Strange Encounters With Flying Jellyfish, Squid And Land Octopuses - Alternative View

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Strange Encounters With Flying Jellyfish, Squid And Land Octopuses - Alternative View
Strange Encounters With Flying Jellyfish, Squid And Land Octopuses - Alternative View

Video: Strange Encounters With Flying Jellyfish, Squid And Land Octopuses - Alternative View

Video: Strange Encounters With Flying Jellyfish, Squid And Land Octopuses - Alternative View
Video: Magnapinna Squids - Deepsea Oddities 2024, September

I like to look for real cases that are truly paranormal, that stand out as particularly bizarre and perplexing. Such incidents really stir the imagination and force us to try to explain what might be happening in the world and challenge our notions of what we think we know.

Here I have gathered together very strange encounters from jellyfish floating in the sky or squid roaming the desert, so fasten your seat belts and enjoy this journey beyond the real world.

Flying jellyfish

One of the weirdest things that could be seen hovering in the sky is a jellyfish, but there are actually numerous reports around the world about this. These incredibly bizarre entities are reported to be very similar to the typical jellyfish one would find in the sea, only in this case they float in the air, and in some cases they are described as capable of changing density, color or size, and be able to become completely transparent, and there have even been cases of some kind of bioluminescence. They, according to various sources, move independently with the help of some unknown form of forward movement or simply fly at the whim of air currents.

There have been especially strange reports of encounters with a flying Medusa. In the 1950s, a police officer in England claimed to have seen Medusa flying low in the sky while riding his bike on patrol. He claimed that she was drifting right in front of him and that he actually bumped into her, describing the sensation as being like falling onto a soft blanket and that she had a slightly unpleasant moldy smell.

In 1958, there was also a report from Florida where a police officer named Faustin Galegos found a translucent purple ball the size of a soccer ball outside his house. He claimed that when he approached it, it seemed like it was some kind of dying creature, and when he lifted it, this thing simply evaporated in his hands.


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More recently, in 2012, a man living in Perth, Australia was in front of his house one evening, smoking a cigarette, when his attention was drawn to a curious object, when the light patterns of the stars were disturbed by something that passed in front of them. At first he thought it might be an airplane, but it soon became apparent that it was not an airplane.

When he approached, the way he moved was like the way a jellyfish would swim if it were flying horizontally. It was difficult to describe, but it seemed to expand from the front like a balloon and then use that air to propel itself forward. He was about 100 meters taller than him and he stared at her for 10 minutes. After that, she left his field of vision. It was during a clear night sky in Australia.

An eyewitness says: “I am very familiar with airplanes as I live relatively close to Jandakot Airport and we see and hear them all the time. It was not a car. I shouted to my mother-in-law, who remained in the house, to come out and look. She saw it too. I would say that I still have the feeling that it was some kind of creature. It moved gracefully and sedately. Like a big bird with a large flap of wings. It seemed translucent and remained at the same height and speed and did not make any sounds.


For my part, I want to note that I was lucky to meet such a creature in 2013 while traveling in an uninhabited area on one of the harvested sunflower fields. A similar jellyfish just hovered in the air at a height of about a meter in the middle of this field. When I approached her, she looked exactly like the jellyfish that I saw on the Black Sea, only it was not transparent white, but orange-red, but with the same body and tentacles. One of them touched me at shoulder level and I felt a hot burn, and a burnt stain remained on the shirt. While I was coming to my senses this something very slowly and smoothly floated to the top and disappeared into the clouds.

After this physical contact with this being, for me to see what is really happening around it ceased to be a big problem. I just began to see everything.

Flying squid

In December 1999, a flying squid was observed in Vitebsk, in the Republic of Belarus. Two eyewitnesses described the object as tubular or cigar-shaped, with a front that was rounded and asymmetrical, and a rear that appeared blurry. It had blue and red colors and was somewhat transparent, as well as what looked like some sort of shimmery bioluminescence. He moved in some wavy movements and did not make sounds during the flight, and after a while he disappeared into the clouds.

The eyewitnesses had the strong impression that this is a living creature and it somewhat resembled an animal known as a glass squid.


I also personally observed such creatures in 2016, in the summer in a hilly area, when a whole flock of such squids flew by at a low altitude. The color of the bodies was blue, during flight they shrank, which was apparently done in order to move. Squids also swim in the ocean, but if there is a density of water, then how they do the same in air space is not entirely clear. This flock disappeared not just in the clouds, but having flown into a large object that appeared from the cloud and had a similar shape. After that, the mother-squid smoothly soared up and disappeared from view.

