How To Attract Money - Alternative View

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How To Attract Money - Alternative View
How To Attract Money - Alternative View

Video: How To Attract Money - Alternative View

Video: How To Attract Money - Alternative View

"Everything that human consciousness is capable of imagining, it is capable of receiving."

W. Clement Stone

Attract wealth

People do not get as much money as they want for one simple reason: they impede the flow of money with their thoughts. Any negative thought, feeling, or emotion gets in the way of all good things, including money, from finding you. This does not mean that the Universe is hiding them from you, since all the money that you need is invisibly existing already now.

If you don't have enough funds, this is because you yourself are blocking the flow of money to you. You do it with your thoughts. You need to change the balance of your thoughts from lack to abundance. You should think more about wealth than about lack of money, and the scales will swing in that direction.

If you need money and you constantly think about need, this is a very powerful feeling - and of course, according to the law of attraction, you will continue to attract the need for money to you.

I can talk about money from my own experience. Shortly before I discovered the Secret of Raising Money, accountants told me that my company was suffering big losses and would go bankrupt in three months. After 9 years of hard work, the company was ready to slip out of my hands. And because I desperately needed money to save my business, things got worse. It seemed there was no way out.

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Then I learned The Secret of Attracting Money, and everything in my life - including the state of my company - absolutely changed because I was able to change my mindset. While my accountants continued to tinker with numbers and think only about them, I focused my thoughts on well-being and wealth - and everything went well.

I knew with every fiber of my being that the Universe would provide me with enough money, and she accomplished this on a scale I could not even imagine. I had moments of doubts, but when they came, I immediately translated my thoughts to the income I wanted to receive. I thanked for it, I felt the joy of receiving it, and I believed!

I want to explain the Secret to you. The shortest path to what you want to achieve in life is to BE and FEEL happy now! This is the fastest way to get money and whatever else you need. Focus on radiating waves of joy and happiness into the Universe. By doing this, you will attract even more of what brings joy and happiness - not only wealth and material well-being, but everything you want.

To get what you want, you need to send a signal. As you radiate happiness and joy, they will return to you as images and experiences in your life. The Law of Attraction reflects and reveals your innermost thoughts and feelings, and they become your life.

Jack Canfield

My father was extremely negative, he believed that the rich people robbed everyone else, that everyone who had money would deceive someone. So I grew up with a lot of prejudices about money: money spoils people, a good person cannot be rich, money does not grow on trees. My father's favorite saying was: "Do you think I'm Rockefeller?" So I grew up absolutely convinced that life is hard. Only when I met W. Clement Stone did I begin to change my views.

When I was working with Stone, he said:

- I want you to set a very big goal for yourself. Such that upon reaching it, you were stunned and knew: everything worked out only because I taught you how to do it.

At the time, I was making about $ 8,000 a year, so I immediately said:

- I want to receive $ 100,000 a year.

I had no idea how this could be done. I had no strategy, no opportunity, but I said to myself, "I declared it, I decided to believe it, and I will act as if it has already happened." So I did.

Here's one of the tricks that Clement Stone taught me: close your eyes every day, pretending that the goal has already been achieved. I drew a hundred thousand dollar bill and hung it on the ceiling. This bill was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes with a chime, and it reminded me of my intention. Then I closed my eyes and visualized the $ 100,000 a year lifestyle and myself living that way. Curiously, nothing special happened for about 30 days. I didn't have any amazing ideas, no one offered me a lot of money.

Four weeks later, I had an idea for $ 100,000. It just came to my mind. I had a book already written, and suddenly I thought, "If I can sell 400,000 copies of my book at 25 cents apiece, that will be exactly $ 100,000." The book was written a long time ago, but this kind of idea has never occurred to me. (One of the secrets is that when an inspired thought comes to you, you need to believe it and act on it.)

I had absolutely no idea how to sell 400,000 copies of the book. But then I saw the National Inquirer magazine in the supermarket. I saw him a million times, but he merged with the general background - and then suddenly jumped into the foreground. The thought came to me: "If the readers of this magazine find out about my book, then, of course, there will be 400,000 people who will want to buy it."

About six weeks later, I gave a lecture at Hunter College in New York to 600 teachers. After the lecture, a woman came up to me and said:

- It was a wonderful lecture. I want to interview you. This is my business card.

As it turned out, she was a freelance journalist who wrote for the National Inquirer. The Realm of the Supernatural theme played in my head: "Wow, this thing really works!" The article came out and sales of the book soared.

