Gregg Braden: DNA Molecule Can Be Healed With The Help Of Human SENSES - Alternative View

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Gregg Braden: DNA Molecule Can Be Healed With The Help Of Human SENSES - Alternative View
Gregg Braden: DNA Molecule Can Be Healed With The Help Of Human SENSES - Alternative View

Video: Gregg Braden: DNA Molecule Can Be Healed With The Help Of Human SENSES - Alternative View

Video: Gregg Braden: DNA Molecule Can Be Healed With The Help Of Human SENSES - Alternative View
Video: A DNA Code that switches hundreds of thousands of genetic messages 2024, October

Gregg Braden gives startling information about three experiments with DNA that prove that a DNA molecule can heal with the help of a person's “senses”.

In his recently developed program Healing Hearts - Healing Nations: The Science of Peace and the Power of Prayer, Gregg Braden says that in the past we have lost a lot of information about ancient spiritual traditions: after the fire in the Library of Alexandria, at least 523,000 documents were lost.

But, perhaps, there is information related to those ancient teachings that could help us understand some of the mysteries of science. Gregg Braden, a scientist and engineer, reports on three very interesting experiments.


This experiment was carried out by Dr. Vladimir Poponin, a quantum biologist. First, a vacuum was created in some container, where there were only material objects - photons (light particles). The arrangement of the photons was measured and it was found that they were distributed extremely randomly. This was the expected result. Then a piece of DNA was placed in the container, and the photon distribution was measured again. This time, the photons LINEED IN A SPECIFIC ORDER, oriented towards DNA. In other words, organic DNA influenced particles of inanimate nature.

After that, the DNA was removed from the container and the photons were measured again. The photons REMAINED IN THE SAME ORDER and oriented in the same direction as the DNA. What were the particles of light connected with? What kept the photons together?

Gregg Braden says that we have to admit the possibility of some NEW energy field, an energy system, appearing there, and that DNA has exchanged information with photons through this energy.

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This experiment was carried out by the military. From donors, leukocytes were taken from DNA and placed in special chambers to measure electrical charges. During the experiment, the donor was placed in a separate room and subjected to "stimulation" using video clips that evoked various emotions in the person. The DNA was in another room in the same building. The donor and DNA were monitored.

As the donor "gave out" peaks of emotion, measured by electrical impulses, the DNA reacted with IDENTICAL ELECTRIC IMPULSES AT THE SAME TIME.

There was no lag time, no signal transmission time. The peaks and troughs of DNA pulses EXACTLY COINCIDED in time with the peaks and troughs of the donor pulses.

The military wanted to know how far they could separate the donor from his DNA and continue to get the same result. They stopped research after the distance between the donor and its DNA was 50 miles, and the result of the experiment was the SAME: there was no delay time, no signal transmission time.

DNA and its donor showed identical reactions at the same time. What does this mean?

Gregg Braden says that living cells communicate through a previously unrecognized form of energy. This type of energy is not affected by either time or distance. It is not a local form of energy, it is energy that exists everywhere and at any time.



The third experiment was conducted by the Institute of Heart Mathematics, and the report written about this experiment is called "Local and Nonlocal Impact of Coherent Heart Rates on Conformational Changes in DNA". (Never mind the title! The information itself is amazing!)

This experiment has a lot to do with anthrax. Several placental DNA (the oldest form of DNA) was placed in a container in which its changes could be measured. The trained participants in the experiment, each of whom was capable of experiencing strong emotions, were given 28 bubbles of this DNA. All participants in the experiment were instructed on how to reproduce and experience the "desired" feelings.

It was found that, depending on the feelings of the researchers, DNA CHANGED ITS FORM.

When the researchers FELT gratitude, love, and appreciation, the DNA TENSION DECREASED and the spiral straightened and became longer.

When the researchers FEELED fear, anger, frustration, or stress, the DNA SPIRLED and SEALED. It got shorter and DISABLED many of our DNA codes!

If you've ever felt “turned off” by negative emotions, you now understand why your body was “turned off” in the same way. DNA codes were triggered when participants experienced feelings of love, joy, gratitude and admiration again.

Later, this experiment was conducted with HIV-positive patients. It was found that experiencing feelings of love, gratitude and admiration increased the RESISTANCE of the body 300,000 times. Here is the answer to help you feel good at all times, no matter what dreaded virus or bacteria are around you. Stay in a state of joy, love, and admiration!

These emotional changes go far beyond the known electromagnetic phenomena. People who know how to experience feelings of deep love are able to change the shape of their DNA.

Gregg Braden says this illustrates the recognition of a new form of energy that binds all of creation.

This energy seems to be a Densely Woven NET that connects all material. As such, we are able to influence this web of creation through our VIBRATIONS.


What do these experiments have in common with the existing situation?

Behind all of this is the science that determines how we can choose the right time to stay safe no matter what happens around us.

As Gregg Braden explains in The Isaiah Effect, time has not only linear characteristics (past, present and future), it also has depth. The depth of time consists of all possible prayers that could ever be and have been offered up. In fact, all our prayers have already been answered. We only activate one of them, experiencing it with our FEELINGS. THIS IS HOW we create our reality - we choose it with our senses. Our senses activate a time slot through the web of creation, linking all energy and matter in the universe.

Remember the Universal Law that we attract to ourselves what we focus our attention on?

If you focus on fear, you are sending a signal to the universe to give you what you fear. But if you tune in to feelings of joy, love, gratitude or admiration, and focus on bringing more of these qualities into your life, then you can automatically avoid all negative things.

With your senses you will choose a different TIME INTERVAL

You can prevent the likelihood of getting anthrax or the flu, other viral diseases and other diseases, if you strive to experience only positive feelings that can keep your immune system at an incredibly high level.

Thus, you get protection from anything: find something that will delight you every day, or an hour, or just a few minutes a day. This is the lightest and best defense you can have. And if nothing is “found”, then be glad that the Universe has already caught all the criminals!

Gregg Braden