Thinking Correctly And Being Happy - Alternative View

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Thinking Correctly And Being Happy - Alternative View
Thinking Correctly And Being Happy - Alternative View

Video: Thinking Correctly And Being Happy - Alternative View

Video: Thinking Correctly And Being Happy - Alternative View
Video: Katy Perry - Cry About It Later (The Smile Video Series) 2024, October

What we think and say every day is literally embodied in our life. But one has only to abandon negative attitudes, thoughts and phrases, replace them with new, positive ones, and everything will change. This will help the practice of working with affirmations.

You may not know what affirmations are, but you probably remember the classic of Soviet cinema "The Most Charming and Attractive". The heroine of Irina Muravyova constantly repeated the magic phrase that became the title of the film, thanks to which she hoped to increase self-esteem and finally get married. The words “men like me terribly” repeated by the clumsy girl involuntarily bring a smile. But notice, this movie has a happy ending.


Perhaps the only thing that makes us different from animals is the ability to speak. With the help of words we express feelings, emotions, and at the same time a kind or, conversely, a careless word can heal or hurt. It turns out that the connection between speech and the psyche is two-way - it is on this principle that the practice of working with affirmations is built.

In essence, an affirmation is a complete thought expressed in a concise form. It is intended to replace the negative attitudes that each of us have in abundance with productive and positive ones.

We do not even notice how we use destructive statements literally at every step. “What a nightmare”, “Wow!”, “My eyes wouldn't see it”, “I don't have the strength to endure it anymore” - familiar phrases? Without thinking, we say them every day, and then we wonder why everything in life goes awry. And if you remember the numerous parasite words, and then ponder their meaning, you can find the root of many problems, including health and material well-being.

Frequently spoken phrases or thoughts that are constantly spinning in the head put certain filters of perception in the mind. For example, if you opened a window in the morning and exclaimed: "Nasty weather", then on the way to work you will pay attention to muddy puddles that cannot be avoided, cold wind and frozen hands.

But if you thought: "What a funny rain!", Then you will notice the unusual color of the clouds through which the sun's rays make their way, and the leaves of the trees, frightened by the falling drops …

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The influence of psychological filters is much stronger than it might seem at first glance. Surely many will remember how after buying a new car or a mobile phone it seemed that everyone around was driving a car of the same brand or using the same phones. The same principle applies to relationships. Sincerely believing that we are a scoundrel, we will never be able to discern anything positive in the interlocutor.

No wonder they say: "As you name the boat - so it will float." According to the law of similarity, what we pay attention to is attracted to us. We will focus on the fact that children are disobedient - they will finally get out of hand, focus on financial problems, repeating “there is no money” - there will be none … Our consciousness can be figuratively compared to a door to an open world: the wider we have courage to open it, the more interesting things and events will enter our life through it.

The presence and emotional coloring of psychological filters depend largely on the already established worldview. But if you feel like you would like to live differently - more confident, happier, and more relaxed - practicing affirmations is exactly what you need.


Each person has their own personal philosophy. It includes beliefs, principles, attitudes towards others, towards yourself and towards your role in life. It is on this part of the personality that affirmations affect. But how exactly does this happen?

The connection between brain, body and lifestyle is a proven scientific fact. Moreover, recent studies demonstrate that we think with the whole body … Part of the complex communication system in the human body are cellular receptors, about a million per cell. In the 1970s, American neuroscientist Candice Perth proved their existence. Receptors and ligands (small molecules that bind to receptors) are the main elements of the intercellular language, with the help of which all systems of the body communicate.

The main chemical type of ligands are peptides produced by the hypothalamus. Moreover, the structure of the produced peptides depends on the emotions and thoughts of a person. The peptides produced are carried by the bloodstream throughout the body to enter cells and instantly produce "changes in behavior, physical activity and even mood," as Dr. Perth writes in his book Molecules of Emotion.

Moreover, by acting on receptors, peptides affect, among other things, the processes of division and the formation of new cells. As a result, the daughter cell will not be an exact copy of the mother cell - it will have more receptors of the type that led to the division process.

In other words, a cell that has received more peptides produced by melancholy or anger will produce a cell that is more susceptible to precisely these conditions. A vicious circle arises: we ourselves accustom our body to negative emotions, we literally fall into physical dependence on them. And the body, accordingly, begins to behave in such a way as to plunge into "favorite states" as often as possible.