I want to point out that I attracted these various circumstances into my life, including meeting with a journalist. In short, I didn't make $ 100,000 that year - we only got $ 92,327. You think we got depressed and started saying:

- This does not work? Not. We said:

- It's amazing!

My wife suggested:

- If it works for $ 100,000, maybe it works for a million!

And I answered:

“I don’t know, but I think so. Let's try.

My publisher wrote me a fee for our first book, Medicine for the Soul. He added a smiling face to his signature because it was the first million dollar check he had ever written in his life.

Does the secret of raising money really work? I wanted to check this and was convinced from my own experience: yes, it certainly works.

This secret and the law of attraction can be applied to anything in your life. The Creation process is the same for everything you want to create - and in the case of raising money, there is no difference.

To attract money, you need to focus on wealth. You cannot bring more money into your life if you are constantly worried about the lack of it: because you think that you have little money. Focus on the lack of money - and you mentally create more circumstances when there is not enough money. You need to think about wealth in order for it to come to you.

You need to send a new signal with your thoughts, and these thoughts should say that you have enough money right now. You need to turn to your imagination and believe that you already have the money you need. This is such an exciting activity! You will notice that when you begin to imagine that you have a lot of money, you immediately start feeling better, and because your mood rises, money flows into your life like a river.

Focus on prosperity

Joe Vitale

I know what many people think: “How can I attract more money into my life? How can I attract more wealth and prosperity? How can I, who love my job, deal with credit card debt? And what about the understanding that for me there is a certain income limit, because how do I get paid for my work? How can I start earning more? Make it your intention!

Your task is to choose what you want to receive from the catalog of the Universe. If one of your desires is money, tell me how much you want to have. “I want $ 15,000, unexpected income over the next 30 days,” or whatever you want. It should be convincing to yourself.

If to this day you thought your only source of money was work, stop thinking so immediately. Do you already guess that while you think so, this should be your experience? Thinking like that won't help you.

Now you come to the understanding that wealth and abundance are possible for you and it is not your business to determine “how” money will come to you. Your job is to ask, believe that you are already getting what you want, and feel happy now. Leave the Universe all the trouble of delivering your money.

Bob Proctor

The goal of many people is to get out of debt. This goal will keep you in debt throughout your life. What you think about will attract you to yourself. You say:

“But I'm thinking about how to get out of debt!

It doesn't matter whether you are trying to get out of them or get deeper - while you think about debt, you will attract them. Sign up for an automatic debt repayment program and focus on raising money.

If you have a bunch of bills and you have no idea how to pay them, you shouldn't focus on them, because this will attract more bills. You need to find a way to help you focus all your thoughts on wealth, despite the bills. You need to find a way to feel good in order to start attracting more good things.

James Ray

So many times I've heard from people:

- I would like to double my income next year.

However, if you look at their actions, then they do nothing to achieve their goal. And the next moment they say:

“Oh, I can't afford it.

Guess what's next? "Your desire is the law for me."

If the words “I can't afford it,” still escaped your lips, it is in your power to change that now. Replace them with others: “I can afford it! I can buy it! Repeat them over and over.

For the next 30 days, make it your intention that you are going to look at whatever you like and say, “I can afford it. I can buy it. " When you see your dream car, say, "I can afford it." When you look at clothes that you like, when you think of a great vacation, say, "I can afford it."

If you start doing this, you will begin to change yourself and feel better monetarily. You will begin to make sure that you can really afford all of these things, and the picture of your life will change.

Lisa Nichols

If you focus on lack and need, on the fact that you do not have something, if you discuss it with your family or friends, if you tell the children that you do not have enough money: “We have no money for this, we do not we can afford this,”- you can never afford it, because this is how you attract the lack of desired things. If you want to live well, if you want prosperity, focus on attracting money. Focus on prosperity.

“The spiritual substance from which all visible wealth comes will never be depleted. She is always with you and answers your faith in her and your requirements for her."

Charles Fillmore

Now you know the secret of attracting money, and when you meet a rich person, you will know that his dominant thoughts are about wealth, not about need. Such people attract money to themselves, knowingly or unknowingly. They focus on the thought of wealth, and the universe sets in motion people, circumstances, and events to give them wealth.

The wealth that they have is with you. The only difference between you is this: the rich think in such a way that they attract money to themselves. Bashe wealth awaits you in the invisible field of Creation. To get it in reality, you have to think about wealth!

Loral Langemeier

I grew up in the belief that "money comes through hard work," but changed it to something else: "money comes easily and regularly." It sounds like a lie at first, right? Part of your mind will object, "No, you're lying, it's not easy at all."

