How Confidence Will Change You - Alternative View

How Confidence Will Change You - Alternative View
How Confidence Will Change You - Alternative View

Video: How Confidence Will Change You - Alternative View

Video: How Confidence Will Change You - Alternative View
Video: How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure 2024, September

Nothing will help you achieve the desired result in any field of activity like self-confidence. Your main enemy is the one who is trying to deprive you of faith in your own strengths and abilities, confidence that you can achieve any goal that you have clearly formulated and set for yourself. When your confidence collapses, you have nowhere to draw strength to carry out your plans and overcome obstacles - the level of your achievements will never exceed the level of your faith in yourself.

The wonders of civilization were created by men and women who possessed tremendous faith in themselves and in their ability to achieve their goals. There is no such law that would give you the opportunity to succeed in any business if you do not expect it, do not demand it, do not assume it. The cornerstone of any undertaking is firm, unbreakable faith, otherwise it is; will never happen. There is very little space for chance and fortune in our world. Everything should have not just a reason, but a rather important reason - as significant as the desired result should be important and significant.

The flow of water cannot rise higher than the mouth of the river. No matter how talented people are, no matter how wonderful and complete their education is, they will never reach a level higher than their own confidence in what they are capable of. Great success must be based on serious reasons - great faith and a firm conviction that it can and should be achieved.

Those who think that they can - can, those who think otherwise - no. This is an immutable law of life.

And it doesn't matter what others think about you, your plans and goals. Let them call you a dreamer in the clouds - you yourself must believe in yourself. You betray yourself whenever you let your faith shake. Don't let people or events cause such a betrayal.

You can lose - your property, health, reputation, even the faith of other people in you, but there will always be a ray of hope for you - as long as you can maintain faith in yourself. If you never lose it and continue to move on, the world will sooner or later make way for you.

Once a soldier of Napoleon's army was in such a hurry to deliver the dispatch to Napoleon himself in time that his horse collapsed dead on the way to the camp. Despite this, he continued on his way and managed to run. Napoleon, dictating the answer, handed it over to a messenger and ordered him to take his own horse and deliver the dispatch as quickly as possible. The soldier looked at the magnificent horse with an expensive harness and said: "No, General, this is too luxurious for a common soldier." To which Napoleon replied: "There is nothing too luxurious for a French soldier."

The world is full of people who, like this poor soldier, think that what others have is beyond their reach; that they did not deserve the same benefits as those who are "more fortunate."

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They cannot understand that they themselves are depriving themselves of the best prospects for the future by such an attitude towards themselves and towards their lives. They don't demand enough, they don't want enough and, as a result, get nothing.

You will never become a giant if you treat yourself like a pygmy. There is no law that would allow someone who considers himself a dwarf to become a giant. The statue is an exact replica of the model. A model is how we see ourselves from the inside.

Most people are brought up with the idea that life will not pamper them; that everything good and beautiful in this world is the lot of a few, those few who are lucky enough to be born rich, beautiful or talented.

They grow up and mature, feeling their inferiority, and will remain so until they themselves demand from themselves and from fate their legal right to a happy and joyful existence. A lot of people who could do a large number of wonderful, significant actions, do nothing, live an average, gray life, because they dare not demand more of themselves.

They can't figure out how to make the most of their capabilities.

There is only one reason why humanity cannot even half approach its divine destiny; one reason we see countless talented people doing gray, mundane jobs. All this is due to the fact that people do not devote themselves and their souls and half of the time that they should have.

We cannot fully realize to what extent we are able and should control our lives. We do not even think that in reality we are responsible for every choice made, for every step, and everything that happens to us is only the consequences of these choices and steps.

“If we treat ourselves like a piece of dirt,” said Marie Corelli, “then those who walk up the mud will treat us like that to a better future.”

Constant thoughts that you are worse than others, that you are not so talented or successful that you are of no use, will only lower your standard of living and paralyze all your abilities.

It all depends on what role we have chosen and how we play it. If you have the ambition to do great things, you must set a program for yourself and do everything to complete it to the end.

People who have respect for themselves always have an amazing aura of strength and confidence around them, because they believe in their victory. Something about their appearance and demeanor is decisive in the battle, and sometimes it is won before they have time to make the first attack. Obstacles themselves crumble in front of those who are decisive and full of strength - at the same time, they instantly grow out of the ground in front of those who do not love themselves and treat themselves with contempt.

Those who boldly rely on their own strengths, look at life optimistically and perceive their work as a guarantee of success and prosperity, attract good luck into their lives. They literally embody the Bible's promise: “To each will be rewarded according to his faith.” - Matt. 25:29.

Set a task for yourself, and let it become an incentive for you to constant, persistent progress. Remember that you can achieve it if you just focus on your desire to achieve a result and believe that nothing can hinder you on your way to the goal. Confidence in victory is already half the battle. A firm belief that success is your right, which was given to you at birth, which no one can take from you, will give you the strength to overcome all obstacles in your path and will not allow fear and uncertainty to interfere in your life.