The situation can only be changed by the transformation of personal philosophy, that is, a conscious striving for positive thoughts, feelings and emotions. It may not be easy at first, because both the body and the brain are used to living differently. Let's say you decide to practice the affirmation “I attract money like a magnet,” and your brain starts arguing, “Yes? And who couldn't buy a new refrigerator last month?

Or, for example, you say: "I communicate easily and freely with men," and the body shrinks and strains in fear. The body needs to be given time to readjust, because the cells are renewed gradually. And even if you managed to stay in a relaxed and happy state for at least a few seconds, this already contributes to the creation of cells with a large number of receptors that are sensitive to peptides of positive emotions.

At this difficult stage, you can try to apply the technique of afformations - asking positive questions that will make the brain search for answers on its own and not argue with you. This technique was invented by Noah St. John, Ph. D., and it consists in getting the brain to tune in to positive on its own. For example, asking, “Why am I so happy? Why am I so loved? Why am I always in a good mood? " It is better to ask yourself these seemingly naive questions than to constantly ask "Why is everyone around you so cruel?" and "Why am I failing?"


Once you understand the connection between the brain and the body, you can move on to more serious work with affirmations. After all, senseless repetition of a learned phrase will not lead to a result. A positive formula should penetrate the brain, body and soul, evoking a lively, sincere response.

Therefore, it is so important to choose not the affirmation that seems most correct at the moment, but which you want. It is easy to make mistakes when drafting wording, so it is better to use ready-made phrases. Psychologist and writer Louise Hay has become one of the recognized masters of affirmation writing. Her books are still bestsellers in many countries. There are a lot of positive statements on the Internet. Over time, having worked with the ready-made options, you yourself will come up with your own personal affirmation.

So, you have chosen the statement you like the most. And then start playing like you did when you portrayed a doctor or an army soldier as a child. Try to imagine, even for a minute, that you are already rich, happy and have lost 15 extra pounds. If this succeeds, then some changes will certainly begin to occur in the body: lightness may appear or, conversely, strength and calmness. Listen to new sensations. This triggers physiological and emotional processes that change personal philosophy; new behavioral programs are launched that will work to achieve the desired.

Sometimes, in response to pronouncing certain phrases, the body can protest. If you track where tension arises, you can understand what is hindering the achievement of the goal: resentment, fear or doubt? To make it easier for the body to perceive new states, it is good to practice affirmations at a time when you can relax. And it's best that nothing distracts you during these moments. At first, it will be enough to plunge into a positive state for a short while at least several times a day. These emotional outbursts, like signal lights, will gradually tune the body to the state you need.

The first results of the practice of affirmations can be seen within a month. What at first seemed like self-deception to you will become a new way of communicating with the world and the people around you. Our mind is a powerful force that you need to learn to direct in the right direction. Many famous and successful people understood this - in particular, Henry Ford once said: "Whether you believe that you can achieve anything, or that it is impossible to achieve anything, you are still right!" So there is always a choice.

Rules for composing affirmations

1. Begin a sentence with the words "I + the verb in the present tense." This is the most powerful combination that the subconscious mind perceives as a guide to action.

2. Add to the verb the adverbs "always", "confidently", "firmly", "constantly", "now" * They will give the imaginary action a character of activity and continuity. Compare: "I wake up on time for work" and "I am always on time and easily wake up at the alarm."

3. The affirmation should sound concise and beautiful, be easy to pronounce both aloud and to oneself.

4. Avoid denials "not", "never". The subconscious mind does not know the word "no", so the phrase "I am not poor" is imprinted inside as "I am poor."

5. Include in the text at least one word that denotes your state or emotion that you would experience if you achieved your goal. For example: “I enjoy getting behind the wheel of my new car and feel the feeling of flying from driving.”

Anika SOKOLSKAYA, psychic, bioenergy therapist

Affirmations do not work when the person has no inner agreement about the phrases being spoken. This can be determined by the feeling of discomfort in the body, the elimination of attention, the appearance of various distractions during the practice. If this happens, then there is a certain psychological block that will not allow you to bring what you want into life. For example, a person wants to get rich.

But from childhood, his parents told him that he could not earn much honestly. And, naturally, he does not want to break the law. As long as the family’s initial belief does not change, no amount of money-raising affirmations will help. Therefore, from the very beginning, it is necessary to analyze your beliefs and identify those that will hinder the achievement of the goal.

Article author: Julia Sheina
