Northern Ancestral Home Of Aryev. Part Two - Alternative View

Northern Ancestral Home Of Aryev. Part Two - Alternative View
Northern Ancestral Home Of Aryev. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Northern Ancestral Home Of Aryev. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Northern Ancestral Home Of Aryev. Part Two - Alternative View
Video: Как устроена IT-столица мира / Russian Silicon Valley (English subs) 2024, May

Start: Northern Aryev Homeland. Part one

G. A. Levkashin deciphered the ancient writings of the Danube and identified Aratta with the Trypillian archaeological culture, the Indo-European identity of which was revealed by V. N. Danilenko. And Academician B. A. Rybakov drew attention to the specific correspondences of the mythology of the "Trypillians" with the images of the Aryan Rig Veda. This was confirmed by Yu. A. Shilov and proposed the following periodization of Russian History:

1. The ancestral period. It goes back to the hypothetical (still) Proto-Aratta of the Ice Age, which took shape in the 19th – 12th millennia BC. between the Danube and the Volga, the Carpathians and the Caucasus.

2. Proto-Slavic period. Goes back to about 6200. BC. and corresponds to the history of Proto-Indo-European, and then Indo-European Aratta with centers in the Danube and Dnieper regions (Tripolye and genetically preceding archaeological cultures).

3. Proto-Slavic period. Corresponds to the Aratto-Aryan Oriyana - the seaside part of Aratta, formed as a result of the Flood (caused by the union of the Black and Mediterranean Seas) simultaneously with Sumer at the end of the 4th millennium BC.

4. Slavic period. Started in 2300-1700. BC. with the adoption of the cult of Svarog and Dazhbog (the solar zodiac headed by Taurus) and the beginning of the wanderings of a part of the Venedo-Etruscan-Russian tribes and the resettlement from the Lower Dnieper Oriyana-Orissa to the Asia Minor Troada.

5. Russian period. It dates back to the 13th century. BC. by the time of Bohumir of the "Veles Book", the heir of the Omirs - the storytellers of Homer's Troy.

Telling about the Slavic period, Yu. A. Shilov reports that a mass resettlement of the Proto-Slavs took place from the Black Sea Orissa on ships of the Cretan-Mycenaean type, many images of which were found by B. D. Mikhailov at the Stone Tomb in the Asia Minor Troad, where they laid the foundation for the Russian branch of the Eastern Slavs … The pre-Slavs who remained in the Dnieper Aratta formed the core of the future Ukrainians, and the Belarusians who moved to Polesie, to Beresteyshchyna.

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The outlined picture indicates the ancestral home of the Venedian Union in the Black Sea Aratta and the lower reaches of the Dnieper and Dniester - that is, in Oriyana-Orissa or in Borusten-Borusia of the Veles Book.

Many scholars consider the Scythians to be the descendants of the Iranian-speaking Aryans (although the earlier were Indo-speaking Aryans), who maintained close ties with the Slavs.

According to anthropologists, confirmed by measurements of bones found in burials, the meadows (Dnieper Slavs) show significant similarities with the Scythians. And the Scythians, by their anthropological characteristics, go back to the direct descendants of the Iranian-speaking branch of the Aryans.

Becoming in the III millennium BC. part of the agricultural Trypillian culture, the Aryans at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. began their undulating movement towards India, where most of them moved to the second half of the 2nd millennium due to the onset of drought. They were forced to look for new pastures.

The period of development of the Proto-Slavs, the ancestors of the Slavs, including the Russian people, took 3.5-4 thousand years. Thus, talk about the thousand-year history of Russia does not make sense. We can talk about the millennium of Christianity in Russia, as the date of the beginning of the violent change in the faith of the Russian people. But Vedism did not disappear without a trace, all Christianity was saturated with it.

