Why Can't We Tell Good From Evil - Alternative View

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Why Can't We Tell Good From Evil - Alternative View
Why Can't We Tell Good From Evil - Alternative View

Video: Why Can't We Tell Good From Evil - Alternative View

Video: Why Can't We Tell Good From Evil - Alternative View
Video: Improve your photography by UNDERSTANDING why a PHOTO is BAD (and GOOD) 2024, September

The question of good and evil is one of the eternal problems that tormented the minds of philosophers since ancient times. In fact, we are talking about a moral and ethical choice on the path of every conscious person.

Through such a division into categories, the process of knowing the world takes place. The result of cognition is Knowledge, which gives a person this opportunity to choose. Rather not even an opportunity, but a necessity. After all, whatever one may say, but the choice cannot be avoided. And even the decision not to take any action is also a choice.

The choice between good and evil

It is worth separating the concepts of ethical and moral choice. Ethical choice is the choice of conscience between good and evil. Moral choice is communicating one's choice to the public. Both of these categories are natural for life in society, which involves a partial adjustment to their norms.

To comply with morality or the voice of one's own conscience is a search for a person's soul on the path of life. And the concepts of good and evil in his mind are the landmarks along which he moves.

Good and evil is a choice between destruction and creation, between truth and falsehood. It seems that everything is clear: truth is good, and lies are evil. But, you must admit that everything becomes not so unambiguous when it comes to destructive truth or lies for good. Which of this is positive and which is destructive can only be said over time. The outcome will depend on the consequences and conclusions drawn.

Therefore, choosing between falsehood and truth, we also take responsibility for the consequences of our choice. In the end, the only thing we get is experience from which wisdom can be drawn. Receiving wisdom is the alchemical transformation of lead into gold, the attainment of the highest level of evolution by consciousness. Therefore, any experience is potentially positive as an opportunity to endure something for the development of its own essence.

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The duality of the concepts of "good" and "evil"

In our head we divide the single world into pairs of dualities - black and white, good and evil, light and darkness. Dividing the one into particulars, we willy-nilly form our personal attitude towards them. We begin to love white more than dark, light more than darkness. So we forget that light is darkness if it is not reflected from anything. And that the shadow casts everything from which light can reflect.

Knowing duality, we cease to be objective, and therefore the question of good and evil is an eternal search for truth. Each view of the world is as unique as human life is. Therefore, definitions of the concepts of good and evil can be given infinitely many.

The personification of "good" and "evil" in myths

The symbol of good and evil in the image of two opposite principles is rooted in ancient times. In Zoroastrianism, these are Ahura-Mazda and Angra-Mainyu, in the Slavs - Belobog and Chernobog, in the Egyptian tradition - Osiris and Set. Each of these pairs is a reflection of the unity and struggle of opposites of active and passive, positive and negative, light and darkness, destroying and creating. The unity of opposites implies that there is no destruction without creation and it is impossible to create anything without destroying something.

The personification of good and evil. Osiris and Set, Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu, Belobog and Chernobog
The personification of good and evil. Osiris and Set, Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu, Belobog and Chernobog

The personification of good and evil. Osiris and Set, Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu, Belobog and Chernobog.

About the Law of Karma

Good and evil are conventional and relative concepts. They exist only for those who do not see the cause of the phenomenon. Seeing the cause leads to awareness of the pattern of what is happening. And instead of judgments about good and evil comes understanding of their single essence.

Personality assessment is always subjective. And the objective reason for these events lies in the Universal law of Karma. The Law of Karma says that every event that happens to us is natural and is a consequence of the previous one. And the way in which we react to this event forms a new cause for events that have not yet occurred.

Any event is natural, everything has its own reasons. All for something and all for something. Therefore, it is worth remembering that the most unpleasant events in our life are nothing more than a lesson from the Universe that we need right here and now.

What is evil?

Imagine a picture. A mother, wanting a speedy recovery to her child, makes him drink a bitter medicine. The child does not like it, he cries and screams, tries to knock a bottle with a nasty potion out of his mother's hands. The child considers the act of his mother to be evil, but only because he does not understand what alternative to this can await him.

Good and evil can change places depending on which side you look at the problem. It happens that the cost of a saved life is being late for a plane or being fired from work. And how many situations that save us from the worst, we do not see?

What we consider to be a problem may well be salvation. And even the enemy can do a good service in gaining valuable experience, which one day in the future will save you from a wrong step.

Author: Elena Zakharchenko