Elder Lavrenty Chernigovsky About The Last Times - Alternative View

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Elder Lavrenty Chernigovsky About The Last Times - Alternative View
Elder Lavrenty Chernigovsky About The Last Times - Alternative View

Video: Elder Lavrenty Chernigovsky About The Last Times - Alternative View

Video: Elder Lavrenty Chernigovsky About The Last Times - Alternative View
Video: TRACKTOR BOWLING - "Time" ("Время") 2008 2024, September

The abbess of the Domnitsa monastery with two cell attendants went to grandmother's father Lavrenty for tea. And at dinner he said to them: - You and I, mother abbess, will not live to see the Antichrist, but your cell attendants will live! This was in 1948. Both monks were born in 1923. Nun N.

I need to see

When Father Lavrenty sat down at the table to dine, then, expecting everyone, he said: “I don’t want to eat, but I need to see you all, and talk about what awaits you all. Then he himself cried and said: - If you knew what awaits people and what lies ahead for all of us! If you knew how people suffer in hell.

Yes, how it shies

Father Lavrenty said: - Do not be surprised when you hear that in churches who is praying how. As the psalters in golden hats say not to read the psalms, and then the clock, then the Lord will be patient, be patient, and how he shies away! The second coming is not far away! Recorded from the words of M.

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Remember this

“It was during my father’s lifetime,” I. M. recalled. about his conversation with Father Lavrenty. - We had great poverty, we could not recover after the war devastation. And I went to Elder Lawrence to ask for a blessing for secretly wearing a cassock, and he said to me: “Not everyone in the world will perish, and not everyone in the monastery will be saved! You understood? It's not time yet. I again began to ask for a monastery, because it is very difficult to save myself in the world, and father to me: - Monks and monastic schemas will be in seventh heaven, but if you only knew what awaits those virgins who live in the world! The Lord will tell those schema to give place to the secret ones who did not live in the monastery. And they will be much ahead of them! Did you understand that the secret ones will be higher than the monastery ones before God? You understood? - asked the elder. “I didn't understand anything,” was my answer. - Then at least remember this!- said the father.

If you live by love

One pious widow had a dream: I see, as if in the Trinity Monastery, Father Lavrenty of Chernigov with the nuns. There were many sisters, and the choir sings "Hail, Queen." And suddenly the old man rises into the air, and with him only a few nuns - seven or eight! I ran and asked him: - why so few nuns climbed up? But with these words, without receiving an answer, I woke up. When I came to Fr. Lawrence, he said: - As you dreamed, the way it is! If we lived by love, it would be all right, if someone has a piece of bread, this is to share with another who would pray for him. So, both would have alms, all would be saved! And here it is the other way around: - whoever has a piece of bread raises strong scandals. Therefore, little rises into the air, because there is no love! This is how my father explained the dream.

Few will be saved

The Reverend Father Lavrenty of Chernigov repeatedly repeated that souls go to hell, like people from a church on a holiday, and to heaven, like people on a weekday. Father often sat and cried: he pitied the people who were dying. - How many people are crammed in the heat, as if in a barrel of herring, - said Elder Lawrence. Children consoled him, and he answered through tears: - You do not see. And if they had seen, how pitiful! And lately hell will be filled with young men.

Wind on your mustache

And I tell you, and I am very sorry about this, that you will buy houses, kill time to clean large beautiful monastery premises. And you will not have enough time for prayer, although you took a vow of non-covetousness! It will not be difficult to be saved lately, but wisely. He who overcomes all temptations will be saved! He will be among the first. The former will be like lamps, and the latter will be like the sun. Others are prepared for you and the monastery. And you listen and keep your mouth shut! Thus, looking into the future with his sagacious mind, the Monk Elder Lawrence exhorted his many spiritual children.

Scary time

- Not long before the accession of the Antichrist, the closed churches will be renovated and equipped not only outside, but also inside. The domes of both temples and bell towers will be gilded, and when the main one is finished, the time will come for the reign of the Antichrist. Pray that the Lord will extend this time for us to strengthen: a terrible time awaits us. The repairs of churches will continue until the coronation of the Antichrist, and we will have unprecedented splendor,”said Elder Lavrenty of Chernigov. “Do you see how tricky it is to prepare? - the father continued with tears. - All churches will be in the greatest splendor, as never before, and it will not be possible to go to those churches, since the Bloodless Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will not be offered there. Understand: there will be churches, but an Orthodox Christian will not be able to attend them, since there will be all the "satanic gathering" (Apoc. 2: 9)! I repeat againthat it will not be possible to go to those churches: there will be no grace in them!

