The Word Of The Inner Voice - Alternative View

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The Word Of The Inner Voice - Alternative View
The Word Of The Inner Voice - Alternative View

Video: The Word Of The Inner Voice - Alternative View

Video: The Word Of The Inner Voice - Alternative View
Video: Overcoming Bad Inner Voices 2024, July

Do you know the feeling of unreasonable anxiety, which, as it turned out later, really portended trouble? Not everyone listens to the inner voice, and more often they simply ignore it, writing it off as “it seemed”. But there are individual people who always follow their intuition, which, though not always, really helps them out.

False Science?

Let me give you a simple example. A middle-aged woman arrives at the office for work, the day begins as usual, and goes by as usual for several hours. But then the heroine of the story feels that if she doesn't go home right now, something irreparable may happen. She comes up with a convincing reason and takes time off from work, rushes through half the city, and finds a fire at home. Having extinguished the fire, which has not yet managed to damage the apartment and the furnishings, the woman realizes that the fire appeared because of the hot iron, which her mother forgot to turn off when leaving the apartment. That is, if she did not listen to her intuition, then the consequences could be the most sad.

The story is taken from the head, but there are many similar examples that happened in reality. Believe them or not - everyone's right, but not everyone considers this to be just a lucky coincidence: some scientists approach the “inner voice” from their own, relatively rational point of view, and try to find a sane explanation for it. Collecting information about such cases, they systematize it, and, focusing on various techniques, estimate the number of reliable “predictions”. The ability of a person to identify the past and the future in this way is called proscopy, or precognition.

Precognition (from Lat. "Representation, knowledge") is a form of extrasensory perception, a hypothetical paranormal ability to obtain knowledge about future events or the future thoughts of another person, not identical to the ability to make logical conclusions and predictions based on actual knowledge.

Parapsychological explanations of this phenomenon, which cannot be deduced from the known laws of nature theoretically and cannot be confirmed experimentally, are rejected by the scientific community as falsification. The prevalence of belief in the existence of precognition is traditionally explained by the influence of prejudices and prejudices that affect nature's memory and the ability to judge the likelihood of certain events.

Any scientific research begins with a solid foundation, no matter how unusual it may be. The “inner voice”, alas, does not have such a foundation, therefore there is no generally accepted theory explaining its nature. But on the other hand, there are several very popular hypotheses that have a right to life. According to the first, the feeling of impending disaster arises due to a person's ability to feel the biophysical fields of all living and inanimate objects, and the ability to “read” the relationship between them.

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Out of reason

Many have heard the expression "Run like rats from a ship." Indeed, these rodents were leaving the ship, which was soon to die. According to some reports, they also escaped from submarines. The information seemed contradictory to me - are there any rats on submarines? I think it's perfectly acceptable, but I'm not completely sure. There are several theories explaining this behavior of these animals, and among them is the hypothesis of rodent proscopy, their ability to anticipate trouble in advance and try to avoid its consequences.

Some scientists also refer to the behavior of cats and dogs before a natural disaster as a manifestation of proscopy. But here they are opposed by a weighty version from the rest of the scientific community: they say, cats and dogs catch alarming changes in the environment, which allows them to leave a dangerous place in advance.

The action of the biofield, it seems, is outside the mind, it is beyond its control: parapsychologists believe that this property of the nature of some living organisms has helped us in a critical situation since ancient times, and without the ability to “read” information from the biofields of objects around a person, he simply would not have survived like a species.

Are chakras antennas?

According to the dictionary, a chakra in Hindu spiritual practices is a psychoenergetic center in the subtle body of a person, which is the intersection point of the channels through which vital energy, prana, flows. It is the chakras that are considered “receivers” of data from the biofield, and, in addition to them, some parts of the brain. The reason why information does not go straight to the brain is associated with human evolution: while developing, we paid more attention to logical chains and easily explainable interconnections between certain events, and subconscious perception was behind a kind of barrier. In other words, "Whichever wolf you feed, he will win." But there is not a single system that can work indefinitely without failures: so is our "barrier". From time to time such "failures" occur in it, and then people with extrasensory abilities - extrasensory perception,telepathy, or precognition.

Everyone has superpower

There is a theory according to which absolutely every person has the ability to foresee, but in some it is expressed to a greater extent, and in others to a lesser extent. To assess this level, parapsychologists have developed a chain of tests: some of them resemble an IQ test, but in the last one you need to choose, for example, one figure out of five presented, and in the parapsychological one - to guess. Almost five thousand people took part in the program. The results showed that the mean of the “guessed” options is higher than the mathematically calculated probability. It turns out that, if not everyone, then many have abilities, but with an amendment: they are not always manifested, and, as a rule, at some critical or super-responsible moment. I suppose it is enough to avoid trouble if you can hear the notorious "inner voice"and don't ignore his warnings.