NASA Solves The Problem Of Radiation In Flights To Mars - Alternative View

NASA Solves The Problem Of Radiation In Flights To Mars - Alternative View
NASA Solves The Problem Of Radiation In Flights To Mars - Alternative View

Video: NASA Solves The Problem Of Radiation In Flights To Mars - Alternative View

Video: NASA Solves The Problem Of Radiation In Flights To Mars - Alternative View
Video: 11 Problems In Colonizing Mars! 2024, September

NASA is thinking about the problem of radiation during flights to distant planets, in particular to Mars. The space agency has promised to reward the best sponsors of proposals for cosmic ray protection. NASA plans to pay at least one bonus of five thousand dollars and one thousand dollars.

The relevance of protection against space radiation is associated with NASA's plans for deep space exploration. In particular, since the early 2030s, the agency has been planning flights to Mars, during which astronauts will have to collide with cosmic rays.


Despite the low intensity of such beams, their energy can be dangerous to astronauts. In addition, the impact of radiation on the ship imposes restrictions on the trajectory of future flights and materials for the manufacture of spacecraft.

In the near future, information about space radiation can be collected by the Orion apparatus, which will take place on a test flight on December 4 this year. There will be two sensors on board, similar to flash drives, on which information will be collected. This data will prove to be indispensable for spacecraft projects and planning future space missions.