Intuition Is A Breakthrough Into A Parallel World! - Alternative View

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Intuition Is A Breakthrough Into A Parallel World! - Alternative View
Intuition Is A Breakthrough Into A Parallel World! - Alternative View

Video: Intuition Is A Breakthrough Into A Parallel World! - Alternative View

Video: Intuition Is A Breakthrough Into A Parallel World! - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Believe a Parallel Universe Exists 2024, July

Some of the results of studies of the human brain, surprisingly, support the hypothesis of the existence of parallel worlds …

Two in one

For centuries, it was believed that the human brain works as a whole and loses its abilities in the event of any violations of its structure. Later it turned out that, if necessary, some parts of the brain take over the functions of damaged areas. However, the real shock for the scientific world was the discovery that a person can live even with atrophy or removal of the pineal gland (pineal gland), which was considered a vital organ. Another surprise the brain presented to scientists when it was experimentally proved that breaking the connections between the left and right hemispheres practically does not affect the mental and functional abilities of a person, and on occasion even cures epilepsy.

Specialists had no choice but to suggest that there is another brain in our brain (a brain in a brain!), Thanks to which it, in fact, functions. None of the neurophysiologists currently doubts that such an "inner brain" really exists, but all attempts to find it have so far failed.

Each hemisphere is a separate person

Psychotherapists Roger Sperry and Michael Gazzaniga studied the response of people in whom the connection between the cerebral hemispheres was artificially disrupted to treat epilepsy. These studies prompted them to study separately the response of each hemisphere to the visual image. As you know, the nerve fibers that conduct signals from the eyes to the brain are arranged in such a way that the signal from the right eye goes to the left hemisphere, and from the left eye to the right. The people with whom the experiment was conducted were shown images on the screen, first on the left side, then on the right. At some point, instead of a frame with an image, a picture-inscription appeared: "Who are you?" The right hemisphere responded, and the person called his name, for example: "Peter Samson." The left, when the inscription was shown on the right side, confirmed this. The next question looked like this:"Who would you like to be?" The right hemisphere formulated the answer, for example: "Race car driver." The left answered: "Draftsman"! The scientists were shocked.

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Further research has shown that each of the hemispheres is a separate person who has its own dreams, memories, knowledge, emotions. And the integral functioning of the human brain consists of the interaction of these individuals.

Non-rational cognition

Neurophysiologist Robert Spencer, who has been dealing with this problem for many years, believes that here it is necessary to talk not about two different personalities, but about one, but existing simultaneously in different worlds. One part of a person is here, in the real world, and the second - in another, parallel, not yet accessible to our understanding. Confirmation of such a simultaneous presence of a person in two (or more?) Worlds, in his opinion, is the long-known, but still unsolvable mystery of the human brain, associated with the possibility of extra-rational cognition - intuition.

Sometimes intuition prompts a person to do this and that, but he, having thought it over carefully, acts according to logic. As time passes, when everything is already behind him, he realizes that he still had to trust the original impulse. Almost every one of us had to experience something similar: disobeying the inner voice, we trusted sober calculation and got into a mess …

Intuitive cognition has nothing to do with the laws of logic. The logical conclusion is based on collecting information, analyzing facts and establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Intuition immediately prompts a ready-made answer. The first thought is the most correct one. This position has long become a popular wisdom, has become part of sayings and proverbs.

But where does this ready-made answer come from? R Spencer believes that from a parallel space in which a part of our brain is constantly located, or rather, a part of a human personality.

Clairvoyance ability

Intuitive thinking is associated with the activity of the right hemisphere. It is the right hemisphere that is responsible for creative activity, the creation of abstract structures, associations and irrationalism, while the left brain is responsible for logical thinking. The study of this strange feature of the brain has been going on for many years and some interesting discoveries have already been made.

British researchers studied the brain activity of Indian yogis during meditation. In all cases, the instruments showed intensive work of the right hemisphere, while the left was practically in a dormant state. Even more striking is the study of the brain of a Tibetan monk during his sleep. The monk claimed that in a dream he was transported to other worlds in his astral body. The devices revealed a cardinal difference between the work of the brain and that which occurs during normal or lethargic sleep. The right hemisphere showed such high activity, which it does not have even in the waking state.

Some researchers believe that it is the right hemisphere that is responsible for a person's connection with the parallel world. In a state of meditation, in moments of insight, a person (or some part of him) is, as it were, transported there, acquiring an intuitive flair and, more broadly, the ability to clairvoyance.

A person lives for several hours

Recently it was discovered that different personalities, imprisoned in a person (or, according to Spencer, one person, only “split”), each live in its own time.

Neurophysiologist Paul McLean has experimentally proved that the human brain consists of at least three (there may be more) independent regions, "nested" in each other, like a nesting doll, each of which lives by its own clock. The role of this clock is played by a group of nerve cells located deep in the brain, which are called the nucleus of crossing. The electrical impulses in this place show surprising regularity. UC professor Colin Blackmore says they do remind him of the ticking of a clock. But how and why does this clock function without interfering with each other and "ticking" in its own rhythm? Alas, McLean, Blackmore, and others who have dealt with this issue are embarrassed to admit that they cannot say anything definite about this.

“I would not be surprised,” Blackmore writes, “if it is established that each of these 'clockwork' mechanisms controls its own independent body - one of those that exist in parallel in our body. And it doesn't matter - a physical body or a mental, disembodied"

The universe is a hologram

The American philosopher and scientist M. Talbot touches on the problems of the relationship between the human brain and the Universe in his recently published book "Holo-graphic Universe" (holography is a record, the image of wave fields or objects). Denying the existence of parallel worlds, he puts forward another version: the entire material world, from electrons to galaxies, does not have its own reality, but is a projection of a certain “deep level of the universe”. The universe is a gigantic hologram, even the smallest part of which carries information about the general picture of being, and where everything, from small to large, is interconnected and interdependent.

M. Talbot believes that his theory explains many of the mysteries associated with the activity of the human brain, for example, telepathy, clairvoyance, a mystical sense of unity with the Universe and even telekinesis, that is, the ability to move objects by psychic effort. Thus, the phenomenon of death, according to Talbot, is nothing more than the movement of human consciousness from one level of holographic reality to another.

The "holographic" version is very controversial, nevertheless it has many supporters in the scientific world who believe that today it gives the most adequate picture of reality.

Intuition is the future

Now it is already obvious that the third millennium will greatly complicate the tasks facing humanity, and will require the attraction of new opportunities to solve them. Rationalism alone cannot overcome these tasks. Therefore, one should expect that over time, intuition will come to the fore in the development of the world, not only in the form of random and fleeting insights, but as a method of cognition, capable of comprehending what logic and rational thinking are powerless against. The age-old work to banish the spiritual principle from the life of mankind has led, alas, to the fact that rationalism prevailed in the public consciousness and became the only official method of cognition. This led human civilization to a dead end.

However, fortunately, recently they began to recognize the fact that the further development of our civilization is impossible without the harmonious development of all the creative possibilities inherent in man. Including spiritual ones.

I. Voloznev. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 23 2010