I perfectly understand how such stories sound, but there is a lot of evidence from eyewitnesses that a different life is boiling in our sky.

What kind of creatures can there be? One idea is that they are a type of organism known as an “atmospheric beast.” “Atmospheric beasts, or atmospheric life forms as they are often called, are organisms that live their entire lives floating high in the atmosphere, unnoticed people.

These creatures are most often described as having semi-solid or almost weightless bodies, they are able to adjust their density from almost insignificant and invisible to more solid, depending on as yet unknown factors. Many theories have been put forward about how such seemingly fantastic organisms can remain in the air, such as air bubbles or very low body density.

The appearance of these atmospheric beasts varies greatly. Eyewitnesses have variously described them as amorphous and cloudy hippos, floating jellyfish, translucent, vaporous droplets, floating rods, amoeba-like organisms, gelatinous filaments, and even dragons.

The atmospheric beasts also range in size from tiny and avian, to giant monsters hundreds of meters long. These mysterious creatures usually hide too high in the atmosphere to be seen with the naked eye, but sometimes they become visible for some reason.

I'm sure they decide for themselves whether to be visible to people or not. Over the years, there have been many sighting reports from around the world describing unusual flying monsters that do not fit into the usual picture of the animal world.

Moreover, the variety of all kinds of forms of this unknown parallel life is simply off scale and it can be compared with the number of living beings that fill the waters of the World Ocean. These same ones fill the air ocean and by the way it is not their only world, since they can fly in airless space. Such facts are also enough to speak about it with confidence.

Above our head is the atmospheric ocean and it is filled with life, its whales, sharks, squid, dolphins, crabs and octopuses and even underwater, or rather air boats (UFOs), which are controlled by intelligent beings.

Land octopus

Now let's get down to something similarly weird. One thing that no one would normally expect to see walking on the ground is the octopus animal, but there are historical reports of it. An earlier and very strange case comes from the battlefields of World War II, in particular the Battle of Okinawa, Japan.

Lasted from April to June 1945, the battle was conceived as the first step in a planned possible invasion of the Japanese islands of Okinawa and the mainland. It was the largest amphibious assault on the Pacific Theater, and it was one of the fiercest, most intense, and bloody battles in that theater. From here, among the thousands of corpses scattered after the fighting, strange stories emerged of encounters that some Japanese troops had with something very strange.


Japanese soldiers said that they saw how something very similar to a large octopus, which was collecting the corpses of soldiers, moved on the site of a fierce battle. These creatures are said to have been about a meter and a half tall, and instead of gliding like one would expect from a normal octopus, they walked on their tentacles. The soldiers who saw these creatures claimed that they actually came to feed on the corpses of the fallen.

In the summer of 1961, a 29-year-old truck driver named Arquimed Sanchez was driving along a steep mountain road through the Basque mountains in Spain at about 11pm, with an unnamed companion, en route to Puerto de Barazar. As they turned a bend, their headlights hit a strange and rather monstrous creature standing on the side of the road, prompting them to stop the car.

They claimed to have seen a “hairy octopus” that stood and stood about one and a half meters in height, with glowing eyes and “tentacle-like” appendages on the sides. The witnesses froze and the creature froze, this went on for several minutes, after which the guys jumped into the cab and the driver pressed the gas.

The creature did not fly into the air, but simply gracefully jumped out of the path of the car using its tentacle legs.

The frightened people quickly left, leaving the creature behind and were never seen again.


For my part, I can only confirm the existence of such creatures. I saw the same octopus in Russia on one of the summer nights in 2014, when I met this something on my way home from a garage located on the dark outskirts of the city. The octopus climbed over three rows of garages and disappeared into the darkness of the night towards the nearby forest stands. Tentacles, small stature, luminous saucer eyes.

Land squid

In December 2014, there was an eyewitness report on The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) regarding an outlandish bipedal creature that was spotted and nearly hit by a car near Carmel, in Highland County, Ohio, USA.

The bystanders, a retired Marine and his wife, had just moved to the area, and one evening they were driving along a rural road through a wooded area towards their home when a two-meter creature with muscular, highly flexible, tentacle-like legs and a tubular body without any - either hands or head ran in front of their car and disappeared into the woods on the other side of the road, cleverly avoiding a collision with the car.

Here we looked at strange cases of meeting with flying or land jellyfish, squid and octopus that appear in the most strange places. So what are they? Some unknown species? Aliens? Interdimensional anomalies?

Based on my experience, I can only say that they all taken together are …
