On The Importance Of Visualization For The Journey Of Consciousness - Alternative View

On The Importance Of Visualization For The Journey Of Consciousness - Alternative View
On The Importance Of Visualization For The Journey Of Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: On The Importance Of Visualization For The Journey Of Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: On The Importance Of Visualization For The Journey Of Consciousness - Alternative View
Video: Происхождение сознания – Как бессознательное стало сознательным 2024, October

The famous American psychologist and hypnotherapist, author of world bestsellers Michael Newton, having been helping his patients to solve health problems for many years with the help of a hypnotic journey into the past, suddenly discovered that such a journey of consciousness is not limited to the framework of one life. His clients, immersed in hypnosis, in search of the causes of their diseases, found them, including in previous lives. And often these reasons lay in the circumstances of their death in one of their past lives.

These journeys of consciousness into the past are very similar to shamanic journeys into other realities and the key to them is special altered states of consciousness. Achieving such states is possible not only with the help of hypnosis, but also with other techniques. At the same time, visualization practices play an important role for their implementation. Here is what he writes about them in his book Life Between Lives:

“In addition to deepening hypnosis, my visualization exercises are associated with symbols in the Ericksonian sense and are also designed to facilitate the transition to the etheric layer of the spirit world. I have been practicing the Ericksonian method for a long time, but it seems to me that the more formal and authoritarian methods of ginosis during an FMJ session work more effectively. Although I prefer a metaphorical, non-directive approach to visualization. I will reconcile my stories with the personality, interests, habits and emotional level of the patients to convey the information they need. I do not always succeed in this, but I still prefer to work with images that express peace, tranquility and relief from anxiety, which is very suitable for an FMF session. Here are two quick examples.

Imagine that you are flying out of this room, climbing higher and heading towards the distant mountains. You float freely among the soft, warm air. White fluffy clouds are floating by you, the weather is clear and wonderful. You are completely weightless. You approach the mountain peaks without any conditions, the mountains seem to be advancing on you. Here you fly over one ridge, then descend a little. There is a magnificent meadow in the valley below you. You descend lower and lower until you notice that the meadow is surrounded by tall majestic trees. The meadow is a sacred, secluded place. You are already above the meadow and slowly begin to fly around the trees from the outside in search of a path that leads to the center of this magical place.

I develop the story further, asking the patient to find a way, and he moves forward, drawn by an unknown force. After we make our way to the meadow (this is a metaphor for penetrating the spirit world), I introduce other symbols. For example, the golden rays of the sun, which cover the patient with a shield of warm light and protect him (safety). I draw his attention to bright colors, smells of flowers, singing birds (the magic of affecting various senses).

You can try to put a person on the beach, where he will find himself in the middle of endless warm sand, symbolizing eternal tranquility, with seagulls over his head (a symbol of freedom) and waves crushing the sand (cleanliness and pleasant sounds). If a person likes water, I can introduce a lake of clean water into the painting, symbolizing purification. The use of time in the created painting indicates infinity. Here's an example of a similar visualization.

Get away from everything; you are floating down somewhere, you breathe easily, you easily overcome time and space. Your body is enveloped in gentle, soft currents, as if caressing and lulling you. You descend lower and lower, looking at the brilliant bubbles of white light rising around you, and the deeper you go, the better you can see them rising higher and higher. Soon you are completely - from head to heels - immersed in your own inner light, you seem to dive into the water, but emerge towards space and time. Time flows like a river that attracts us … We then plunge into its waters, then we float with the flow, then we move obliquely, while merging with the water, not resisting its flow … We float aimlessly and carefree, heading to that noticeable place where you are striving get in during dreams."

By the way, many out-of-body travelers also use a kind of "intermediate station", such a "safe place" which they first visit and only then from there they rush to explore other worlds, times and spaces.

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Such visualization facilitates the transition to these other realities. Certain techniques of visualization and travel of consciousness to other worlds are also used by shamans while in a special trance state, reminiscent of self-hypnosis. Thus, we can say that visualization is one of the most important elements that liberates our consciousness and allows it to break away from the physical body.