According to A. I. Asov, by the time of the Arius of the Settled (II millennium BC), which brought the Slavic-Aryan clans from Semirechye, many Slavic-Cimmerian tribes already lived in Europe. The northernmost of them, the Krivichi, already lived on the lands of modern Smolensk, Pskov, Moscow regions and the territories closest to them. Then the Krivichi were not yet separated from the Balts (Prusians, Yatwigs, Lithuanian Samogitians and Latvians also descended from them). The Krivichi descended from Skreva, one of the daughters of Bohumir and Kriv, the son of Veles. Krivichi appeared in Europe before all Slavic tribes. Simultaneously with them, glades and Drevlyans appeared on the lands of modern Ukraine and Poland, descending from other daughters of Bohumir - Dreva and Poleva. Their blood flows in many Russian, Ukrainian and Polish clans. All these tribes can be called northern Amazons, since they descend from their ancestors.

The reports of ancient authors about the tribes of the Amazons (the ancestors of the Sarmatian Slavs) are now confirmed archaeologically (the remains of women in full armor were found in the Sarmatian burials). The historian Diodorus Siculus (1st century BC) tells about the first queen of the Amazons known to him, Mirina, who ruled and fought even before Perseus, who is identified with Arius of the Set. Its troops had 30 thousand infantry and 2 thousand cavalry, which was then an innovation for all peoples. The first part of the book of Enoch says: “The fallen angel Azaziel, who seduced Eve, taught the sons of men mortal ulcers - shield, armor, sword - all the weapons of murder. They all went out of his hands against everyone living on Earth, from that day to the end of the age."

“In the world there will be no end to war” - according to “Sibylla” of almost modern Enoch “All will kill each other” - according to the Babylonian prophecy of immemorial antiquity.

The first warriors on earth - women, disciples of the warriors of heaven “Wives are at war, and husbands spin wool and nurse children,” according to the Greek myth about the Amazons living next to the Atlanteans. to Europe and Asia under the leadership of Queen Mirina, whose memory is preserved by Homer.

Many scholars note a great similarity between Slavic and Indo-Aryan languages, both modern and ancient Sanskrit. The Iranian languages, which separated in a later period, show much in common with the Slavic languages. A number of scholars also associate the Andronovites with the Iranian-speaking branch of the Aryans.

The Scythians, whom the researchers considered the descendants of the Iranian-speaking Aryans, maintained close ties with the Slavs; some groups of the Scythians were indistinguishable from the Slavs to such an extent that the Greeks confused them.

Northern Black Sea region, western Azov and the entire Crimean peninsula in the 2nd millennium BC inhabited by the Aryans. These lands have preserved many Aryan names of the area and water sources to this day.

The Volga River is mentioned in the Rig Veda and the Avesta, the most ancient monuments of literature of the foreign-speaking and Iranian-speaking Aryans. She is called Rasa in the 10th book of the Rig Veda "Hymn to the rivers". In the Avesta, the Ranha (Volga) river is glorified, its upper reaches are seized by severe frosts "by the scourge of this country."

N. Chlenov concludes that the Iranian-speaking Aryans came to the southern countries from the regions of the Volga-Ural lands. They lived there until the end of the 2nd early 1st millennium BC. Domestic linguist B. V. Govornung believes that the ancestors of the Aryans (Indo-Iranians) at the end of the 3rd millennium BC. settled in northeastern Europe and were located somewhere near the middle Volga. The outstanding Soviet linguist V. I. Abaev adhered to the same opinion in the book "Prehistory of Indo-Iranians".

Nobody knows the time of the origin of the most ancient parts of the Vedas, it may refer to the 5th – 4th millennium BC, when (as some historians believe) the Balto-Slavic community disintegrated. The dating of this disintegration itself indicates the fact of the existence of the Slavs at that distant time.

The polar theory is confirmed by archaeological finds of the Soviet academician N. S. Derzhavin. According to his data, on the territory of Eastern Europe (Rus) of the Ice Age or Post-Glacial Period (from the Quaternary period), many traces of some, mostly sedentary, people were found. According to archaeological data, the Paleolithic culture of this region is a peculiar local type, which has a connection with the culture of the Aegean Sea. During the Upper Paleolithic period, this people was already engaged in cattle breeding and hoe farming. Social life was built on the basis of a consanguineous family and matriarchy. These were the ancestors of the Slavic population of the territory culturally linked with the Mediterranean.

