turned out to be not only a caring mother, but also a tireless traveler.

Even now she does not sit idle - she takes care of the domestic auto industry …

Read more in the book of B. A. Rybakov. "Paganism of the ancient Slavs"
