"Bigfoot" Settled In The Suburbs - Alternative View

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"Bigfoot" Settled In The Suburbs - Alternative View
"Bigfoot" Settled In The Suburbs - Alternative View

Video: "Bigfoot" Settled In The Suburbs - Alternative View

Video: The Sasquatch of Jackson Farm 2024, September

A group of researchers from the International Center for Hominology has found evidence that Yeti live in the forests of the Klinsky, Serpukhovsky and Ramensky districts of the Moscow region. Anna Penkina, a correspondent for Podmoskovye Segodnya, studied the arguments of hominologists and independent scientists.


Valentina Titova, a mathematics teacher from one of the villages of the Ramensky District, was weeding cucumbers in her garden, when she suddenly heard a strange rustle near the barn where garden tools were kept. The woman straightened her back from the beds and was numb.

“A huge, hairy creature walked past me along the path with long, fur-covered arms raised up,” says the villager. - He saw me and stopped. For a few seconds, we looked into each other's eyes. And then he disappeared. Out of fear, I rushed out of the garden.

The teacher's daughter reported the incident to the International Center for Hominology, which studies hominids ("Bigfoot"). Its director Igor Burtsev is convinced that the teacher's story can be trusted.

“She was never inclined to anything mystical, and she had never even heard of the yeti,” explains Burtsev. - I asked her to depict on paper what she saw. It turned out to be a portrait of the classic "Bigfoot".

Burtsev does not see anything unusual in his appearance in the garden. Titova's house is located at the edge of a dense forest, where, most likely, an unknown creature lived.

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Igor Burtsev, Candidate of Historical Sciences, has been dealing with the yeti problem for nearly fifty years. Back in 1965, when Burtsev was working as an engineer in one of the Moscow design bureaus, he was called on an expedition to search for the "Bigfoot". What kind of animal, Burtsev, who at that time was 25 years old, had no idea, but he was young, hot, loved hiking and adventures, so he agreed without hesitation. A search party led by the legendary cryptozoologist, serpukhovichka Zhanna Kofman headed to Kabardino-Balkaria. There, in one of the lost mountain villages, the researchers managed to find a local resident, who, while collecting deadwood, stumbled upon a huge humanoid creature covered with thick wool in the forest. The frightened woman took him for the devil, but after listening to her story, Muscovites immediately understoodthat the Kabardian woman met a yeti. They managed to find in that thicket of incredible size traces of bare feet.

From Zhanna Kofman Burtsev then learned about the so-called "relict people" - ancient humanoid creatures who secretly live in woodlands and mountainous areas.

Shocked and immediately believed in the existence of the "Bigfoot", Igor Burtsev has since devoted his life to his search. He spent hundreds of expeditions to various parts of the world: geography - North America, Tibet, the Caucasus, Siberia.



“And five years ago, messages began to arrive from the Moscow region,” says Burtsev. - At first, we were skeptical, well, where did the yeti come from in our well-groomed forests? However, the facts proved otherwise.

One of the signals came from the Moscow musician Mikhail Zhuravlev. His father went fishing with friends in the vicinity of the village of Kopylovo, Klin district. The men were walking along the bank of a forest stream, when they suddenly heard a splash from behind, as if someone was walking on the water behind them. They looked around - no one. And on the water surface there are circles. The men felt a supernatural terror, ran to their jeep and drove away. And the next day Mikhail himself went there and found in that place traces of incredible foot sizes.

The hominologists who arrived in the Klinsky district made a plaster cast of the footprints, and also found unusual structures of branches and tree trunks in that forest. An outsider would not pay attention to them - just think, the wind knocked down the sticks. But researchers are confident that this is the work of the Yeti.

“The branches are not just dumped, but intertwined in a complex way,” explains Burtsev. - Naturally, they could not form such patterns. We assume that the "snow people" with the help of such structures are trying to influence the energy of their place of residence.

By the way, when Burtsev's group looked through the recordings from the video surveillance camera that they installed in the forest, they saw that at about four in the morning a silhouette appeared in their camp. According to the tape, he sat hunched over the wall of their tent for an hour.



One of the brightest testimonies was received from Domodedovo. A ninth-grader Boris Demin applied to the center. He and his friends went to the forest near the 52nd km station. In the thicket the boys came across a tall, shaggy creature with a massive low jaw. The children ran away in terror.

