UFO In The Days Of Plutarch - Alternative View

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UFO In The Days Of Plutarch - Alternative View
UFO In The Days Of Plutarch - Alternative View

Video: UFO In The Days Of Plutarch - Alternative View

Video: UFO In The Days Of Plutarch - Alternative View
Video: UFO - Extended Preview 2024, July

In the photo: This is a tapestry. Basilica at Notre-Dame Beaune (Burgundy, France), c. 1330g. The "black hat" is clearly visible in the upper left corner. Nothing but a UFO comes to mind.

Skeptics say: no alien starships hover over our planet, you just need to watch less "X-Files"! Maybe they are right, however, for example, Aristotle did not have a TV …

Even the ancient Chinese (the very ones who invented everything - from paper to gunpowder, but not television) testified that from time to time fiery flying objects appear in the sky that do not bring evil, but do not come into contact with earthlings. For example, in 235, a bright red, luminous object, emitting dagger rays, landed in front of the troops of the commander Liang, took off again and sank behind the frozen warriors. Having flown back and forth and, obviously, collecting the necessary information, the UFO disappeared into the clouds. It is unlikely that several thousand Chinese soldiers at once were under the influence of a hallucinogen …

North American Indians were also familiar with flying saucers firsthand, they only called them "wheels". "Wheels" flew long before the appearance of the Europeans, landed in the mountains or on the surface of the sea, not fearing anything, but also without making unnecessary noise that could frighten the natives. White people, who arrived in America with much more hype, considered the stories of the Redskins about UFOs to be just ancient tales of ignorant savages …

Sword, shield … and barrels

In the historical chronicle of Plutarch - the main work by which we study the life of ancient Greek civilization - there is not a word about flying saucers. But huge flying darts and shields are described in detail, which shone in the sky and moved separately from each other, racing, then together, in orderly rows. This parade of extraterrestrial technology happened in 102 BC over the cities of Ameri and Turdent, in Italy.

As a rule, modern scholars do not doubt the reliability of the events described by the Greek historian. Why not believe it now? Moreover, the incident in the Italian sky is not an isolated incident. Plutarch writes that in 73 BC. e. next to the Dardanelles, the troops of the Roman commander Lucullus and the Bosporan king Mithridates were already intending to cross swords, when suddenly the sky opened up, a huge barrel blazing with fires flew out of the depths of heaven at an unprecedented speed and rushed straight into the gap between the two armies. Frightened to death, the opponents fled in different directions. Having done their job, the barrel-shaped flying body went home …

However, even if we assume that the venerable Plutarch went crazy over UFOs, he did not do it alone: there is a lot of evidence of mysterious flying objects, mostly round in shape, in the writings of other historians, for example, Titus Livy has thirty of them, and Cicero has nine episodes. Either fireballs sparkled in the skies, now flying balls excited the imagination of the ancient Greeks and no less ancient Romans. Aristotle wrote about "celestial disks, and Pliny made a real classification of UFOs:" piteas "are barrel-shaped," discoids "are in the form of disks with rays," seratis "are in the form of a horn," lamps "are flying burning torches. Apparently, seeing a UFO in the sky was as commonplace as going to the bathhouse.

Curse of the Earth

Ancient Greek historians and ancient Roman thinkers can only be envied - they kept Spartan calm at the sight of the unknown and tried to understand it. Scientific analysis and no panic. Christian sources are not so cold-blooded. In the book of the prophet Zechariah, UFO is called nothing other than "a curse that will forever hang over the Earth." This is what the angel said to Zechariah, the prophet accordingly, and took this information, although his eyes saw the same flying barrel.

The Prophet Daniel observed a more rare phenomenon - "wheels of fire". However, he is not the first. The first were, as it should be, Adam and Eve. The "Qumran scrolls" testify that the fiery chariot rushed through the clouds in front of our ancestors and landed next to Adam, who saw a column of smoke beating between the wheels. However, apparently, the "curse" did nothing wrong to the first people, the human race continued …