Nikola Tesla's Mathematical Spiral - Alternative View

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Nikola Tesla's Mathematical Spiral - Alternative View
Nikola Tesla's Mathematical Spiral - Alternative View

Video: Nikola Tesla's Mathematical Spiral - Alternative View

Video: Nikola Tesla's Mathematical Spiral - Alternative View
Video: The Mathematics of our Universe 2024, July

A couple of years ago, in 2014, new series of drawings by Nikola Tesla were discovered. One of them shows an unusual "Multiplication Card" with a simple explanation. The drawings were found by the artist Abe Zukka in one of the antique shops in the central part of Phoenix in Arizona. According to experts, these images were created by Tesla in the last years of the Free Energy Laboratory, in Wardencliff.

Presumably, the manuscript contains many solutions to mathematical questions that have so far remained unanswered. The sketches were found in a small suitcase among notes and drawings describing various technological devices operating on the principle of free energy. Several works have already become available to the general public, but some have not yet been disclosed. Zukka made several copies and distributed them to his acquaintances.

The Multiplication Card (Math Spiral) was deciphered by Joey Grether, who teaches mathematics at a local high school. After several days of studying the diagram, he managed to unravel the meaning of Nikola Tesla's drawing. The Spiral depicts Multiplication as a web in which everything is intertwined. According to Joey Tesla "offers an accessible visual explanation of how numbers self-organize in 12 positions of compatibility."

This figure allows us to look at numbers in a new way. Each number in the process of multiplication moves in its own special geometric pattern: 3 draws a square, 4 - a triangle, and 5 - a star, etc. The diagram itself is intuitive: it is based on a spiral divided into 12 positions, which allows you to clearly understand the principle of interaction between numbers. 12 or 12x (multiples of 12) is the most complex system, which is probably why there are 12 months in a year, 24 hours a day. 12 can be divided by 2, 3, 4, and 6. This is also true for all multiples of 12. Among every 12 numbers, there are 4 indivisible numbers. They take their places (imagine a clock face) 5, 7, 11 and 1.


The Magic of Numbers by Nikola Tesla

In one of his famous quotes, Tesla says: "If you knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6 and 9, you would have found the key to the Universe." The meaning of this phrase begins to become clear while working with the Mathematical Spiral: the digital roots of numbers at points 3, 6, 9 and 12 constantly repeat their sequence! Perhaps Tesla was talking about this? About self-organization of numbers and their digital roots? It's hard to say, but Joy Greser makes exactly that conclusion. “This is a phenomenal breakthrough. If we could only bring this technique to all students around the world, let them play with this system, explain its essence and teach it, we would overcome our aversion to mathematics. Instead of cramming the multiplication table, we could simply study the positions of the numbers and better understand how they work."

Promotional video:

Another interesting fact about the Tesla spiral: the drawing is dated 12.12.12 (1912).

Translating a table


Map (Spiral) Multiplication

3 is multiplied within the system like a perfect square. It moves through positions 3, 6, 9 and 12. All multiples of 3 are in these positions.

2 and 10 act as "doubles", alternating between the doubled positions of indivisible numbers after them and through. Use a pattern of about 2

4 multiplies by itself inside the spiral as an equilateral triangle. It moves through positions 4, 8 and 12. All numbers that are multiples of 4 are assigned to these positions.

6 is multiplied in the system in a straight line, moving up and down between positions 6 and 12.

5 - the first indivisible number, moves counterclockwise, forward and backward with a tilt, drawing a star

7 is the second indivisible number. It moves like a mirror image of the 5, hitting each opposite position, moves clockwise. COMPLEX AND INDIVIDUAL

1 or 13 - upper right indivisible position, moves like a mirror image of 11, moving along a cascade to the right and back in a circle.

11 - upper left indivisible position. It cascades to the left and returns in a circle through the entire system.

Exceptions at indivisible positions occur if odd positions interact. The first exception is 25 to the indivisible position, when 5 is multiplied by itself or squared. The second exception is the interaction of 5 and 7, or 11 and 13. They all fall into position 1 in the square power. All even primes on side 6 or 12 add up to a multiple of 12.