By the end of the Neolithic (from 5 to 3.5 thousand years BC), clan communities pass into tribal ones. Matriarchy is being replaced by patriarchy. At the same time, there is a process of division of labor. Tribes of hunters and fishermen live in the forest-steppe belts. On the territory of Tripillya, hoe farmers lived with garden-type farming.

In the era of bronze and copper from 2100 to 1000. BC. hoe farming is replaced by more advanced ones, cattle breeding is further developed. Interchange between tribes begins. The invention of metal tools triggered the development of mining and metallurgy. With the beginning of the Iron Age, the territory of the Slavs spread from the middle Dnieper region and the adjacent Dnieper region from the east (along the Donets and Don rivers) westward to the Carpathian regions, that is, to Podolia, Galicia, the Upper Pryvilensk places with Krakow and further west to Moravia.

Even before the XVI century. Historians-chroniclers, both Russian and Polish, Czech, Croatian and Serbian, had a common national doctrine. It was called Scythian-Suromat. According to this doctrine, our ancestors considered as their predecessors all the tribes that had lived in the ancient Russian territory for hundreds and thousands of years. These tribes received a number of nicknames from ancient authors, of which the most common were: Cimmerians, Kimry, Scythians, Suromats, Chud, Kribisi, Severny, etc., including a number of Thracian tribes and tribes called Sklavs. But this theory was discarded under Peter I, who, with incredible zeal, destroyed everything Russian and national. Under this "antichrist" the Germans wrote our history without knowing the Russian language. Those close to the tsar translated the Russian chronicles into German with distortions and perversions for them, and the Germans wrote the history of Russia,which was again translated into Russian.

The term "Slavs" has two versions of its origin. The first connects it with the more ancient word "sklaby", which appeared in slave-owning Ancient Rome, when many tribes from southern and central Europe captured by Rome fled to the north, first to the Rhine, and then to Elba, which at that time was called Chlaba. This name became the "root word" from which the word "sklaby" came from. Most of the prisoners captured in these areas, when asked by a Roman official where they came from, answered in the Polabian dialect: "Z Khlaby" (that is, from the Khlaba river). There were the majority of such answers, and soon the Latin word for "slaves" entered by the officials in the questionnaire turned into a word for slaves.

Jordan de Iona Christopher analyzed the reason for the nickname "sklaby" and pointed out how it was turned into a slave nickname. To make amends for the general error, he suggested calling these tribes not sklabs, but glories, pointing out that many tribes who were called sklabs in ancient times were famous and worthy peoples. From that moment on, a new term "Slavs" appeared, which was immediately adopted by all those who once unfairly called them sklabs. This is the second version of the origin of the term. In the book of Veles, the origin of the name “Slavs” is explained as follows: “So we walked, and were not freeloaders, but were Slavs - Russians, who sing glory to Gods and therefore are Slavs”.

Yu. Babikov in the book "Worldview or the return of Prometheus" explains the appearance of the Slavs. Long before the flood, the formation of the Slavs began with genetic changes in one of the tribes. God the Creator decided to raise a people on Earth in which the principles of morality of goodness and morality would be genetically laid The peoples needed to sow the seed of Good, which, having passed through millennia of independent development, through the darkness of ignorance and lies, could sprout Truth and show a new path for the peoples of the planet - the integration of Mankind of the Earth into the Commonwealth of civilizations of God the Creator.

This is the purpose of the Slavs, and it is precisely to their places of residence, to the north, to the temple of God the Creator, as Enoch asserts in Chapter XXV. of his Book, and the tree of eternal life will be transplanted after the Judgment. The Slavs are the support of the Creator on Earth, which is why for thousands of years they have been the main target of Satanists - explicit and hidden under different masks. That is why the Slavs are trying to destroy and divide, set them against each other: the opposition of the forces of Evil to the cause of God the Creator is the secret goal of Slavophobia.

