Role-Playing Games Of Our Subconscious - Alternative View

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Role-Playing Games Of Our Subconscious - Alternative View
Role-Playing Games Of Our Subconscious - Alternative View

Video: Role-Playing Games Of Our Subconscious - Alternative View

Video: Role-Playing Games Of Our Subconscious - Alternative View
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For those people who are engaged in self-development, it is no secret that the subconscious minds of various people are connected at a subtle level …


What it is? Synchronicity is always present in our life, in some to a lesser extent, and in others constantly.

Synchronicity is a seemingly random coincidence of circumstances, when you find yourself in a seemingly random situation, but this does not fit into the framework of simple statistics. For example, you need to meet a specific person and you meet him on the street in a huge city. Or you are looking for a new job and meet an old acquaintance who helps you.

I am sure that something like this has happened to you many times and you cannot explain it by mere coincidence, because the probability of such a combination of circumstances is practically zero.

The fact is that almost 99% of our actions we do unconsciously: we choose the route of movement, do our daily affairs, etc.

We do not think, "Now I will go to the store and I am fully aware of this," we just go and that's it. Our subconscious mind does almost all the work of processing information, and our consciousness only observes and corrects.

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And then the magic begins: our subconscious minds have a connection at a “subtle spiritual” level, they are able to process our requests and synchronize events. For example, take two people on top of each other while traveling, etc.

Thus, thousands of subconscious minds are synchronized, it can be compared to a huge computer service that processes requests and manifests various intentions into reality.

Learning system

The goal of every person is development. The spirit of each person goes through thousands of incarnations and thus develops. And development requires lessons.

These lessons are life situations. Having found a way out of any life situation, we change ourselves and thus develop.

The most popular are family fights, conflicts at work, illness, etc. Any conflict is a signal that we are in a lesson state.

What process takes place at the subconscious level?

For example, the subconscious of one person understands that he lacks courage and courage, self-confidence. Therefore, through synchronicity, it connects with the subconsciousness of the people around it and causes aggression towards itself.

Such people just want to click on their foreheads as soon as they carefully enter the room. The purpose of their subconscious is to pump themselves, but it does this in a not entirely humane way.

It turns out a kind of role-playing game: one person is a victim, the other is an aggressor, and this process is “agreed” in advance between their subconscious minds. Situations can be different: the victim is the aggressor, the offended person is the offender, lack of something, etc.

However, we are always given tasks from which there is a way out, because the subconscious mind is stupid to drive itself into a hopeless situation. The higher your level, the more difficult the task.

Conclusion: if in your life now there are certain tasks, conflicts, etc., then you need to change yourself, reconsider your attitude to these things. Once you reconsider your beliefs, these events will disappear from your life forever.


During the study, we change our subconscious settings, and this allows us to jump from level to level without going through life tests.

In principle, any test in life is a study, because at this time, there is a revision of your subconscious attitudes.

However, elaboration does a very clever trick: it changes attitudes, making certain life trials meaningless. For example, some person was in a state of lack of money, the subconscious put him in this situation, it synchronizes the events of his life so that he reconsidered his beliefs and thus developed.

But this person reconsidered his beliefs using the technique of working with the subconscious and, from the point of view of the subconscious, he no longer needs to sit without money. He is already ready for lessons of a higher level, solving much larger problems.

Therefore, all mental contracts associated with lack of money are broken and money suddenly appears in his life.

Techniques for working with the subconscious make it possible to carry out revision at a tremendous speed; now you no longer need to “punch the wall with your forehead” to understand that there is a door nearby. What used to take years of suffering to complete a revision can now be done in weeks.


What can hinder synchronicity? Our subconscious mind and brain are very fine tuned systems. There are several tens of billions of neurons in the human brain, each of them connected with certain parts of our spiritual body.

When neurons are damaged, the work of the synchronicity system is also disrupted. A person who uses, for example, alcohol, drugs, certain medications or poisoned food, partially or completely disconnects himself from this system.

Ants like this, each ant builds an anthill according to a certain plan and does not need a plan or blueprint for construction. He clearly fulfills his role. If an ant is taken far from the anthill (the zone of action of its biofield), then it loses orientation and ceases to act as part of the general system.

A person, on the other hand, does not need to travel far in order to lose touch with the general biofield, he only needs a certain amount of time to poison his brain. After that, the system of synchronicity stops working, the subconscious mind can no longer adequately synchronize with other people.

Such a person already acts on his own, if he wants something, then his subconscious mind will not be able to help him, he will have to fight his way alone, losing health, strength and time.

After a person stops poisoning himself, his brain is restored and such joys of life as synchronicity and powerful intuition become available to him again.