Arkaim And The Legends Of The Rigveda About Those Who Built It - Alternative View

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Arkaim And The Legends Of The Rigveda About Those Who Built It - Alternative View
Arkaim And The Legends Of The Rigveda About Those Who Built It - Alternative View

Video: Arkaim And The Legends Of The Rigveda About Those Who Built It - Alternative View

Video: Arkaim And The Legends Of The Rigveda About Those Who Built It - Alternative View
Video: Vedas and human DNA. Arkaim - the cradle or Aryan Civilization I 2024, September

Strange concentric circles, more precisely, a spiral of stones laid out in a perfect circle, was discovered in 1987 by a military satellite flying over the South Urals. The space image was transferred to the Ministry of Defense, having puzzled a lot, it was transferred to the USSR Academy of Sciences. There, too, they grabbed their heads: where did this miracle come from in the Ural steppe?

Arkaim in its modern form has been reclaimed - filled up. From it you can see only a superficial pattern of the relief of the walls.


Archaeologists of the Chelyabinsk State University were hastily sent to this area, and they, flying over the river valley, saw these circles with their own eyes at Mount Arkaim. This is some kind of message left to us, earthlings, or a landmark for landing a spacecraft, scientists decided. In addition, it turned out that this is a zone of increased anomalous activity. Here time slows down, and the compass arrows go crazy. Moreover, in these places the blood pressure increased, the pulse quickened, and hallucinations began.


Archaeologists got down to business and discovered here the ruins of an ancient city. Forty centuries - this is how he was determined by the age of the radiocarbon method. Nobody knows what this city was actually called: no written sources have survived. One thing is known today: Arkaim was one of the first cities on Earth. Homeric Troy turned out to be five to six centuries younger than him. It is older than the Egyptian pyramids.

The very first excavations revealed a part of a thick, about 5 m, wall. It resembled a swirling spiral with a square in the center. "Yes, this is the model of the Universe overturned on the Earth!" - gasped paleoarchaeologists and astrophysicists. Who only from the representatives of scientific circles did not visit Arkaim in those days. Discoveries poured in as if from a cornucopia. His observatory turned out to be the most complex of all known to mankind. The people of Arkaim knew about the movement of the earth's crust along a circular cone with a period of 25 786 years!

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They started talking about the discovery of a planetary scale. We reached the Central Committee itself. And then it turned out that the monument of a world scale is in danger - the Ministry of Land Reclamation of the USSR planned to flood this territory, create a reservoir for irrigation of state farm lands. Wherever the discoverer of Arkaim, professor-archaeologist G. B. Zdanovich, did not turn!

Arkaim's model


Everywhere they made a helpless gesture: on this score, they say, there is a resolution of the Central Committee. Gennady Borisovich urgently left for Moscow, to the Academy of Sciences. But he did not find Rybakov, President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in his place, he ended up abroad. Then he rushed to Leningrad to see Academician B. B. Piotrovsky, but there was a problem too: the academician's working day was scheduled by the minute, and at that moment he was receiving a delegation of foreign scientists.

And then Zdanovich went to the extreme: he asked the secretary to give the academician a fragment of ceramics with an ornament from the ancient swastika - the symbol of the sun among the ancient Aryans - and a photograph with the image of giant circles. In less than a minute, a breathless academician burst into the strange visitor: “Where did you get this from, my friend? From the Urals? Well, don't torment your soul, tell me ….

Having listened to the agitated story of the guest, Piotrovsky grabbed the Kremlin turntable: "Dear young lady, please, the Central Committee, Comrade Yakovlev …" Zdanovich left the Northern capital elated: the Central Committee's resolution was canceled, Arkaim was declared a state reserve.


Why was the world-famous academician so alarmed? Arkaim could turn out to be an ancestral home - the source of an ancient civilization that gave rise to many peoples, including the Russian. Later, this hypothesis was confirmed. But where in the south of the Urals, in the endless steppe, could this mysterious city appear? On this score, scientists had a lot of assumptions. Not all of them are linked to our modern knowledge and ideas. Even a cosmic hypothesis is being put forward.


