How To Attract Money Thought - Alternative View

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How To Attract Money Thought - Alternative View
How To Attract Money Thought - Alternative View

Video: How To Attract Money Thought - Alternative View

Video: How To Attract Money Thought - Alternative View
Video: How To Think And Attract Wealth (MUST WATCH) 2024, September

Poverty is about feeling poor

Ralph Waldo Emerson

What are your feelings about money? Most of them say they love money, but if they don't have enough money, their feelings about money are pretty negative. When a person has as much money as he needs, he, of course, treats them positively. It turns out that the amount of money is an indicator of your attitude towards them. If you don't have everything you need, you will not be positive about money.

If you look at the world situation, you will see that most people have a negative attitude towards money, because most of the world's money and other wealth is concentrated in the hands of less than 10% of the population. The only difference between rich people and everyone else is that wealthy people tend to have more positive feelings about money than negative ones. Yes, it's that simple!

Why are so many people negative about money? The reason is not that they never had money. Many wealthy people started from scratch with an empty wallet. The reason for negative attitudes towards money lies in the negative perception of money. Such ideas penetrate into the subconscious of a person since childhood. Here they are: “We cannot afford it. Money is evil. The rich are all crooks. The desire for money is a bad and spiritless desire. To have a lot of money, you have to work hard and hard."

As children, we simply absorb what parents, teachers and society tell us. Without realizing it, a person grows up with a negative attitude towards money. Think how ironic: you were told that wanting money is bad, but at the same time they said that you need to earn your living, even if it meant a job that you do not like at all. Maybe you were even told that earning a living is possible only in a certain profession (“In our family, everyone was…”).

All this is not true. The people who instilled such ideas in you are not to blame. They told you what they believed in themselves, and because they believed in it, the Law of Attraction created life for them in accordance with their ideas. But now you know that life works in a completely different way! If you don't have enough money, it means that your negative thoughts about money prevail over positive ones.

When you realize that there is no lack of anything in the world, the whole world belongs to you.

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Lao Tzu

"Sticky" property of the power of love

I lived in a family with a modest income, and although my parents always lived within their means and did not build plans for sudden enrichment, even this modest income was given to them at the cost of considerable effort. It's no surprise that I grew up with the same negative views of money that the vast majority of people have. Over time, I realized that in order to change my living conditions, I needed to change my feelings about money. Moreover, for the money to start not only coming, but also "sticking" to me, I had to absolutely change myself.

I noticed that rich people do not just attract money to themselves, but make them "stick" to themselves. If you take all the money in the world and divide it equally among all, then soon the money will again concentrate in the hands of the same few percent. Why? Because the law of attraction follows love, and these few percent of people are positive about money and attract them to themselves. The power of love moves all the world's money and wealth, and the movement is subject to the named law.

This is an eternal and fundamental principle, inherent in everything, manifested in every philosophical direction, in every religion and in every science. It is impossible to evade the law of love.

Charles Enel

You can see the Law of Attraction at work when people win the lottery. They clearly imagine and with all their heart vividly feel that they will win. They say, “When I win”, not “If I win”; they make colorful plans of what to do when they win. And they win! But the statistics of the winners clearly show whether money is attracted to these people or not. For several years after winning, most of the lucky ones manage to spend everything and get into even more debt than they had before winning.

This happens because such people use the law of attraction to win the lottery, but even receiving money does not change their attitude towards money, and in the end they lose everything. Money does not "stick" to them!

When you are negative about money, you push it away. They will never be attracted to you. Even if you receive a certain amount that you did not expect to receive, this money will soon flow through your fingers. Larger accounts will come to you, something will break or various unforeseen circumstances will appear, and life will take the entire amount from you.

Then what makes money to be attracted to certain people? Love! Love is a force that attracts money, and it also makes them "stick"! The power of love does not care whether you are a good person or a bad person. This aspect is not taken into account at all, because there are many more amazing properties in you than you can realize.

To attract money, to make it stick to you, you need to give it love and positive feelings. If you now have no money and your credit card debt is growing, money is not attracted to you at all. On the contrary, you push them away.

