It's your own body, you want to know everything about it, right? After all, this is why medical encyclopedias exist, so that you can make up for the lack of information? However, there are some medical details and diseases, having learned about which, you decide that you could well do without this information.
Almost every fluid in your body is made up of blood to some degree. Your tears, milk, sweat are all blood.
They can be small and pale, and sometimes look like simple freckles to a non-professional look. However, some types of melanomas are the most lethal of all cancers. Check your health.
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Note: especially relevant for Australian residents.
Stomach acid
If the cells in your stomach walls weren't constantly regenerating, you would be digesting yourself.
Demodex, or eye mite
These mites live in the eyelashes of most adults and feed on dead skin cells.
Concussion serd tsa
It can happen if you get hit in the chest at a certain point at a certain point in time. Such a shock causes the heart to be delayed (interrupts the heart rate). So yes, you can die from a blow to the chest.
Note: This is most often the case with young men playing sports.
Human microflora
A huge number of microorganisms live inside the human body. It has long been thought that the number of microbes is ten times the number of cells, but recent studies have shown that the ratio is approximately equal.
Thanks to the action of this enzyme, your cells become immortal, but it practically ceases to be produced after birth. Cancer cells can reactivate its production to become immortal.
If you're unlucky, your brain may have proteins that are not structured properly. Under their influence, other proteins can also change their structure, and then you will die (after you go mad).
Dangerous triangular area on the face
Due to the special nature of the blood supply to the human nose and the surrounding area, retrograde infections from the nasal region can spread to the brain.
In simple terms: in theory, popping a pimple on your nose can kill you.
Our body produces about two liters of saliva per day.
There are more bacteria and other microorganisms in your body than there are people on the planet.
Childbirth after death
This happens if the gases inside a dead pregnant woman push the fetus out (of course, also dead).
Cancer cells
Your body is producing cancer cells every minute. However, their appearance does not lead to cancer because your immune system destroys them.
Your eye is not recognized by your body as its own organ. In other words, if there was no barrier protecting the eye from the immune system, your white blood cells would attack it. Scientifically speaking, your eye has immune privileges.
Reflex of Lazarus
The Lazarus reflex is observed in recently deceased people. When the brain is already dead, and some organs and nerves are still supplied with oxygen. The dead man can raise his arms and fold them over his chest, like an Egyptian mummy.
Aneurysm, or vasodilation
Can kill you out of the blue within seconds. Even if you are young and healthy.
Internal decapitation
Also known as orthopedic decapitation. The skull is calibrated from the spine, but everything else remains intact. Causes immediate death in 70% of cases.
The only way to smell any kind of smell is that the molecules of this object must come into contact with the inner surface of your nose. That is, yes, your worst fears are confirmed.
This is what the first feces of a newborn baby consist of - hairs, cilia, skin cells, etc. swallowed while inside the uterus.
Transplanted kidney
During a transplant, a non-functioning kidney is usually not removed, and as a result, you actually have three kidneys.
Dermoid cyst
A cyst containing hair, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands. Sometimes it can also contain teeth, eyes and other parts of the body.