It turns out something like a small tennis match: the ball of your thoughts will fly back and forth for some time.

If you think that you need to work hard and hard to get money, immediately put these thoughts out of your head. Thinking in this way, you radiate this frequency and get the corresponding pictures of your life. Take Loral Langemeier's advice and tell yourself this: "Money comes easily and regularly."

About 80% of the trainings that I do are work with human psychology and the way of thinking. And many clients tell me:

“Oh, you can do that, but I can't.

But each person has the ability to change their internal relationships and interactions with money.

“The good news is that once you decide that new knowledge is more important than what you've been taught to believe, you shift gears in your race to wealth. Success comes from within, not from the outside."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

You need to create a positive attitude towards money in order to attract more money to you. It is quite understandable that a person who lacks funds does not feel much joy about his financial situation. However, it is these negative feelings that prevent money from being attracted to you! You need to break the vicious circle: start enjoying money and feeling grateful for what you have. Start to speak and feel:

- I have plenty of money.

- I have a lot of money, and they themselves flock to me.

- I am a money magnet.

- I love money, and money loves me.

- I get money every day.

- Thank you thank you thank you!

Give money to get it

Giving is a powerful action. It brings more money into your life, because when you give, you are like saying, "I have a lot of them." You are unlikely to be very surprised to learn that the richest people in the world are the greatest philanthropists. They give large sums of money, and then the Universe - according to the law of attraction - opens up, and even more cash flows back to them!

If you think, “I don’t have enough money to give” … Here it is: now you know why you do not have enough money! When you think you don’t have enough funds to give, simply start giving. You will demonstrate consistency in giving, and the law of attraction will enable you to give even more.

There is a big difference between giving and giving. Giving from the bottom of your heart fills you with wonderful feelings. The victim is not. Do not confuse these two things, they are diametrically opposite. One gives a “not enough” signal, and the other gives a “enough” signal. One attracts joy, the other vice versa. Sacrifice breeds despondency and anger. Giving from the bottom of your heart is one of the most joyous things you can do, and the Law of Attraction will pick up on this signal and bring more good things into your life. Feel the difference.

David Schirmer

As for wealth, this is a mental attitude, a state of mind. It's all about how you think.

James Ray

I have found that many people who make huge amounts of money are not satisfied with their personal lives. And this is not well-being. You can pursue money and get rich, but this does not guarantee you gaining well-being. I am not saying that money is not part of well-being - of course, it is part of it. Only a part.

I also meet many “spiritually enriched” people who are sick and poor all the time. It also doesn't feel like well-being. Life should be prosperous in all respects.

If you were raised to believe that wealth is not spiritual, I recommend the books from the Biblical Millionaires series by Catherine Ponder. These magnificent books will show you that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and Jesus were not only teachers of prosperity, but also millionaires and lived in a way that many modern millionaires never dreamed of.

You are the heir to the kingdom. Wealth is given to you by birthright, and you hold in your hands the key to well-being far more than you can imagine - in any area of life. You deserve everything you want to have, and the Universe will give it to you, but you need to call upon what you want to yourself. Now you know the Secret of attracting money. The key is in your hands. The key is your thoughts and feelings, and you have held it in your hands throughout this life.

Marcy Shimoff

Many people in Western culture strive for success, raising money. They want to have a big house, a thriving business, numerous external trappings. But upon closer examination, we may find that the possession of such things does not at all guarantee what we are striving for - happiness. We chase external things, believing that they will bring us happiness, but this is the wrong way. The first step is to find inner joy, inner peace, inner vision, and outer things will appear on their own.

All your desires come true through inner work! The outside world is a world of effects; it is only the result of your thoughts. Tune your thoughts to the frequency of happiness. Spread the feeling of happiness and joy around you, radiate them into the Universe with all your might, and you will in fact find heaven on earth.

Remember the Secret

• To attract money, you need to focus on wealth. You can't attract more money into your life if you worry about the lack of it all the time.

• It is helpful to use your imagination and pretend you already have as much money as you want. Play wealth and you will learn to feel good financially; and when you are in a positive mood, more money will come into your life.

• Feeling happy right now is the most effective way to attract money into your life.

• Make it a habit to look at whatever you like and say to yourself, “I can afford it. I can buy it. Change your mindset and your financial feelings will improve.

• Give money to attract more into your life. When you are generous, feel good, and share money, it’s like saying, "I have a lot of them."

• Visualize receipts in the mail.

• Shift the balance of your thoughts towards attracting money. Think about wealth.

R. Berne