It doesn't matter what financial situation you are in right now. It doesn't matter the state of your business, your country and the whole world. There is no such thing as a “hopeless situation”. There were people who thrived during the Great Depression because they knew the law of love and the law of attraction. They lived according to this law, imagining and feeling what they wanted, and overcame the circumstances.

May our life be good, then the time will be good. We ourselves create our times: as we are, such is the time.

Blessed Augustine of Hippo

The power of love can crush any obstacle, change any situation. The problems of the whole world are not a hindrance to the power of love. The Law of Attraction works the same during periods of prosperity and periods of decline.

Love has a limitless number of ways to give you what you want

Money is a tool that enables you to have what you like and do what you like. When you think about the various things and activities that you can afford with money, you feel more love and joy than just thinking about money. Imagine spending time with your loved ones, doing what you love, using your favorite things, and you will feel much more love than when your power of thought, your feelings are focused solely on the sums of money.

The attraction power of love has an unlimited number of ways to give you what you want, and only one of them involves money. Don't be fooled into thinking that money is the only way you can get something. This is limited thinking, it will put limits in your life too!

My sister brought in a new car due to a rather adventurous set of circumstances. She was driving to work and was caught in a flash flood. The streams of water forced her car to stop. Although the level of the rising water was not dangerously high, the rescue worker forced my sister out of the car. The sister laughed loudly as she was carried to "safety." The episode even made it onto the evening TV news. Meanwhile, the water seriously damaged the sister's abandoned car, and two weeks later the insurance company paid her a large sum. So she was able to buy herself the car she dreamed of.

But I have not yet told you the most amazing part of this story. Then my sister was engaged in alteration of the interior of her house, and she had no money for a new car. She could not imagine that soon she would buy a new car. Do you know how she was able to pull him to her? Sincerely, to tears, delighted for our other sister, who bought a new car a little earlier. You see, my sister was happy for the other as if she had acquired a new car herself. Naturally, the law of attraction created a "coincidence" that allowed her to become the owner of a new car! This is the power of love.

Until you get what you want, you do not know how it will come to you, but the power of love knows. Therefore, one must sincerely believe and not interfere with her. Imagine what you want, feel the joy within you, and the power of attraction of love will find the best delivery method. Our human minds are limited, but the mind of love has no boundaries. Its paths are beyond our understanding. Don't limit your life thinking that money is the only way to get what you want.

You don't have to make money as your only goal; goal is who you want to become, what you want to do, and what you want to have. If you want to buy a new home, imagine it and feel how joyful it is to live in it. If you want to have nice clothes, home appliances or cars, if you want to go to college, move to another country, etc. - imagine it all! There are countless ways in which your dreams can come true.

The ruling power of love

There is one rule about money: you can't put money ahead of love. If you do this, you will break the law of attraction, and you yourself will suffer the consequences. Love should be the ruling force in your life. Nothing can ever be put above love. Money is only a tool that you can use.

By radiating love, you will receive money. But if you put money ahead of love in your life, you will get a whole bunch of unpleasant consequences. If you express your love for money, and you are rude and disregard for the people around you, do not think that this way you can get rich. This behavior will negatively affect your relationships, health, happiness and, of course, finances.

If you demand love, try to understand that the only way to receive love is to give it to others. The more love you give, the more you will receive. And the only way to give love is to be filled to the brim with it yourself, until you become a magnet.

Charles Enel

Each of you is destined from birth to have as much money as you need for a fulfilling life. You were not born to suffer from a lack of money, because suffering only adds negative energy to the world. The beauty of life lies in the fact that once you put love first, all the money you need comes naturally.

How to change feelings about money

When you change the mindset of your feelings about money, the amount of money in your life will also change. The more positive your feelings about money, the more you can attract money to yourself.

If you don't have enough money, bills don't make you feel good at all. But at a time when you get annoyed at the sight of large bills, you send negative emotions into the world and next time you will almost certainly receive bills for an even larger amount. What you give is what you receive - Like attracts like. The moment is very important here: when you pay bills, find any way to make your feelings positive. Never give money away at a time when you are upset, depressed or annoyed about something, because by doing so you run the risk of attracting larger accounts to yourself.

