Killing Eyes - Alternative View

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Killing Eyes - Alternative View
Killing Eyes - Alternative View

Video: Killing Eyes - Alternative View

Video: Killing Eyes - Alternative View
Video: DEATHLOOP – Official Gameplay Walkthrough 2024, July

A forty-year-old resident of Bratsk, Irina Tsaturova, says that as a child, she was afraid of her grandmother Avdotya Ivanovna, a domineering black-eyed Cossack woman, who lived in a small village of Irsa near Irkutsk, until her knees trembled.

The reason for the children's fears was Avdotya Ivanovna's strange look - cold and sharp, as if piercing through and through, reading the most secret thoughts. Irina's grandmother at that time had already been a widow for 20 years, and rumors circulated in the village that the cause of her husband's death was the "bad" look of an old Cossack woman.

Avdotya Ivanovna's neighbors hid chickens and other animals from her dangerous eyes, they remembered how, allegedly, several years ago, having quarreled with her friend, Irina's grandmother looked at the duck brood that was walking in her yard so that by the evening most of the fluffy lumps died …

When Irina was 13 years old, Avdotya Ivanovna died. On this occasion, the all-knowing fellow villagers said that she was the one who "looked after" herself, because an elderly woman often sat for a long time in front of an old mirror, combing her lush hair …

He will stop the galloping horse …

Having chosen over time the profession of a psychologist, Irina closely took up the phenomenon of the human gaze and even managed to collect a lot of interesting material on this topic. In particular, she found out that the long tradition of blindfolding people sentenced to death before execution appeared precisely because of the fear that the suicide bomber, being in a state of passion, would harm the executioner with his full of hatred.

The Tibetan monks perfectly mastered the technique of physical impact on a person with the help of a glance. They could also move objects without touching them, stop people or animals on the run, and even cause fire.

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Dangerous Citizen

In pre-Christian times in Egyptian Alexandria, there was a special caste of hired killers who could take a person's life only by the power of their eyes.

In this regard, the chronicles of the 1880s of the Sicilian city of Messina seem to be quite interesting, in which a certain gentleman is mentioned who instilled fear in the inhabitants of this town. The peculiarity of the man was that with his gaze he killed fellow citizens who had become something objectionable to him. As the chronicle tells, once this gentleman, having entered the store, gazed into the mirror at his reflection. And a few minutes later he was struck by a stroke of apoplexy.

Mysterious rays

Since ancient times, philosophers and sages believed that the eyes of every person emit some invisible rays. The Roman historian Suetonius at the beginning of the 2nd century AD vividly described the sunshine that emanated from the eyes of the emperors Augustus and Tiberius. In the case of Prince Vladimir of Kiev, a similar effect was noticed by ancient Russian chroniclers, which appeared after his historical baptism. A special radiance of the eyes was attributed to many Orthodox saints, who by the power of their gaze were able to drive out demons and heal ailments …

According to esotericists and followers of the Agni Yoga doctrine (a religious and philosophical doctrine that unites the Western occult and theosophical tradition and the esotericism of the East), from the moment the material world emerged, a particle of the original fire is stored in every living being.

Depending on the spiritual aspirations of a person, she is able to direct him to high and noble deeds or burn him in the flame of base passions and desires. For this reason, the radiation from the eyes of some individuals has a pronounced negative character, leading to the evil eye widely known among the people. Caligula and Ivan the Terrible, Paul I and Hitler, Lenin and Stalin had a bewitching, heavy look, which made many people uncomfortable.

Death of the scandalous "elder"

According to the testimony of many eyewitnesses, it was difficult to withstand the gaze of Grigory Rasputin - the notorious "elder", the favorite of the family of Emperor Nicholas II, whose eyes were hypnotized, plunged into confusion and awe.


According to the recollections of Prince Felix Yusupov, when on the night of December 29-30, 1916, the conspirators who took part in the murder of Rasputin were already dragging his lifeless body to the embankment of the Moika River, the "holy elder" suddenly opened his eyes, and followed by a flash of blood-red the light for a few moments blinded his executioners. Some of them became ill. Felix Yusupov, who came to his senses first, fired a revolver at the revived deceased.

Energy information paradoxes

In 1923, the Soviet scientist, researcher in the field of biological radio communications Bernard Kazhinsky put forward a hypothesis that the human eye not only sees, but is also capable of emitting electromagnetic waves of a special frequency into space.

Already in the middle of the 20th century, American physiologists tried to prove that if a person's eyes, fixing elementary particles - photons, are able to see the world around them, then perhaps they themselves can emit these particles, which the ancient sages called simply "rays".

The simplest device is known, consisting of a thin metal spiral suspended on a silk thread, above which a magnetic needle is attached. During the experiment, a person stares intently into the middle of the spiral for several minutes, and then slowly turns his head to the side. Following the changing angle of view … the spiral also begins to turn, which convincingly proves the presence of some kind of radiation emitted by the human organs of vision.

Dilated pupils

In 1989, scientists from one of the institutes of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences conducted an experiment unusual for the national science of that time. Its purpose was to test the paranormal abilities of the famous Siberian healer Anna Semyonovna Lokhatkina in those years. In particular, Lokhatkina suggested using the force of her gaze to influence the laser beam passing through the hollow cylinder. A few minutes after the start of the experiment, the space in the cylinder was filled with a gray haze, and soon the laser beam … disappeared! At that very moment, the device that monitored the condition of the healer's eyes recorded the effect of a short-term expansion of her pupils to the maximum size …

Secret techniques

After several years of research and study of documentary materials, psychologist Irina Tsaturova came to the conclusion that it is the pupil that gives the human gaze a special, almost magical power. Even in a weak or sick individual, in moments of danger or emotional stress, the pupils dilate, indicating a short-term release of a large amount of reserve energy.

The fact that the pupils of the eyes serve as the main channel for the transmission of energy has long been known to magicians and sorcerers, who perfectly mastered the techniques of hypnosis and the evil eye.

A person's gaze is capable of not only making a certain impression on other people. As one of the universal means of communication, it can have both a beneficial effect and cause terrible, irreparable harm.

Sergey VORON

"Secrets of the XX century" July 2012