How Do Monsters Appear - Alternative View

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How Do Monsters Appear - Alternative View
How Do Monsters Appear - Alternative View

Video: How Do Monsters Appear - Alternative View

Video: How Do Monsters Appear - Alternative View
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The news of the contacts of eyewitnesses with various monsters now and then appear on the pages of magazines and newspapers. Where do they come from? We know that dinosaurs disappeared from the face of our planet about 65 million years ago, most of the photographs of Bigfoot Yeti are falsifications, and all the giant individuals living today are known in abundance. And still…

The statements of many scientists are sometimes very categorical. Zoologists have informed the public about the extinction of dinosaurs, and any reports of the appearance of creatures like them are trying to ignore. And it turns out that no one investigates the remains of this or that giant found on the seashore in a timely manner, and the mysterious finds eventually disappear.


It's a pity, but the study of such anomalies, as a rule, is not carried out by scientists, but by ordinary enthusiasts who have neither proper training nor special education. Where do monsters come from? Is it possible that they managed to survive to our time, hiding in remote and inaccessible places?

They have survived to our time

Here's what's interesting. For the survival of any population of dinosaurs, say, in a single lake, the presence of at least several tens of such individuals is necessary. So why is there only one single individual observed in Loch Ness, and even that one cannot really be recorded?


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Usually, there is too little food in the lakes even for one giant, let alone a few dozen. For this reason alone, it is extremely problematic for dinosaurs to exist in lakes. However, as for the seas and oceans, conditions are much better there.

In the world's oceans, encounters with prehistoric animals are still possible. The proof of this is the coelacanth - a fish of impressive size with scales that resemble armor. This individual lived in the water spaces of our planet about 350 million years ago, but it was caught in the middle of the last century in the Cape Town area.

And someone argued that this creature became extinct about 60 million years ago. Skeptics refused to believe in the existence of coelacanth, but then, as luck would have it, another unique specimen appeared on the network! And then the evidence fell like a horn of plenty, and the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, Mozambique and Madagascar were able to boast of the presence of this individual in their waters.

If there is no miracle, then it can be invented

On a winter morning in 1948, a native of the American city of Clearwater, walking along the beach, came across a series of mysterious footprints. The prints came out of the sea, walked along the coast for a couple of miles, and again went into the water surface. Each footprint, much larger than the foot of an adult, clearly showed three toes. Apparently, the individual that left him had a growth of about 5.5 meters. The search by the police proved fruitless. And in the vicinity of the city, traces appeared repeatedly until the very cold.


A local cryptozoologist carefully studied the casts of the footprints and interviewed eyewitnesses who were frightened by the strange creature. Comparing all the data obtained, the scientist came to the conclusion that a penguin of extraordinary size lives in this region.

The truth was revealed only 14 years after the death of the cryptozoologist. The gigantic "penguin" was just a prank of two friends. There was no giant penguin in Florida, and no. For their venture, the American guys ordered three-toed cast-iron boots, in which they walked along the beach at night. Why cast iron? Well, think for yourself, such a gigantic "monster" should have weigh very decently, and therefore leave a deep mark after itself.

How did the jokers benefit from their venture? Absolutely none. But so much time and effort was spent on researching the mysterious find! Only after the death of one of the jokers, whose name was Al Williams, the surviving Tony Signorini told the world the solution to the "great" secret. It is possible that if he had not done this, the mysterious "penguin" of gigantic size would still be written about.

The fruit of secret experiments or the result of mutation?

There is a hypothesis according to which the appearance of monstrous organisms is a consequence of mutation. The environment that surrounds us is highly polluted. The tragedies in Fukushima and Chernobyl, hazardous emissions from industrial enterprises, highly toxic waste, exhaust gases - all of the above and much more has a negative impact on nature.


However, it is difficult to imagine that the appearance of giant monsters is the result of mutation. We will not take into account various freaks such as two-headed turtles or snakes with several tails.

According to some researchers, mysterious creatures can appear as a result of unsuccessful scientific experiments. Genetic engineering gave us not only “rubber” tomatoes, which are stored for a very long time and are perfectly transported, but also other creatures with extremely peculiar features and properties. And if experiments on farm animals are conducted openly, then experiments on predators and people are classified. There is an opinion that the Chupacabra is the result of an experiment by American geneticists.

They came from the past

What could be the reason for the appearance of prehistoric monsters in different parts of our planet? Some researchers suggest that the reason for this is the portals opening at a certain time to various parallel worlds. A prehistoric monster finds itself in the 21st century and comes into the sight of some eyewitnesses. Then this creature returns to its time, and its search becomes useless. Maybe the material object itself is not transferred, and we are talking only about its mirage.


Much has been written about the coming of monsters from parallel worlds. One notable example is the Sherman Ranch located in the US state of Utah. Researchers of the paranormal have nicknamed him "Hellish." According to eyewitnesses, portals to another world have opened here more than once, sometimes you can see UFOs, unknown birds and creatures very similar to prehistoric individuals.