10 Creepy Aquatic Creatures Worthy Of Your Own Horror Movie - Alternative View

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10 Creepy Aquatic Creatures Worthy Of Your Own Horror Movie - Alternative View
10 Creepy Aquatic Creatures Worthy Of Your Own Horror Movie - Alternative View

Video: 10 Creepy Aquatic Creatures Worthy Of Your Own Horror Movie - Alternative View

Video: 10 Creepy Aquatic Creatures Worthy Of Your Own Horror Movie - Alternative View
Video: Terrifying Sea Creatures That Need Their Own Horror Movie 2024, September

The surface of our planet is more than 70% covered with water, which hides in its dark depths wonderful and terrifying creatures. Some of these sea creatures are truly elusive and come across only to rare guests from land, while others live on reefs and shallow waters, turning into terrifying neighbors. One thing unites the former with the latter - it's a nightmarish appearance.


Eurypharynx pelecanoides have a really large mouth, allowing this fish to swallow prey larger than the predator (mostly a gape crustacean or other fish). Large moths (or pelican eels) are common in temperate waters near the tropics throughout the planet. Surprisingly, these frightening creatures feel comfortable both at relatively shallow depths, 60 meters from the surface, and at a depth of up to 2.5 kilometers. A big mouth can hardly be called a "baby" - its length often exceeds half a meter.

However, you shouldn't worry that this creepy eel will touch you with its serpentine body - encounters with it are extremely rare, since only deep-sea divers swim into the habitat of this species.

Dragon fish

The collective name of the species, in scientific circles called "stomia". At the moment, there are 290 known species of dragon fish, each of which boasts an impressive creepy appearance. For example, the Black Dragonfish can easily play an aquatic xenomorph (the horrible Aliens from the franchise of the same name).

Promotional video:

A terrible fish in a drawing of the mid-twentieth century
A terrible fish in a drawing of the mid-twentieth century

A terrible fish in a drawing of the mid-twentieth century

Stoimiums are found all over the world and their main feature is hard not to remember: a huge mouth, studded with needle-like teeth. The good news: despite the frightening fangs, the jaws of dragon fish cannot snap shut like a trap, so even those who like deep-sea swimming will hardly be able to get to such a monster for breakfast. The main weapon, teeth, are used by the predator to keep the prey while the mouth chews it thoroughly (a terrible and painful death in the spirit of Dante's Divine Comedy).

Many representatives of the species have bioluminescent organs, which make it possible to find an individual even in the absolute darkness of the sea depths. So it is unlikely that a dragon fish will be able to attack you unnoticed. Better to worry (if you still have such a chance to be at a depth) so that you have enough oxygen and you do not get hypothermia.

Angler fish

National Geographic, which gives viewers and readers the beauty and perfection of nature, calls anglers "the ugliest creatures in the world." One can only agree - the appearance of these creatures is really repulsive. In the anglerfish squad, there are more than 200 species of fish, which mainly live at a depth of up to two kilometers in the waters of the Atlantic and near Antarctica.

For many anglers, males and females differ in appearance, and in this case the females are much more spectacular and terrible. It is in females that you can observe a ridge with teeth and the famous luminous "fishing rod". As you know, anglers lure their prey into their huge toothy mouth with a luminous organ. Moreover, the mouth of the representatives of this order is so large that it can swallow up prey that is twice the size of the predator itself. Anglerfish usually reach a maximum of 30 cm in length, but some females can reach one meter from the tip of the tail to the intimidating mouth.

Male anglerfish are much smaller and rarely grow more than 5–6 centimeters. Such a difference in size should be a hindrance to the "usual" method of mating, therefore the "angler", as the representatives of the detachment are called differently, found his own, very original way: males bite out a piece of the female's skin and literally grow to this place forever (direct adherence to the oath "and until death do us part"). When the female lays eggs, the male releases seminal fluid.

Pike blend

These strange creatures live at depths of 3 to 70 meters off the California coast. Their favorite "home" is rocky crevices and silty deposits with industrial debris. Pike blend dogs rarely leave their habitat, so those who are "lucky" to see these creatures usually only see their head and jaws. However, this is quite enough to set a record in speed swimming: the huge expanding jaw of these aggressive fish is equipped with retractable fangs (in general, this resembles the vampires from the second part of the movie "Blade"). In addition, this predator does not see well and zealously defends its territory, therefore it attacks any living creature that it considers a violator of the boundaries of private property (often it turns out to be a person).

Caught "sweetheart", half a meter in size
Caught "sweetheart", half a meter in size

Caught "sweetheart", half a meter in size

Also, pike blend dogs have the most unusual way of fighting for territory. If an individual appears in other people's possessions, then the competition "whose mouth is larger" begins. It looks like a passionate kiss.

We should thank the higher powers that people do not solve the housing issue in the same way - then Mick Jagger would have captured the entire planet.

Stargazer fish

Surely you have acquaintances who do not like to swim in shallow water, because they are afraid to step on the inhabitants of the seabed. Such people clearly should not be told about stargazer fish.

At the moment, 51 species of these fish have been discovered. Their distinctive feature is their bulging eyes at the top of the head. Stargazers are known for burrowing in the sand and waiting for their prey without moving for hours. These hunters are so cunning that they resort to tricks and tricks. For example, some species deliberately muddy the water in order to disorient their prey and swallow them with lightning speed.

