"I Was Scared By A Strange Creature In The Office" - Alternative View

"I Was Scared By A Strange Creature In The Office" - Alternative View
"I Was Scared By A Strange Creature In The Office" - Alternative View

Video: "I Was Scared By A Strange Creature In The Office" - Alternative View

Video: The Maker 2024, September

This incident happened a few months ago when I was working as the deputy director of a small construction company.

On that day, the boss's daughter had a birthday, he was in a hurry to go home and asked me to stay and write several reports for him. If I knew where this would lead, I would immediately refuse.

It turned out to be a lot of work, so I was released only by nine in the evening. I finished typing the last report, turned off the computer, began to get ready - and suddenly I heard a strange clicking sound in the corridor. And then the lights went out in my office.

Left in the pitch darkness, I literally groped to the door to find out what had happened.

I went out into the corridor and saw an absolutely incredible picture.

The corridor space was filled with a bright blue glow that emanated from a strange creature hovering in the air right in front of the electrical panel. It looked like worms coiled tightly into a ball, some of which extended towards the shield.

I froze in fright, and the creature, not paying attention to me, continued to go about its business.

I quietly returned to the office, took my things and left just as quietly. My legs did not want to obey, and my heart was beating as if I had just run a hundred meters.

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When only a couple of steps remained to the stairs, the unusual creature unhooked the tentacles from the shield and began to decrease in size. In the office, the lights came on again, and the lamps came on in the hallway and in the stairwell.

I did not wait to see what would happen next, quickly went down to the first floor and, hastily saying goodbye to the guard, ran out into the street. I don't remember how I got home. But the next morning I wrote a letter of resignation of my own free will.

Igor KOMELIN, p. Russian Kugunur, Mari El
