The Voice Of Blood - Alternative View

The Voice Of Blood - Alternative View
The Voice Of Blood - Alternative View

Video: The Voice Of Blood - Alternative View

Video: The Voice Of Blood - Alternative View
Video: ТАЙНА РУСАЛОЧКИ: О чём писал Андерсен? 2024, October

Karina Kraeva, energy therapist reports:

- Patients have come to me with many problems for almost fifteen years. But one case has sunk into the memory for a lifetime. I have no doubt that years later I will remember him no less vividly and in detail than today. Because he was not only rare, but also tragic.

I met Volodya K. when he was just twenty-two.

- I, - said Volodya, - specially came to Moscow from the Trans-Urals to address you as a clairvoyant eniobiotherapist. I thought that you might not consider me crazy and, most importantly, believe me. I’m really not crazy, I can judge it myself not only because I’m a medical assistant by profession, but in recent years I have read a lot of books on psychiatry - medical, of course.

In general, it started two or three years ago. One night I had a nightmare. Nightmare not only in the "script", but also in some super-realistic vividness of sensations … Yes, I must say, how and with whom I live. I have a family: I am a mother. Mom is a very good surgeon, they know her in our city. However, the city is small, almost everyone knows each other … My mother and I have a good apartment, two-room, in new houses on the outskirts, not far from the forest.

So in a dream I suddenly found myself in this forest. In the most deaf part of it. Only it seems that I am not me, in the sense that not a man, but … a wolf. You have no idea how realistic everything was! There was absolutely nothing human in my sensations and perception of the environment. From somewhere I knew this forest like the back of my hand and was terribly hungry - I was trying to pick up a hare or some other animal. The smell of blood, which I perfectly remembered in my dream, agitated me, forcing me to heave my sides, exacerbated to the impossibility of all sensations.

The hunt was successful that night. I can't give you the terrible details! I can only say that I really got a hare. But the ending would be the same if I met a man …

It is also important to note that in a dream it was late autumn in the forest, in real life it was winter in full swing. And so I woke up, opened my eyes: the taste of blood in my mouth did not disappear, my body ached as if I had really been prowling through the forest until dawn in search of prey. No less vivid was the recollection of the extraordinary feeling of satisfaction that I experienced when I was satiated, tearing the hare to pieces … With great difficulty, dismissing these sensations from myself, I somehow got up and went to the bathroom.

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Mom, as always, was up; the smell of coffee came from the kitchen. And as always, while I was cleaning myself, she went to my room to make the bed. And suddenly I heard her surprised exclamation: "Lord, Volodya, what's wrong with your bed, are you crazy ?!" I ran into the room and was stunned: there were some dry twigs, pine needles on the sheet, and either sand or earth. Notice the ground in winter, when it is covered by a meter of snow! Mom turned to me, and her face stretched. Looking at myself in the mirror, I understood everything: my cheeks were scratched, as if I was wading through the thicket, on one there was some kind of brown spot … Blood! But where does this come from if what I have experienced is just a dream? I don’t remember what I muttered to my mother as an explanation. Is it possible to explain what is inexplicable?

I don’t know, maybe I would have tried to forget all this horror, if it had not been repeated six more times since then. And everyone is the same. One and the same forest at the same time of the year. The same hunger, hunting … Only gradually, even there - in a dream - began to remember my human nature. And then it dawned on me: I'm not crazy, I'm a werewolf!

Recently, I began to fear that someday I would not come back at all. Or it will happen to actually meet there, in the forest, a man …

And further. In normal, real life, I began not so much to change in the "wolf" direction, but … how to put it? I've become kind of abnormally sensitive! Forgive me, it is very difficult for me to convey this in words, in general it is difficult to talk about it. But, for example, walking down the street, I know for sure that there is a cat lurking in the darkness of this basement. When talking with someone, I know what exactly and why my interlocutor feels. Even walking in the park, I feel the condition of the trees. And more recently, with bitterness, I discovered that the pets, which I love since childhood, began to either hate me or be afraid … The neighbor's dog - I often caressed him before, and he did not mind - when he reached out to stroke him, almost bit him: his eyes turned red, the fur stood on end on the nape, growled, shied to the side, to the hostess … The woman was also frightened of either his reaction or me. That, perhaps, is all … Forgive me if all this seems to you nonsense and delirium of a madman!