The decision was made by the creator, and it was executed by representatives of the extraterrestrial Gray civilization, creating a new human genotype and controlling to eliminate the factor of inbreeding (crossing of closely related organisms). The ancestor of the new peoples was Noah, the great-grandson of Enoch and the great … great-grandson of Adam in the X generation - fair-haired people like him, constituting the Slavic peoples.

The criterion for evaluating people of a new genotype was moral qualities, and as the case of Noah's nudity showed, Japheth's morality was above all. That is why Noah said: “May God extend Japheth; and may he dwell in the tents of Shem; Canaan will be his slave. (Genesis, ch. 9, p. 27).

The creator chose the genus Japheth, continuing to improve the genotype and control the development of his descendants, and in relation to the families of Ham and Shem, work was stopped. The mistake cost their descendants dearly - without the support of the Highest, many later degenerated or scattered.

When German scientists began to invent a version of their "Aryan" origin, they used the new term "Slavs" to refer to all those who, in language, belonged to the group of Slavic languages. We, the Russians, and all those nationalities who, by the will of fate, left their native languages and were forced to speak Slavic, were among the "Slavs" with the light hand of the Germans.

AA Kur in his work "From the true history of our ancestors" expressed the opinion that the Slavs never existed and no traces of their culture were found, their language is not known - the progenitor of Slavic speech. Pseudoscientists speculate on this statement, proving that the Slavs appeared with the arrival of Rurik; they hide the fact that the term "Slavs" was coined by the Germans in the 19th century, when they began to classify languages. A. A. Kur believes that this term is linguistic and refers to the science of philology or linguistics, but not to history. This term denoted a group of languages that are close in origin, pronunciation, grammar. When linguistics began to form, scientists began to classify languages into groups. The Russian language ended up in the so-called Aryan group, in the department of Slavic languages and in the sub-department of Baltic-Slavic. Such a division was tailored to the theory of German linguists to fill the void in the history of the white race, formed from ignorance of the initial history of the entire white race. According to their theory, all Aryans were divided by language into three groups: Germans, Celts and Slavs. The Germans believed that every language determines the nationality, that is, according to the language and its name, they determined the origin of this or that people, and according to the language they gave its nickname. So the peoples who spoke the Germanic language became Germans, the Celtic ones became Celts, and those who spoke the Slavic language began to be called Slavs.that is, by the language and its name, they determined the origin of this or that people, and by the language they also gave its nickname. So the peoples who spoke the Germanic language became Germans, the Celtic ones became Celts, and those who spoke the Slavic language began to be called Slavs.that is, by the language and its name, they determined the origin of this or that people, and by the language they also gave its nickname. So the peoples who spoke the Germanic language became Germans, the Celtic ones became Celts, and those who spoke the Slavic language began to be called Slavs.

P. Y. Shafarik pointed out that in all Slavic sources the name "Slovenia" is used. Only foreigners have slander, which is wrong.

The term "Slavs" is so ingrained that it became impossible to do without it. We will also use this term so as not to add additional confusion to the history of the Russian People.

Greek monks in the 16th and early 17th centuries forcibly introduced into Russian books the wicked name "Russians", instead of the native name of Rus, used since ancient times. They also introduced the word "Slavs" into grammar and church books, which is closer to the Greek "slav". The name "Slavs" first appeared in the grammar of Melentiy Smotrissky in 1619, then in the grammar of an unknown writer, published in Moscow in 1648, and, finally, in the revised Bible in 1663. in Moscow. The common people never used the word "Slavs", only "Slovenia". In our ancient sources, only the nickname "words" is written.

Residents near Lake Ilmen were called Slovenes [57] until the 12th century, then the Rus, in Media - until the 10th century, then the Bulgarians. The inhabitants of Styria and Horutania in upper Hungary were called Slovenes and Slovaks and have retained these names until our time. Always being Russians, by the will of the "brazen of this world" we became Slavs, a people without a past, without history, and with the help of the same Germans we got a nickname.