To change your feelings, you need to use your imagination to turn bills into something that can make you feel better. For example, imagine that these are not bills at all - you simply voluntarily wanted to donate money to several companies or people and did it out of the kindness of your soul, as a token of gratitude for the excellent work or service, etc. After paying the bill, you can write on the spine of the receipt: “Thank you - paid."

If you don't have the money to pay the bill right now, write across the notice, "Thank you for the money." The Law of Attraction does not distinguish whether these are imaginary feelings or you are actually giving thanks for the money received (the feeling must be sincere). He responds to what you have sent out into the world. Always, no exceptions.

You are not rewarded for your work, not for the time spent, but in the measure of your love.

Saint Catherine of Siena

When you receive a salary, thank for it, because your gratitude multiplies money! For the most part, people are not even happy when they receive money - they are very worried about the thought that after plugging the financial "holes" they will have nothing left again. Such people miss out on an amazing opportunity to express their love when receiving money. When money comes to you, be grateful, no matter how modest the amount! Remember, everything you give thanks for multiplies. Gratitude is a great multiplier!

Grab every opportunity to play

When you have money in your hands, use any moment to increase their amount with the help of kind feelings. When you pay for something, feel love! Feel love when you give money. Feel it with all your heart, and imagine that your money is a significant help to the company on whose account you are paying and the people who work there.

As a rule, when you pay your bills, you feel a sense of regret - because after paying the bill, you have less money left. What I am suggesting here will change your feelings to positive ones. The difference between your feelings about giving back money is the difference between having abundance of money and the constant struggle to survive.

I offer you a game. She can help you keep your positive feelings about money in mind. Play every time you need to pay for something. Imagine a dollar bill. Let its front side be positive, personifying abundance of money, and the back side - negative, the side of a lack of money.

When you pay for something, serve bills with their faces facing you. Fold the bills in your wallet with the right side facing you. I repeat: when giving money, be sure to try to keep it face up. Then money becomes a reminder to you to maintain positive feelings about the abundance of money.

If you are using a credit card, turn it over to the side of your name. The front of the card tells you the abundance of money and certifies it with your name!

When paying with cash or giving a credit card, imagine the person you are paying has an abundance of money and sincerely wish him or her that abundance. Everything that you give to the world will definitely come back to you!

Imagine that you are already rich. Imagine that you already have as much money as you need. How could your life change? Think about everything you would like to do with enough money. How will you feel at the same time? Naturally, our feelings and sensations will change.

Probably, you will move in a different way, speak in a different way. Your posture and gestures will also change. You will react differently to everything. Your attitude to incoming invoices will also change. The other will be your reaction to people, circumstances, events, and in general to your whole life. Why? Because you will feel differently!

You will be more confident. You will keep your peace of mind. You will be happy. You will be much easier to relate to everything. You will enjoy every day and not worry about what will happen tomorrow. Do you want to feel this way? This is the feeling of love for money, and it will attract money, making it "stick" to you!

Immerse yourself in the feeling of a fulfilled desire, imagining those feelings that would overwhelm you if the desire had already been fulfilled, and then the desired will become reality.

Neville Goddard

Say yes to money

Don't forget to rejoice whenever you hear about someone's wealth or success; this means you are on the same frequency! You receive confirmation that you have tuned in to a good frequency, and therefore rejoice at the news as if it happened to you, because everything depends on your reaction to it. If you are happy and enthusiastic about the wealth and success of another person, you are saying yes to your own wealth and success. If the news upsets you, if you envy that it did not happen to you, your negative feelings say no to your money and success.

If you hear that someone has won the lottery, that a company has made record profits, be truly happy for them. Once you've heard about this, it means that you are on the same frequency and your positive feelings about the lucky winner of a prize or a successful company say "yes" to your success!

It doesn't matter how much we give; what matters is how much love we put into our giving.

Mother Teresa

R. Berne