How did it happen that the ancient inhabitants of this city possessed the knowledge that we are only trying to achieve? Why are the walls of Arkaim oriented strictly according to the stars, one of which is Sirius? In search of a clue to this phenomenon, enthusiastic researchers turned to the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, to the Book of the Great Exodus. And everything fell into place.

The book tells about the exodus from Daariya (Hyperborea) of tall, fair-haired gods who flew to Earth from a distant planet. Fleeing from the Great Cold and the Flood, they came to the very edge of the Riphean (now Ural) mountains. With pain in their hearts, they left the blessed land beyond the Arctic Circle, where before the onset of glaciation, a subtropical climate reigned and real gardens of Eden bloomed.

The great cold was caused by the fall of a huge comet, after which the great abyss washed away part of their Arctida. They set off in a great caravan to the south and after a many-day march they chose a picturesque valley near Mount Arkaim, where they began to build a city using the knowledge of their ancestors.

It was built according to a mathematically verified drawing, strictly oriented towards the stars and the sun. Nowadays, scientists have compiled a computer model of the city. The ancient metropolis looked unusually beautiful, was buried in greenery.

Perfectly round, with high towers, it was faced with colored bricks on the outside. A street for pedestrians and chariots ran along the rooftops of the houses. The center was occupied by an observatory. The four entrances to the city formed a swastika pattern.

This sacred symbol of the sun was used by Ancient India, Iran, Egypt, the Maya Indians, and later Russia. The inhabitants of Arkaim - tall, beautiful, - judging by the study of the burials, rarely got sick. They were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, pottery. And when they found a mine near the city with reserves of copper pyrite, they began to melt copper. Caravans with bronze axes, knives, crafts of artisans stretched from Arkaim to Iran, India, Greece, and reached the great Sumerian kingdom.

Everywhere, tall, fair-haired people were greeted with respect, worshiping them as demigods for great intelligence and knowledge, for selflessness and friendliness. Among them there were also skilled healers who knew the secrets of unearthly medicine. And in astronomy they had no equal - and it could not be otherwise, if the Arkaim people were taught from early childhood to the knowledge of their great ancestors.


Together with the lullaby, they were told about the distant ancestral home on Sirius and about the abandoned Hyperborea … When the glacier descended, they sent their scouts there. But they returned with nothing: the ocean flooded their blessed country. The dream of returning collapsed overnight. Then they began to wait for news from the distant ancestral home that came to them in their dreams. And one of the dreams became prophetic.

The high priest announced about him: "Wait for dear guests, residents of Arkaim!" Most likely, giant drawings were laid out for them then. How they did this is not yet available to our minds, as if someone from the sky drew circles on the ground with a giant compass. But what a wonderful landmark for the landing of a spaceship!


In 2683 BC. e., as follows from the ancient epic Rigveda, a large spaceship with 200 messengers from Sirius made an emergency landing in the Arkaim valley. One can only imagine with what joy the Arkaim people met them. Since the time of their forced resettlement from Hyperborea, they have lost part of their knowledge - and those who arrived have filled it in. They also became mentors in the enduring of hardships.

Arkaim was constantly besieged by nomads. Those who arrived did not interfere, had no right to use what could instantly turn into dust the enemy cavalry. However, the inhabitants of the fortress themselves managed to fight back, launching dozens of war chariots against the besieging … And then a ship flew in for the guests. Perhaps, then, goodbye, the Arkaim stone-cutters carved a stone idol looking longingly at the sky …


Residents of Arkaim, seeing off the guests, decided to leave the valley forever: the ore reserves dried up, the caravans with goods stopped coming … Hastily gathered, seizing the necessary, they left the city, setting it on fire - most likely, they did not want to leave Arkaim to be plundered by the nomads. On the way, they split: some headed for India, which reminded them of Hyperborea, others chose the lands of Iran and the great Sumer, and still others headed for the mountains of Tibet.

This is what the ancient epic Rig Veda says. The Book of the Great Exodus contains the following lines: “An unknown race of tall white, fair-haired demigods came to India from the country on the very edge of the Riphean mountains. They brought knowledge with them, and this happened after Buddha left for nirvana (in the summer of 13019 from the Great Cold according to the Vedic calendar).

Having laid the foundation for many modern peoples, they have sunk into eternity, forcing us forty centuries later to puzzle over the purpose of the giant circles in the Ural steppe.

