The Signal From Space Has Overtaken The Speed Of Light - Alternative View

The Signal From Space Has Overtaken The Speed Of Light - Alternative View
The Signal From Space Has Overtaken The Speed Of Light - Alternative View

Scientists are perplexed and cannot fully explain how the received signal from space exceeded the speed of light by 4 times. Scientists have been racking their brains over decoding the message since 2009.

8 years ago, astrophysicists caught a signal from space, which roughly came from the constellation Ursa Major. Scientists were able to determine that the radio message exceeded the speed of light by 4 times, but all theories about why and how this happened remained without confirmation. Experts have been trying to decipher the signal all this time, but in vain.

Initially, it was assumed that the speed of the radio wave was a consequence of the relativistic ejection of the black hole M82, which was directed into the constellation. However, studies have shown that the Black Hole is located slightly away from the center of the signal transmission.

As a result of these observations, scientists put forward another theory that there are particles in the Universe that are able to overcome superluminal speed. It was due to this "jump" that the signal speed was able to exceed the speed of light so much. However, the main question, who and why sent the signal to the earthlings, remains a mystery.

Vera Gromova