Reverend about the antichrist

- The Antichrist will be crowned as tsar in the magnificent restored temple in Jerusalem with the participation of the Russian clergy and the Patriarch. There will be free entry and exit from Jerusalem for every person, but then try not to travel, because everything will be done to "deceive" (Matthew 24:24)! He will be highly trained in all Satanic tricks and will give false signs. The whole world will hear and see him. He will “stamp” his people with the seal of Satan, he will hate Orthodox Russia,”said the Monk Elder Lavrenty of Chernigov about the future.

No need to be afraid

To one deacon, who is still alive now, but is already old, Father Lavrenty said bluntly: “You will live to see the Antichrist! Do not be afraid, but tell everyone that it is him, and there is no need to be afraid! There will be a war, and where it will take place, there will be no people! And before that, the Lord will send small illnesses to weak people and they will die, and under the Antichrist, death will no longer be. The third world war will no longer be for repentance, but for destruction. And the Lord will leave the strongest to meet with him.

The main "peacemaker"

The Reverend Elder Lavrenty of Chernigov often spoke about the antichrest: - The time will come when they will fight and fight and a world war will begin. And in the midst of it they will say: -Let's choose one king for the whole universe. And they will elect! Antichris will be elected as the world king and the main "peacemaker" on earth. You have to listen carefully, you have to be careful! As soon as they vote for one in the whole world, know that this is him and that you cannot vote.

All words are correct

Father Lavrenty, sitting in the choir, talked about the end times, about the end of this world, about the details of the accession of the Antichrist over the apostates … And the priests Nikifor, Gregory and Vasily Ganzin objected to Father Lawrence that he spoke about it in a different and different way. And he answered them: “Fathers and brothers, you don’t know one thing and don’t understand that I am speaking not only for Russia, but for the whole world! All my words about future events are correct, because the Holy Spirit revealed them to me by grace.

For a short time

Schiarchimandrite Theophanes narrated that Father Lavrenty said with a smile and joy: “The Russian people will repent of their mortal sins; that they allowed the Jewish impiety in Russia, did not protect the Anointed Tsar of God, the Orthodox churches and monasteries and all the Russian holy. They despised piety and loved demonic wickedness. But there will be a spiritual explosion! And Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will form a mighty kingdom. He will be nourished by the Orthodox Tsar of God, the Anointed One. Thanks to him, all schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia. There will be no persecution of the Orthodox Church. The Lord will have mercy on Holy Russia for the fact that there was already a terrible pre-Antichrist time in it.

Even the Antichrist himself will be afraid of the Russian Orthodox Tsar-Autocrat. And all other countries, except for Russia and the Slavic lands, will be under the rule of the Antichrist and will experience all the terrible torments written in the Holy Scriptures. In Russia there will be a prosperity of faith and exultation, but only for a short time, for the Terrible Judge will come to judge the living and the dead.

About the face of antichrist in a holy place

- Blessed and tribal is the person who does not wish and therefore will not see the godless face of the Antichrist. Whoever sees him and hears his blasphemous speech with the promise of all earthly blessings, they will be deceived and will go to meet him with worship. And together with him they will perish for eternal life, they will burn in eternal fire! We asked the monk: "How will this be?" And he answered us with tears: - In the holy place there will be an abomination of desolation and show the wicked seducers of the world who will deceive people who have departed from God and will perform false miracles. And after them the Antichrist will appear! The whole world will see it once. To the question: "Where in a holy place, in a church?" The Monk Lawrence said: - not in the church, but at our home! There used to be a table with holy icons in the corner, but then there will be seductive devices * for seducing people. Many who have deviated from the Truth will say: -We need to watch and listen to the news. The Antichrist will appear on the news and they will accept him.

Source: Excerpts from the article "The Reverend Elder" ("Eternal Life" newspaper, May 1996)