A Charming And Cruel Angel Of Death. Do Vampires Exist In Our World? - Alternative View

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A Charming And Cruel Angel Of Death. Do Vampires Exist In Our World? - Alternative View
A Charming And Cruel Angel Of Death. Do Vampires Exist In Our World? - Alternative View

Video: A Charming And Cruel Angel Of Death. Do Vampires Exist In Our World? - Alternative View

Video: A Charming And Cruel Angel Of Death. Do Vampires Exist In Our World? - Alternative View
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Beautiful and cruel, incredibly beautiful and dangerous, mysterious and attractive. Their image is shrouded in myths and legends, they are believed and feared in all corners of the globe … Vampires. Who are they? Legends about these creatures, formed in ancient times, swept through the centuries and continue to cause sacred awe. To this day, there are many debates about whether these angels of the night really exist.

Vampirism is a phenomenon in which a person gains immortal life through the absorption of vital juices (blood and energy) of other people. Often, eternal life is given in return for a promise to serve the Devil and a denial of Christ.

The reasons for the transformation of a person into a vampire differ in different cultures. So, in the Balkan countries, children who died unbaptized, suicides, unsung peasants, murderers who died without repentance become vampires. The bloodsucker was a child whose mother saw a vampire during pregnancy or did not eat salt at all.

In Slavic culture, a dead person could become a vampire, through whose coffin a dog crossed. The seventh child in the family of the seventh son became doomed to cursed immortality. In Poland, there were legends about the Strigoi (Strigoi), people originally cursed to be immortal. The people around them suspected them of vampirism when they were still alive, so during the funeral, they inserted an aspen stake from the heart in advance and gouged out their eyes. In Montenegro, a person who was buried face down in a coffin became a ghoul.

Initially, the image of a bloodsucking ghoul formed among the common people, illegitimate children, suicides and improperly buried peasants became vampires. The image of a mystical and dangerous hero-lover took shape in Europe at the end of the 18th century and became incredibly popular. Then the flourishing of romantic literature coincided with unprecedented epidemics of tuberculosis and numerous poisoning with household gas in the kitchens of Victorian mansions. Literary heroes - vampires, created by Lord Byron, John Polidori and, of course, Brem Stoker, on the one hand, were a collective image of a monster from the scary tales of commoners, and on the other hand, they were unusually smart, beautiful, mysterious and vicious. This is all that Victorian society, tired of excessive strictness of morals, longed for. The tubercle bacillus, unknown at that time to medicine, claimed the lives of entire famous families, just as deaths from carbon monoxide were mysterious and inexplicable. After reading literary works, where the consequences of a vampire's stay in the city were so similar, society accepted the fact of the existence of bloodsuckers with unshakable confidence.

Developing, the image of a vampire acquired more and more new features, and in modern life it is no longer associated only with a cold and cruel hero, thirsting only for blood and death. The literary works of Anne Rice and Stephenie Meyer popularized the image of a vampire suffering from his essence and unwilling to take other people's lives. The image of a monster from a terrible fairy tale faded into the background, leaving, however, all the same romance and mystical appeal.

But are there really vampires?

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It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Discoveries in the field of medicine and modern psychology have explained the reasons for the manifestation of vampirism.

From the point of view of psychology, a person from birth has basic fears that cannot be eradicated. These fears are normal and inherent in absolutely all people on the planet. Fears of death, illness, old age, darkness and the unknown have led to the creation of the vampire image. His youth, beauty and immortality are a subconscious attempt to escape reality, a search for an alternative path in life, allowing him to escape from aging and the inevitable end of life. The fear of the dark and the unknown made this hero a nocturnal creature full of secrets and mysteries.

Modern medicine has also put everything in its place. So, the inherent features of a vampire are his fear of light, the appearance of wounds and burns from the sun's rays, the presence of sharp fangs, pallor of the skin, ageless face, fear of garlic, and, of course, lust for blood.

The discovery made in medicine in the second half of the 20th century caused many lovers of the supernatural to ponder. Doctors have discovered a serious blood disorder, an inherited pathology called porphyria. With this disease, the necessary enzymes are absent in the blood, as a result of which, its composition changes, becoming toxic to the body. The clinical manifestations of the advanced stage of porphyria are changes in the skin, teeth, nails, hair. With this disease, a person develops intolerance to daylight, his skin bursts and becomes covered with ulcers in the sun. The skin looks taut, without wrinkles and folds, the gums dry out, exposing the incisors, giving them a vicious grin. At the same time, the teeth acquire a pink tint. A person feels more active and comfortable only with the onset of darkness. Sulfonic acid,part of garlic is not absorbed and causes great damage to the patient suffering from porphyria. In the later stages of porphyria, there are frequent eversion of joints, changes in the cartilage of the nose and auricles. The disease is often accompanied by mental disorders and bouts of aggression, during which the patient can attack other people. Trying to bite or scratch them.

An interesting fact is that the largest percentage of porphyria diseases was noted in the Balkan countries, where only recently closely related marriages were adopted, leading to the frequency of occurrence of this pathology, and in these countries there are most of all legends and tales about ghouls and ghouls …

Fans of mysticism should not be upset, since some manifestation of vampirism really takes place in real life, but it belongs to the field of psychology.

Energy Vampirism

This type of vampirism really exists, and there are many people who have encountered this phenomenon in their own experience. Psychologists characterize it as a situation when a certain individual lacks his own feelings and emotions for comfortable well-being, and he provokes situations when he can get the emotions he lacks from others. This happens intentionally or unintentionally. With a deliberate provocation, a person tries to create a scandal, conflict, hysteria of another person, getting satisfaction from this, improving his psycho-emotional well-being. With unconscious vampirism, the individual does not notice how he affects others. When he needs to feed on someone else's energy, he begins to complain about his life, talk about his problems, pointing out that there are no fewer interlocutors. Finally,under its influence, the mood of others lowers, lethargy, apathy, unwillingness to do anything appear, and a headache may develop. At the same time, the energy vampire begins to feel much more cheerful and better.

In order to protect yourself from all types of energy vampirism, you should not establish relationships with people who can take away someone else's energy and strength. If such situations cannot be avoided, then it is best to abstract from the conversation, not listening attentively and not taking seriously the things that the interlocutor says, not provoking oneself into a conflict, not taking into account the problems and failures of other people. Realizing that the conversation does not bring the desired effect, the vampire will prefer to look for another victim …
