Electrogravity - The Biefeld-Brown Mystery - Alternative View

Electrogravity - The Biefeld-Brown Mystery - Alternative View
Electrogravity - The Biefeld-Brown Mystery - Alternative View

Video: Electrogravity - The Biefeld-Brown Mystery - Alternative View

Video: Electrogravity - The Biefeld-Brown Mystery - Alternative View
Video: Electrogravity 2024, July

The last century for most people is associated with the triumph of technological progress. However, few people know that the most significant discoveries in various fields of science, technology and technology are systematically classified and hidden from the public. One of these forbidden topics is anti-gravity, knowledge of the principles of which would allow the creation of aircraft of unprecedented possibilities: from flying cars to interstellar spaceships.

At first, everything that was associated with this concept was simply declared pseudoscientific, later discussions on this topic nevertheless got into the scientific environment, since experiments in this area were nevertheless carried out. Moreover, it should be noted that the results of the experiments were very encouraging, since even organizations such as NASA attracted attention. As a result, this topic was no longer discussed at open events …


It is interesting that there is a direction in this issue, which for a number of reasons has remained in the shadows, although it is already about a century old. This phenomenon is called by enthusiasts - electrogravity, although the official science does not agree.

We are talking about the Biefeld-Brown effect, which is manifested in the fact that a charged capacitor moves towards the positive pole. Brown himself and his mentor, Professor Biefeld, were convinced that on the basis of the discovered phenomenon, with the selection of certain parameters, it was possible to create an aircraft of a fundamentally new generation. The phenomenon of electrogravity will be able to give it an extremely high speed. The fact that few know about this effect is due to the lack of a theoretical substantiation of the phenomenon.

It should be noted that Brown, back in 1953, successfully conducted an experiment with a disc with a diameter of 60 cm. The disc rotated around the mast, being connected to it by a wire. It supplied a direct current to the capacitor plates with a voltage of 50,000 V, and the power consumption did not exceed 50 W. The speed reached by the disc is impressive - about 180 km / h.

In the next experiment, Brown demonstrates several flying discs with a diameter of 90 cm at once. The experiment is going well and was immediately classified. At the same time, representatives of official science propose to consider the phenomenon of electrogravity as an ionic wind. However, the phenomenon has been demonstrated in a vacuum, which excludes the possibility of interaction between charged particles of air and particles. There is evidence that these technologies have already been used in projects such as the B-2 stealth aircraft. Thus, there is no doubt that in the bowels of underground laboratories, work continues on the creation of aircraft using the principle of electrogravity, and in the near future, apparently, we will see them.