Burtsev's detachment arrived there with specialists from one of the energy information centers, who took their equipment with them.

“Through her, bioenergetics came into contact with the spirit of this place,” says Burtsev. - They sketched what they saw. It turned out to be a creature that looks like a Yeti, it transmitted some signs and symbols that we have not yet been able to decipher.

By the way, according to hominologists, if you walk in the woods holding a spear in your hands, the ability to contact the Yeti increases. It acts like an antenna.

“And in the Serpukhovsky district, a local resident Irina Stashkova found a“Bigfoot”nest on the bank of the Protva River,” continues Burtsev. “Bigfoot excrement was also found near him.



The same nest was recorded in the Sergiev Posad region, in a forest near the town of Khotkovo. One of the summer residents accidentally stumbled upon him - zoologist Nikolai Akoev, who was at that time a researcher at the V. V. N. Sukacheva.

“It was a structure like a hut, there was a litter of branches on the ground,” Akoev recalls. - I immediately realized that it could not be a home for homeless people, since it was clean around, not a single bottle or can.

Shortly before this event, in the vicinity of Khotkov, one of the residents, doing a morning jog, encountered a hairy monster at dawn. The description indicated that the Sergiev Posad region had been visited by the Yeti.

“There was a cornfield near his nest,” Akoev continues. - Apparently, the "Bigfoot" was eating young ears there.

From that moment on, the zoologist began to look everywhere for traces of the yeti's presence, since his "forest" profession provided all the opportunities for this. Scientists find these traces in the form of nests, structures and other artifacts in almost all districts of the Moscow region.

Where did the “relict people” come from in the Moscow region? According to cryptozoologists, they could have come from neighboring regions - Tver, Kaluga. And there - because of the Urals and Siberia. Yeti do not sit still.

So far, no one has managed to capture either a living "Bigfoot", or even his skeleton or skin. But every hominologist believes that sooner or later this will happen and luck will be on his side. In the meantime, the search continues.



Relict hominids are omnivorous. As eyewitnesses testify, yeti were caught digging up tubers, chewing leaves, gutting rodents and birds, fishing, picking apples. He also eats moss and lichen. But his main delicacy is mare's milk. The facts of an attack on a person have not yet been recorded.

Scientists advise to behave when meeting with a yeti in the same way as when meeting a bear. Do not run away or shout, visually increase your size - raise a backpack or a stone over your head, slowly disperse with it in different directions, keeping each other in sight. But don't look him in the eye!

In extreme cases, experts advise using a flare or hunter's signals, or a whistle, or a flashlight beam into the face of the animal. Shots can be fired with a rifle or a traumatic pistol, if available. But! You cannot shoot in the direction of the beast.



Representatives of the scientific community are skeptical about the phenomenon of "Bigfoot", but admit its existence. Russia is the only country in the world where, in the middle of the last century, searches for "relict people" were carried out at the highest state level, and the Academy of Sciences was even interested in them. Despite the fact that no tangible evidence of their existence could be found, many continue to be interested in this topic.

Supporters of the Bigfoot theory refer to the fact that he was described in his dissertation by the great Swedish naturalist Karl Linnaeus. He included the yeti in his classification of living things and named him Homo nocturnus (man of the night), apparently because of his elusiveness. Described him as "big, shaggy, strong."

The State Darwin Museum takes this topic seriously - exhibitions and seminars devoted to "relict people" are regularly held here.

“Yes, no one has proven that Bigfoot exists,” agrees Olga Gvozdeva, head of the ecology department of the State Darwin Museum. - But no one has proven otherwise.

As for the huge footprints that hominologists refer to as evidence, then, according to Stanislav Drobyshevsky, associate professor of the Department of Anthropology at the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University, they can also be left by bears or other large animals.

- And the evidence, - the assistant professor sighs. - Personally, people told me that they saw the yeti. But people also see both brownies and water.

According to Drobyshevsky, relict hominids, theoretically, could well live among us as another species of monkeys. And scientists would be happy to receive strong evidence of their existence in order to study and thereby greatly enrich science. There are many unknowns in the world, and the reality turns out to be much more interesting than myths.