Volodin's story did not strike me as nonsense. As a specialist, after a series of clarifying questions, I was able to name the reasons for the situation, although I still knew about this purely theoretically. After all, shape-shifting is such a rare phenomenon that few energy therapists have encountered it practically! Unfortunately, the treatment of this disease requires a lot of time and effort. It took me a long time to help my unfortunate patient: over the next year and a half of treatment, we became close friends, and much has changed in his life: from his family situation to his place of residence and profession. Why - it will become clear later.

And now - about the reasons for this, fortunately, very rare trouble.

I'll start from afar and for many from a completely unexpected side - raising children … Almost everyone who is interested in bioenergy is well aware of the so-called energy births. Their essence is that until the age of 13-14, children have their own energy field, and live in the field of their parents. Adolescence and its problems are associated with the energy isolation of the child. This process is long and painful for both sides.

Just like a normal birth, energy labor can be successful and difficult. In the latter case, all problems associated with adolescents arise in the family, up to and including the parents' turning to the police and the children running away from home. But there is also a third option, the most difficult and fraught with the most dire consequences. This is an option when energy delivery did not take place at all. More often this is found in single-parent families. For example, consisting of a mother and a child. The reason is in the mother. Having put her life on her only son, she simply does not want to let him go free, suppressing any attempts to live on her own and thus destroying his personality. But what is the destruction of the personality at the energy level? This is a complete lack of a person's own energy and the destruction of the program of fate with which he was born,inability to fulfill the main task of your life. But each of us has such a goal - the implementation of this program. Who puts it? The easiest way would be to say: "God" - and not to go into disputes about higher powers. It is important to understand one thing: if the energy delivery did not take place, the child will no longer become a normal person. Experience shows that such children are more susceptible to infection by evil. They often become, for example, vampires of energy. They parasitize others, pull energy from them (since they don't have their own), destroying the health and fate of loved ones. Or what happened to Volodya happens to them - the person becomes a werewolf …if energetic childbirth did not take place, the child will no longer become a normal person. Experience shows that such children are more susceptible to infection by evil. They often become, for example, vampires of energy. They parasitize others, pull energy from them (since they don't have their own), destroying the health and fate of loved ones. Or what happened to Volodya happens to them - the person becomes a werewolf …if energetic childbirth did not take place, the child will no longer become a normal person. Experience shows that such children are more susceptible to infection by evil. They often become, for example, vampires of energy. They parasitize others, pull energy from them (since they don't have their own), destroying the health and fate of loved ones. Or what happened to Volodya happens to them - the person becomes a werewolf …

Why? First of all, because the memory of every human race includes knowledge about the unity of all living things in the world. The life of a tree, an animal, and a person is based on the same universal structure, a single code, once enclosed by the Creator in the first living cell on Earth. One common great-great-grandfather gene! And now the program is broken. And then from the depths of the ancestral memory something animalistic suddenly "climbs out". Where a human program should be, a wolf program appears. With normal energetic childbirth, she would quietly live, live in the depths of the subconscious and "would not stick out."

And in our case, since Volodya did not know how to control the force that suddenly awakened in him, she seized the "control panel", and the young man became a werewolf. These transformations took place uncontrollably and simply: I remembered the sensations of a wolf - he transformed into a wolf. Not outwardly, of course, but according to habits, feelings, way of life. Although nothing that we are used to seeing in horror films - changes in body shape, appearance of hair, claws, etc. - does not happen.

I found a way to help Volodya. He stopped scouring the forest in his sleep in search of prey. Stopped traveling from winter to autumn. All his "programs" now work fine.

One thing remains a mystery to me to this day: trash in bed. It is known that when people fall into such unusual states of consciousness - it is customary to call them changed - they turn into completely different personalities, people from different eras, animals, birds … But all this happens in the depths of consciousness. One can, of course, gain remarkable strength, not ordinary habits, see past and even … future lives. But you cannot bring pine needles, branches, earth from there …

From the book: “XX century. Chronicle of the inexplicable. Opening after opening”. Nikolai Nepomniachtchi