If you are not intimidated by the face staring at you from the seabed, then you will get additional reasons for concern: poisonous glands and thorns, with the help of which the astrologer can give a good shock (the power of the blow is about 50 volts).

The good news is that stargazers prefer deeper parts of the ocean than coral reefs or coastlines. However, sometimes they swim there too.

Mississippi carapace

There are only seven species of carapace known, the largest of which is the Mississippi carapace, or alligator carapace. This impressive fish with large scales can reach two meters in length and 150 kilograms in weight. A distinctive feature is a long and flat mouth, similar to the jaws of an alligator (hence the name) both in shape and in filling with many sharp teeth. Shellfish live in lakes and bays of Central and North America.

One of the largest individuals caught at the beginning of the last century
One of the largest individuals caught at the beginning of the last century

One of the largest individuals caught at the beginning of the last century

Although in appearance these creatures can be called creepy, there is not a single recorded case of an attack of shells on people. However, their caviar is extremely poisonous, so if someone offers you the delicacy “shellfish caviar” - feel free to refuse. You will be healthier.

Big barracuda

These lightning-fast predators are found everywhere in tropical waters. The weight of a barracuda can reach 45 kilograms, and its length can be up to one and a half meters. Let's add to the description two more rows of the sharpest teeth capable of tearing even a large victim to pieces. Not scary yet? Then know: a large barracuda can reach speeds of up to 56 kilometers per hour. By comparison, the fastest catcher, Michael Phelps, swims at a top speed of 7 kilometers per hour.

And do not be reassured by the fact that a large barracuda rarely attacks a person - it still happens. There are two officially confirmed deaths from attacks by these creatures: in 1947 and 1957. In 1960, the swimmer managed to avoid death, but doctors put 31 stitches on his wounds. There are many more tales about the aggression of barracudas, but there is no official confirmation of them, and even a large individual would rather go home than attack a peacefully swimming person.


Imagine a living rock covered with corals. This is exactly what the wart looks like, common throughout the Pacific Ocean (especially at the intersection with the Indian). Their size does not exceed half a meter, but even with such a length, they can cause fright by their mere appearance.

In addition, this fish is one of the most poisonous in the world. The poison is released from the thorns located on the ridge, so that often people become victims by negligence, standing on a wart while walking on the seabed of shallow water. The antidote was developed in 1959, so death is not even worth fearing. But unpleasant sensations are guaranteed: muscle spasms, wild pain and huge bruises will accompany the victim for several weeks. Some of the victims even asked to amputate their limbs to get rid of this pain. The words of one person who experienced all the discomfort of meeting a wart:

“Compared to these sensations, the pain of a bee sting is nothing. Imagine that your hand from the fingertips to the shoulder (if the poison got into the wrist) is beaten with a sledgehammer for an hour. Then you are hit on the kidneys and you cannot straighten up for a couple of hours. When I was stung by a beard, I was 20 years old, I was young and full of energy. Nevertheless, I felt the pain for several months. It’s scary to imagine how I would feel without the antidote.”

So look under your feet and better not touch any suspicious stones.

Big tiger fish

You can be sure that the combination of the words "big" and "brindle" does not work out of the blue, so you hardly want to meet this creature, even in calm backwaters. Tiger fish is found in several rivers in Africa. According to local residents, tiger fish are so brutal that they are not afraid of cracodiles. And sometimes it attacks them.

The largest specimen caught was one and a half meters high and weighed 70 kilograms. At the same time, scientists believe that more impressive individuals are found in nature. The tiger fish is a real killer. She has 36 scalpel-sharp teeth that can rip and shred in seconds. And if we add even incredible speed, keen eyesight and vibration-sensitive organs, then we have a natural-born predator (it is not surprising that even crocodiles are afraid of him).

In addition, tiger fish gather in flocks and are very reminiscent of movie piranhas, devouring any victim in a matter of moments. Fortunately, there are not many of these fish in African rivers, so there is no need to fear mass slaughter.

Among fishing legends there are rumors of bitten off limbs and disappeared swimmers, but none of these stories have found factual confirmation.

Geographic cone

Not a very villainous name for the creature also suits its appearance (quite pacific, as you can see from the video). However, on our list, the cone is the most dangerous creature. It lives in the Indian and Pacific Oceans and really looks like a ten centimeter cone with beautiful patterns. It is just a shell that hides an eerie and insidious creature.

These snails possess a whole arsenal of deadly means: sharp teeth, poison "cotoxin", considered one of the most powerful in the world - it instantly paralyzes the victim. Be careful, no antidote has been found yet. More than once there have been cases when a person who received a portion of the poison suffocated due to a spasm of the pectoral muscles.

The only way to help the victim is to maintain vital processes in the body until the poison leaves the body. It can take a couple of days, or it can take weeks. Therefore, dozens of people die from the bites of these creatures every year.

But there is a downside to the coin: the poison of geographic cones can be useful for making powerful pain relievers. According to scientists, it is 10,000 times more powerful than morphine and has no side effects. As the saying goes - "all the poison and all the medicine depends on the dosage."

Sometimes there is a strange joy that the ancient monsters still left the world of the living. So among this "freak show" there are no giant dragonflies, mega-pythons and other representatives of the ancient bestiary, in comparison with which our "handsome men" can be white and fluffy rabbits. However, the depths of the ocean still hold many secrets. I would like to believe that there will be no more horror films among them.

Author: Nikita Krasnoperov