Prophetic Dreams - Alternative View

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Prophetic Dreams - Alternative View
Prophetic Dreams - Alternative View

Video: Prophetic Dreams - Alternative View

Video: Prophetic Dreams - Alternative View
Video: Afraid of Prophetic Dreams 2024, October

Humanity has accumulated a huge amount of evidence that prophetic dreams exist. Even notorious skeptics admit the existence of dreams in which the veil of the future is slightly opened, but they are looking for a materialistic explanation; they say, the brain has accumulated information and in a dream drew conclusions from the information that it had …


Yes, that is how the discovery of the benzene ring formula can be explained; the scientist conducted his research for a long time and in a dream he saw the result of his long reflections. But how to explain dreams in which we see events in the life of loved ones, which are then confirmed. Or even events that are completely unrelated to us, such as the sinking of the Titanic or a war in another state, a catastrophe, a fire, a volcanic eruption … All these cases are described, confirmed by eyewitness accounts, but official science still evades explaining the phenomenon.

At one time, the scientist Camille Flammarion suffered while trying to collect evidence of premonitions and prophetic dreams. He published an ad in the newspaper asking him to write to him about dreams that have come true. During the week, the scientist received eight thousand letters from readers; it was a hundred years ago. People wrote about amazing dreams. The result of the venture was sad: colleagues expelled Flammarion from the Academy of Sciences: there is nothing to breed mysticism! This is unworthy of a scientist!


The topic of prophetic dreams is still outside the field of vision of official science; only a few conscientious researchers gather evidence and seek an explanation for it. Among them is Professor Vadim Semenovich Rotenberg, who also heard many accusations of "mysticism". And he sadly remarked: the phenomenon of a prophetic dream or foreboding is like a shooting star. We see this moment with our own eyes, we observe it! But we cannot share our experience; the star has disappeared, gone out …

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Back in the Soviet years, Leningrad State University professor Leonid Leonidovich Vasiliev collected evidence of prophetic dreams and foresight. And, oddly enough, scientific authority and achievements allowed him to even publish a book about it - in a tiny print run, for a select few readers, but the book was published! Vasiliev called it "Parapsychology" because official psychology did not study prophetic dreams. The book contains stories of eyewitnesses, supported by testimony. So, a young man during the Civil War saw in a dream his beloved girl who lived in another city. And she told him: "Borya, no dust, no decay!" The young man told his neighbors about the strange dream. And he asked them to confirm his story in writing; he felt and understood that it was an unusual dream, an important message … The mail then worked very badly. But after a while Boris received a letter from the relatives of his beloved girlfriend. She died; she was wounded by an accidental bullet. And her last words were addressed to a loved one. They were exactly the ones that he heard: "Boria, no dust, no decay!" She spoke of the immortality of the soul. And the prophetic dream confirmed this; since souls can communicate with each other without means of earthly communication, it means that they can live according to other laws than the physical body!


The prophetic dream of the mother of the Decembrist Ryleev is known. The woman recorded this dream in every detail and detail; although later the "materialists" tried to accuse her of lying, of fantasy … The little son fell ill with a dangerous disease and was on the verge of death. The mother began to fervently pray for his healing. And in the dream she was given a choice; she was "shown" in the smallest detail the further fate of the grown boy. They showed him a gruesome execution by hanging. And they asked the woman: what would she choose for her child - an angelic death at a sinless age, in the arms of a loving mother, or would she choose a shameful execution in a noose? Mother could not choose death. She chose life. And who will blame her for this ?! But then everything happened exactly as in a terrible dream …

Vadim Semenovich Rotenberg also writes about simpler, everyday dreams that came true with amazing accuracy. An honest scientist cannot ignore such things and must record them, seek an explanation, leave them in the annals of science, at least as valuable eyewitness accounts! One man dreamed that a maniac with a knife attacked him in the courtyard of a house and killed him. He woke up and, under a painful impression, told the dream to his wife. The next morning the man went to take out the trash; he was attacked by a mentally ill man and killed him exactly as in a dream. There is a lot of such evidence, but their inexplicability makes scientists more often turn away from the phenomenon. This is how the inquisitor turned away from the telescope when Copernicus suggested looking at the planets and making sure: the Earth revolves around the Sun! Look! The inquisitor replied that he would not watch, and that was all. It's easier to turn away and not see, isn't it?


Once a university professor told me: people with negative influences, with neuroses acquired as a result of the persecution of enemies and ill-wishers, with destructive programs in the subconscious (what the people call "corruption"), tell the same dreams. Someone bites them in a dream: huge disgusting insects, angry dogs, cats, snakes … But there is always a bite motive, an attack of an evil entity. When I asked why he would not write about these facts in his research, the elderly professor sadly replied: "What are we going to count?" Exactly. Science requires numbers, formulas, graphs and charts. What formula can dreams be represented? After all, these are just images, either fantastic, or generated by the brain … Who will prove the truth of dreams, the presence of negative interventions, who will precisely establish the number of dreams that have come true? However,some scientists still tried and are trying to solve the riddle of prophetic dreams. At least collect material about dreams, write down the testimonies of "dreamers", find the stories of great people about dreams that have come true. So, the dream of Abraham Lincoln entered the story, in which he saw his own coffin in the White House, himself in the coffin, and heard that it was the president who was buried, who had fallen by the hands of an assassin. Lincoln was killed the next day. But there is more bizarre, surprising evidence that Carl Gustav Jung has collected. He analyzed over 30,000 dreams. And he scrupulously wrote down his dreams. Jung discovered an amazing thing: in times of danger and global catastrophe, people begin to see the same warning dreams. Jung himself constantly had a terrible dream; he walks on bloody land, among terrible trees, in the darkest and most frightening environment. Blood appears under my feet … The dream was extremely heavy; he tormented the psychologist so much that Jung even decided to consult a colleague and undergo a personal psychoanalysis. He tried to understand the meaning and essence of the terrible images that came to him in a dream. But then the Second World War began. And all the horrors came true. This was not Jung's "personal dream"; it turned out that on the eve of the war, a huge number of people saw such dreams. But everyone took them personally, of course; did not suspect the existence of a collective unconscious, a common information field, to which receptive and sensitive people are "connected". But then the Second World War began. And all the horrors came true. This was not Jung's "personal dream"; it turned out that on the eve of the war, a huge number of people saw such dreams. But everyone took them personally, of course; did not suspect the existence of a collective unconscious, a common information field, to which receptive and sensitive people are "connected". But then the Second World War began. And all the horrors came true. This was not Jung's "personal dream"; it turned out that on the eve of the war, a huge number of people saw such dreams. But everyone took them personally, of course; did not suspect the existence of a collective unconscious, a common information field, to which receptive and sensitive people are "connected".

Jung came to the conclusion that there are prophetic dreams “for everyone,” for a community of people, for a group of “synchronized personalities,” and these are especially important dreams. They contain essential information and a warning; but so far people do not know how to use such a source. More precisely, science does not see the possibility of making prophetic dreams a subject of research. But let's hope that scientists will eventually stop behaving like the visiting inquisitor to Copernicus.

Psychologist Anna Kiryanova