The reason so many people fail is because they don't invest fully in their business, wanting to win at any cost. They lack the ability to go forward without looking back, burning bridges behind them. There is a difference between the person who seeks to hedge and does not put all his eggs in one basket, and the one who directs all his strength, all his will to achieve the desired, higher, more significant goal. This is the fundamental difference between the life principles of mediocrity and outstanding personalities.

If you have doubts about your ability to do what you decide; if you think others are doing better than you; if you are afraid to allow yourself to take risks and take any chance that presents itself; if you lack courage; if you are notorious and shy; if words with negative connotations prevail in your vocabulary; if you think that you lack positive motivation, initiative, healthy aggression, talent - you will never succeed in any business until you change your attitude towards yourself and learn to believe in your capabilities.

All great things in this world started small - with an idea, a dream, a striving forward. And often such thoughts were hatched in moments of despair, when not a single ray of light pierced through the darkness. But this desire to get out into the world grew and nurtured courage and determination, forcing them to make efforts, sacrifice themselves to their cause - while what was only an idea did not find its real embodiment. "To each according to his faith."

Our faith is the best measure of all that we receive from life. A person whose faith is weak receives little; the one who believes with all his soul gets much.

The intensity of your belief in yourself and in what you can do directly correlates with how successful your actions will be.

It is a mistake to believe that those who have achieved great success, fame and wealth in their lives are the darlings of fate. We often look at the success of these people from any point of view other than the correct one. The root of their success lies in the fact that from the very beginning of their active business life, they kept in their head the thought that they would win, reach the heights they deserve, and cope with all the difficulties.

Not only must we believe in success, but we must believe in it with all our hearts.

Those people whose minds are firmly aimed at victory do not just achieve success, they themselves are its embodiment.

A passive, indifferent to everything position in life has not yet led anyone to the top of this world. Our hopes and aspirations should have passion and stubbornness. It is necessary to give an outlet to that energy, which is the driving creative principle and can subjugate any circumstances.

Just as the heat in a forge melts iron, making it soft in order to give it the necessary shape, just as a laser can cut a diamond - the hardest substance known to science, so faith, concentrated and aimed exactly at the goal, overcomes everything on the path to success.

We underestimate ourselves and our abilities by treating ourselves badly.

There is a huge difference between those people who think that "maybe" they will be able to do something or "they will try", and those who know exactly what they are capable of; who feels within himself a vibrating force, a power capable of crushing all obstacles.

This difference between confidence and uncertainty, doubt and decisiveness, between those who follow the lead of others and those who make decisions, between "I will try" and "I can", between "I will try" and "I will do" - this at first glance, a slight difference in reality is the very chasm between a passive life position and the desire to actively influence your life and the world around you.

Belief in oneself walks along the tops of the mountains, following the highest call of the soul. For those who believe, their eyes are opened to what remains invisible to everyone else. This is not selfishness. This is knowledge, and it comes with the help of conscious work on oneself.

The wonders of faith are amazing!

It was faith and determination that gave Christopher Columbus the strength to ensure that, despite all the resistance of the government and the Inquisition, still make his journey possible. Even when his sailors rebelled, and he was alone against everyone on a small boat in the middle of an unknown sea, only faith in his righteousness did not let him fall into despair and made him stubbornly write in his diary every day: "Today we continue to head west." …

It was faith in oneself that became the force that brought amazing discoveries, inventions, and works of art into this world.

There is no such difficulty or difficulty that would hinder people more than the absence of this faith. They are constrained by their own complexes, a stupid belief that they are not capable of anything, and there is no such force in this world that could help a person do what he does not believe in or what he considers impossible. Believe in yourself, and the light of your faith will show you the way even in the darkest and darkest times.

The most difficult thing for us mortals is to believe in your greatness, in the significance of our desires, actions and decisions that we make. We must realize this, take responsibility for our future life, and try to ensure that all our even the most ordinary and everyday aspirations are associated with those higher ideals and goals that we must set ourselves and to which all our actions will be subordinated. The level of the desired result is nothing more than an indication of what you really deserve, that you have enough strength to achieve it and go further.

All that you want and what you achieve with determination and perseverance is given to you because you have already created this reality in your imagination; because there is something inside you that will attract this event, object or person to you. What belongs to you will be yours because it itself seeks the opportunity to reunite with its owner.

Whenever you meet people who have been successful throughout their lives, tell yourself that they achieved it with the power of their minds. The energy of their will and desire made everything possible that they only dreamed of.

Faith opens that magic door, passing through which we suddenly begin to see all those endless possibilities that stretch before us. Behind this door lies an inexhaustible source of strength, and all that is required of us is simply to take a step and cross the threshold in order to feel a touch with eternity, with true power, with the real greatness of this world and man as a divine being.

Vera always knows our future better than we do, because she has access to information that is not yet visible to us. She sees all the possibilities that our doubts and fears hide from us. Faith does not feel fear or uncertainty, because she always knows the way out of any situation.

Faith is never wrong, because she has magical powers. She looks far beyond obstacles, penetrates through difficulties and limitations, striving for the final goal and clearly seeing it.

Believe in yourself with all your might. Believe that the keys to your happiness and success are in yourself, and that you just need to awaken this powerful, life-giving force - and you can not only become a worthy person, but also get everything that you once did not even dare to dream about …

Orison Souet Marden