Ancient scientists, chroniclers, scribes do not say anything about the Slavs, they did not know them, because there were no Slavs. But the ancient scientists were well aware of the existence on the territory of ancient Russia of the people of Russia in all its phonetic features of pronunciation: Rus, dew, races, Rusen, Borus, rutheni, etc.

In the chronicle literature, the term "Slavs" is not mentioned anywhere, but "Slovenia" is always present as a language, and the concepts of "Slovenia" and "Rus-Russians" are sharply differentiated, never Rus or Russians are called Slovenes. In those distant times, the term "Slovenia" was used to refer to tribes and clans that at different times moved from Polabia and the Baltic to the regions of Northern Russia or who came as robbers-find-seekers-Varangians who seized Russian territory by force. And they were called Slovenes because they spoke Polabian and Baltic in the dialects of relatives and friends and understandable to both.

The excavations by G. Schliemann showed that the Trojan culture differed from the Elin culture, significantly surpassing it. The similarity of cultures is found in dishes found on the Baltic Sea coast in northern Prussia and in burials. This is no coincidence. In other places in Western Europe inhabited by Gallic and German tribes, culture of this level has not been found. Studying the indigenous population of the Moscow region by excavating burial mounds, academician K. M. Ber did not recognize them as either Finnish or Scandinavian. AN Bogdanov in his work "Anthropology of the Mounds of Moscow Province" came to the same conclusion. Representatives of the tribe, buried in the mounds, were tall: 2 arshins [58] 6-8 vershoks [59], strong constitution, fair-haired. Archaeologist D. Ya. Samokhvalov explains: the settlements found in the Moscow region are fortified points of the large Russian population. There are many objects of clearly Russian origin in the mounds.

The late burials of the Finns and Tatars in these places are poor and wretched in comparison with the bronze burials of the ancient Slavs.

The Adriatic or Italian Slavs-Wends were part of the Trojan tribes. After leaving Troy, they founded one of the most mysterious cities in the world - Venice, as well as Patava (from the Slavic word "pta" - bird, now Padua), and then became citizens of the Roman Empire, forever voluntarily dissolved in it. The connection between the most ancient Egyptian and Assyro-Babylonian culture, Persian and Asian in general, as well as Greek and Roman, is quite obvious. Even the Chinese civilization turned out to be quite akin to the Aryan and Semitic.

Apparently this explains the desire of medieval Russian explorers to Siberia - to the lands of their ancestors.

According to the Russian historian F. Gilyarov in the "Legends of the Russian Primary Chronicle" Noah in 2344. BC, in the second year after the flood, divided the universe between his three sons. Simu gave Asia, Hamu - Africa, and the youngest Afet - Western and Northern countries. The Afet tribe is the Varangians, Svei, Murmans, Rus, Aglyans, Galicians, Volokhs, Romans, Germans, Koliaz, Venedians, flasks - in the south, the Afeta tribe borders Africa.

