What Are The Ancient Artifacts Hiding? - Alternative View

What Are The Ancient Artifacts Hiding? - Alternative View
What Are The Ancient Artifacts Hiding? - Alternative View

Video: What Are The Ancient Artifacts Hiding? - Alternative View

Video: What Are The Ancient Artifacts Hiding? - Alternative View
Video: Real Ancient Artifacts That Scientists Can't Explain 2024, July

Archeology is considered by many to be a terribly boring science. Maybe this is true for some, but when some enthusiast accidentally discovers somewhere in Tibet an alkaline battery or an ordinary calendar that is designed for a hundred future centuries, skeptics have nothing to cover.

Yes, of course, such interesting finds very hard fit into the well-known system of phased development of the human race and our civilization, especially since quite often these anachronisms or artifacts are simply fakes. And yet there are those among them who are worthy not of doubt, but of deep amazement.

This Greek "computer" is only 2000 years old. Such older machines would not have reached us at all, would not have survived.


Ancient Egyptian users' Internet, Jurassic computer, personal starship for King Arthur … In a word, it can be called science fiction, but, nevertheless, they are all objects that were not characteristic of their time, and therefore existed outside of it.

And why do so many choose to accept only the most primitive artifacts of the past? Why, for example, are they not talking about weapons of mass destruction, which could very well have caused the death of dinosaurs? The thing is that very many theories about the existence of ancient super-developed civilizations go into such an unimaginable depth of centuries that it is simply meaningless to talk about surviving evidence of the development of the then science and technology.

Imagine what would happen if some kind of mega-civilization or colony of aliens existed relatively recently, well, for example, about four thousand years ago. Yes, at every step, we would literally stumble upon the achievements of their technical progress left to us. There would be ruined skyscrapers, littered underground stations, airports for aircraft, not to mention the ancient landfills of household waste.

The remains of a person or his small tools are much better preserved. For example, in Ethiopia, on the Omo River, the oldest traces of human intelligent activity, such as quartzite axes, dated back to two million years BC, were discovered.

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Naturally, there can be no question of finding a "Mesozoic computer": things that are even a little more complicated than some stone ax or metal jewelry simply could not survive to this day in such a state that they could be studied. And if they were made of any super-strong material, then after the sudden and sudden death of the developed civilization that created them, we would have already discovered these traces from the prehistoric, but developed "golden age".

Not far from Belgrade, the Vinca alphabet was found on Neolithic artifacts, which dates back to the six thousandth year BC. The incomprehensible pictograms that cover the clay shards and figurines of animals made the researchers think hard.


Until now, it has not been possible to decipher what is written on them, and it is unlikely that anyone will ever be lucky enough to do this. But if this is a truly meaningful language, then textbooks on ancient history will have to be rewritten: after all, the Vinca alphabet will turn out to be the oldest writing on our Earth, ahead of the Sumerian and Egyptian sources by many thousands of years.

And one more linguistic puzzle that excited the minds of scientists is the "disc from Phaistos" - a stone disc found during excavations in the vicinity of the city of Faistos on the island of Crete. It was created in the second millennium BC. The disc contains strange circular shapes of forty-five types of various characters that cannot be deciphered. Its place of manufacture and purpose are still the subject of heated discussion. And mentioning its Mediterranean origin, the disc is very often attributed to the artifacts of Atlantis, which had died long ago.

disc from Phaistos


Developing the well-known hypothesis about the existence of a great proto-civilization on the territory of Europe, one cannot but mention the so-called “Bosnian pyramids” found at the end of 2005, in which scientists are greatly interested. Near the town of Visoko in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina there is a very unusual hill to this day, which resembles a pyramid in shape.

The enthusiastic researcher Semir Osmanagich, who was the first to carry out excavations on the hill, said that he had found the remains of facing stones and a number of tunnels that go inside the "building".

The age of this hill or "Pyramid of the Sun", named by it by analogy with another pyramid - from the city of Teotihuacan in Mexico, is currently estimated at twelve thousand years, which is almost ten thousand years more than the age of the Cheops pyramid. The height of the Pyramid of the Sun is about 215 meters, and here it is ahead of its famous Egyptian “sister” by as much as seventy-five meters.

In the vicinity of the "Pyramid of the Sun" there are several more similar pyramidal-shaped hills, christened "The Pyramid of the Moon", "The Pyramid of the Dragon", etc. For certain reasons, researchers immediately began to associate these buildings with the lost Atlantis, the continent of Mo, Lemuria, and other extinct cultures.

An equally unique building anachronism is an unfinished obelisk that was discovered in the Aswan quarries in Egypt. Its length reaches forty-two meters, and its approximate weight is more than 1150 tons. This obelisk, when completed, would be perhaps the largest ever created by mankind. The mystery of the obelisk lies in the fact that the most ancient architects began to carve it without any suitable technologies for transportation and installation.


At the very end of their work on the granite from which the obelisk was carved, cracks went in different directions, and work on it had to be abandoned. However, only the fact that the Egyptians took a risk and took on such a project unequivocally proves that they did not consider their activities pointless, and therefore possessed a certain arsenal of technologies that today can only be guessed at.

No less strange are the lines on the Nazca plateau, whose age dates from 600 to 200 BC. The ancient Indians do not understand how hundreds of figures were "drawn" - from simple forms to animals, birds and insects. The strange thing is that they are only visible from a bird's eye view. Although why the Indians needed it is not clear, because these lines from the ground look completely meaningless.

Today, only the lazy is not talking about UFOs, and the fact that they visit Earth is a fact. But if extraterrestrial civilizations come to visit us now, what prevented them from doing this and. in the distant past. Therefore, all of the above miracles-artifacts can be attributed to their activities on our planet. Yes, there are a great many such examples across the globe.

Take South Africa, for example. Ever since the cradle of our civilization, the African continent has been called the land of mines or "the underworld." A huge amount of minerals, including diamonds, have already been mined, and now, in order to search for new ones, you have to literally bite into the bowels as deep as possible.

So, once, in the town of Ottosdal, miners, while excavating a layer of pyrophyllite deposited more than 2.8 million years ago, began to find spheres of blue metal. The balls were slightly dented by the pressure of the rocks, and some had three parallel grooves along the "equator": neat and obviously artificial.

Near the Greek Antikythera, among the wreckage of an old frigate, rusted parts of an incomprehensible device were found, called the "Antikythera mechanism."

The "machine" nature of this find was immediately guessed. The artifact was carefully studied. The time of its manufacture is established - approximately 87 BC. In practice, the "Antikythera mechanism" represents a complex system of dials, gears, scales and gears for us, which were supposedly used in astronomical calculations.

Now let's move to Russia, to the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains, to the banks of the Narada River. It was here that gold prospectors found strange things while drilling wells in gold-bearing layers. At first, the artifacts were mistaken for golden sand, but the grains of sand seemed very strange.

And when we looked at them through a microscope, we saw tiny spirals, pieces of rings and other details of a uniquely artificial origin. After careful research, it turned out that the parts are made of … tungsten. Tungsten, which is considered to be a very strong and refractory metal with a melting point of up to three thousand degrees. It turns out that tungsten is an ideal material for a spacecraft …

Prehistoric artifacts require an extremely careful and careful attitude. Most often they can be fakes or misinterpreted objects of modern times. But let's hope that one fine day before humanity may appear or has already turned out to be a truly priceless heritage from ancient civilization, a certain Pandora's box.

“Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown №3 2013