How To Wake Up Early In A Good Mood And Feel Happy - Alternative View

How To Wake Up Early In A Good Mood And Feel Happy - Alternative View
How To Wake Up Early In A Good Mood And Feel Happy - Alternative View

Video: How To Wake Up Early In A Good Mood And Feel Happy - Alternative View

Video: How To Wake Up Early In A Good Mood And Feel Happy - Alternative View

How to wake up early in a good mood and feel happy. This state must be trained in oneself in order to radiate joy and give this feeling to others. After all, the mood in which you woke up in the morning very often depends on how your day will go.

1. As soon as you wake up, say something nice to yourself. (Today I'm lucky, I feel great, every moment of my life is filled with happiness, etc.)

2. Be grateful for what you have. Focus on what you have, not what you lack. Indeed, even the Bible says: "To everyone who has it will be given, but from him who does not have, what he has will also be taken away …"

3. Drink a glass of water. Just before that, speak the water. Say words of love and gratitude to her, or ask her to fill you with energy and health.

4. Think over and replay your day in the most positive way.

5. Remember something good, enter a state of happiness, remember how it feels and return to this state during the day.

6. Take any events as positive lessons in your life. Find perspective in every event.

7. Remember that happiness is a choice!

Promotional video:

Author: Regina Bikbulatova