Yu. D. Petukhov in his book "By the paths of the gods" gives a list of our genealogy: “Now we must say about where we started: the people of the Rus are incredibly ancient, practically eternal, they gave birth to many other peoples. But we will only view a straight line. And we will repeat: yes, we are Indo-European Rus, we are Philistines, we are Canaanites, we are Sumerians (early “Sumerians”, but not later, simulated), we are Wends-Phoenicians (for the toponym “Phenicia” = “Venice "=" Venedia "), we are the first sons of Horus and Ra, the founders of the ancient Egyptian dynasties, we are the unnamed so far ancient inhabitants of Cyprus (the village of Khirokitia) and Asia Minor (the villages of Alacha and Chatal-uyuk), we are the Yariy migrants to distant India, we are the "peoples of the sea", we are the Hatti-Hittites-Goths, we are the Trojans and inhabitants of other cities of Asia Minor, not yet defeated by the Achaeans, we are the Pelazgi,who laid the foundation for the so-called "Greek civilization", we are the Etruscans-Rasenians, who founded and created the Roman Empire, we are Scythians-sketes, chipped, who conquered the whole east, we are the founders of the Minoan civilization of Crete, the Minoans, we are the late Wends, one of whose tribes went down in history as the Vandals, the great tribe of the Rus, who passed through all of Europe, defeated rotten through and through, degenerated Rome and settled in North Africa, we are the ancient Celts, we are the founders of all princely and royal dynasties of Europe, we are the ancient (not the present) Persians (the ethnonym “Persians” = “Prussians” = “Po-Rus”), we are the indigenous inhabitants of ancient Syria-Suria (the ethnonym-shape-shifter “Suria” = “Rusia”, and “sur-“, “shur- = "Rus" is an example, remember how Russians are called in Afghanistan - "shur-avi"), we are Vikingswe are the overwhelming majority of those ancient Russian tribes that “classical history” falsely calls “Germans” (genuine Germans, “Deutsche”, as a filial people, isolated from the Rus ethnos, appeared much later), we are Slavs and early, unnumbered Balts, we are Russians, we are Russians. And we, Russians, cannot refuse from a single ancestor people, we have no right, because the connection with the ethnoses listed below (and not listed yet is inseparable. "because the connection with the ethnoses listed below (and not yet listed is inseparable. "because the connection with the ethnoses listed below (and not yet listed is inseparable."

“We have been taught for many decades that“our younger brothers”are Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Azerbaijanis and Evenks with Chukchi. But we must tell the truth - these respected peoples are not ethnically brothers to us. Our younger brothers are Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs, Lithuanians, Latvians, Bulgarians, Germans, Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Anglo-Saxons, French, Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Iranians, White Indians. Our cousins younger brothers are Estonians, Finns, Hungarians and other peoples of the Finno-Ugric language family. Our distant younger brothers are Semites: white Arabs and white Jews, this relationship is distant, but it exists, it can be traced at the level of the older brother Japheth and the younger Shem, the sons of the legendary Noah. (Pp. 253–254)

The biblical God scattered all nations on earth and divided them into 72 languages. The son of Shem Afroxad gave rise to the languages of the East, the son of Chaim of Canaan - to the African languages. Afet's sons Gamed and Magog - languages of Western and Northern countries. From them came the Slavic language, called Norzi, the ancestors of the Slavs lived near Syria in Paphlagonia [60]. And from here, after many years, the Slavs settled in the south over a large area.

This legend is confirmed by the studies of V. M. Florensky (1894) According to his data, all civilizations originated from a single Aryan civilization, which was formed in eastern Mesopotamia between Okeus (the ancient name of Amu Darya) and Yaksarta (Syr Darya), between the Tien Shan, The Hindu Kush and the Persian Gulf. From here the Iranian tribes moved towards Persia and Asia Minor. At the same time, in the same way, the Hellenic tribes came to Asia Minor and the islands of the Aegean Sea. On the Black Sea coast, the European branch of the Aryans was divided into those nationalities that then appeared on the European continent. This is how the population of Europe arose.

Under Alexander the Great, the Macedonians considered themselves descendants of the Trojans. The commander, who was interested in the heroes of the Iliad, found in Paphlagonia, on the banks of the river. Galisa, the still surviving remains of the Wends who fought near Troy under the leadership of the leader Pelemon.

Even before the Trojan War, the Cimmerian (Taman) Peninsula was not only inhabited, but already had a civilian structure as in Asia Minor. Crimea was the birthplace of Achilles. In the South Russian steppes during the Trojan War there lived the Aryan population (ancestors of the Herodotus Scythians), who came here through the Caucasian passes directly from the steppes of the Aral and Caspian seas. The Scythians rushed further to Northern and Western Europe and Scandinavia. The tribes moved in parts, with the formation of new dialects and languages. The language convincingly proves that the European peoples descended from one Aryan family, indicates the time of their migration and separation into an independent nationality due to separation from the original center.

O. Vinogradov