We Instill In Ourselves Health And Money - Alternative View

We Instill In Ourselves Health And Money - Alternative View
We Instill In Ourselves Health And Money - Alternative View

Video: We Instill In Ourselves Health And Money - Alternative View

Video: We Instill In Ourselves Health And Money - Alternative View
Video: WEBINAR: How to Increase Our Resiliency to Isolation and Loneliness During the COVID-19 Crisis 2024, July

It is known that if you make a person believe in something, then sometimes this “something” comes true. Thousands of examples can be cited when people found symptoms of non-existent diseases just because they were told that they were sick, got burns from touching a cold object, which was passed off as red-hot, were healed thanks to a miracle cure that turned out to be plain water (placebo effect) … What is it - a miracle or a property of our organism?

Here is just one such case. The editor of a newspaper for Russian émigrés in the United States, for the lack of interesting material, invented a "duck" - he placed a portrait of a gray-bearded old man on the front page.

The elder was allegedly a famous magician and healer from Siberia. According to legend, in his youth he worked as a geologist, looking for gold and uranium in the taiga. Once the geologists' helicopter crashed, everyone died, and the "healer" miraculously survived, got to the local shamans and soon acquired the gift of clairvoyance and other wonderful talents.

Readers were invited to send photos to the editor and get free treatment from the sorcerer at a distance. If the patient feels an improvement after three months, he can, on a voluntary basis, transfer a fee of $ 50 to the "sorcerer" …

In fact, the entire story of the "magician" was from beginning to end invented by the editor, and he concocted a photograph on a computer from his own picture!

Letters with attached photographs were sent to the editorial office. And three months later, thanks began to come for the miraculous healing, coupled with bank checks! "Sorcerer" helped!

Here's an example of a different kind. A police detachment once went to capture a particularly dangerous criminal. And by mistake, the operatives entered the wrong apartment. They burst into the room, and there was a man lying on the bed. Some of the operas shouted: "Get up!"

The one who was lying did not move. Then the policeman kicked the bed net from below. The man jumped up, took a few steps and … fell. He got up again and fell again … Then the old woman looked into the room: "Oh, how does he walk with you, after all, he lay in paralysis for two years!" What raised the paralytic? Fear? Stress? How little else we know about the capabilities of our subconscious …

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The negative impact on a person (evil eye, damage, curse) is the main subject of controversy between psychologists and parapsychologists. Representatives of traditional psychology believe that "spoilage" is nothing more than self-hypnosis, and it affects only those who believe in it and know that such an effect was exerted on him, or at least suspect about it.

So, the young singer unexpectedly lost her voice on the eve of a responsible performance. Moreover, he disappeared only when she tried to sing, otherwise everything was fine. The girl turned to psychotherapists and hypnotists, but no one was able to help her …

Finally, one woman psychoanalyst suggested that she recall in detail the evening when her voice disappeared for the first time - how she was dressed, what jewelry she was wearing, who she looked at, with whom she communicated, what she thought about, what feelings she experienced.

And suddenly the singer remembered! On that fateful evening, walking through the crowd in the lobby, she caught the eye of one of her colleagues - an aging prima. Black envy burned in them!

And later, when she tried to sing, those evil, envious eyes rose before her inner gaze - and a wheeze escaped from her throat instead of enchanting sounds. A stranglehold was wrapped around his neck, preventing him from breathing.

From the moment of this memory, the voice returned to the young woman, and with it - success and fame. Only now, during concerts, she always put an icon on the piano - just in case, to protect against the "evil eye".

According to parapsychologists, our thoughts, words and feelings are literally material and therefore have the ability to influence us and other people, "screwing" into their subconscious and instilling in it a certain program.

What to do? First of all - learning to suppress negative thoughts and emotions in yourself in relation to another person. After all, for example, accusing our own child of being a “dumbass” and “never coming out of it”, we unconsciously program him to be negative.

Of course, there are cases when people humiliated in childhood grew up to be quite successful - this may indicate that a person has "reflected" a negative suggestion. But keep in mind - it can turn out exactly the opposite.

