After That I Began To Be Afraid Of The Dark: Strange Meetings With The Dogman - Alternative View

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After That I Began To Be Afraid Of The Dark: Strange Meetings With The Dogman - Alternative View
After That I Began To Be Afraid Of The Dark: Strange Meetings With The Dogman - Alternative View

Video: After That I Began To Be Afraid Of The Dark: Strange Meetings With The Dogman - Alternative View

Video: After That I Began To Be Afraid Of The Dark: Strange Meetings With The Dogman - Alternative View
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In recent years, people in Western countries have increasingly begun to talk about seeing a creature that looks like a dog-human hybrid. In appearance it resembled the well-known yeti (also bipedal and also covered with hair from head to toe), but its muzzle was elongated and very similar to a dog's.

The creature was nicknamed Dogmen and was only seen in the United States. All stories about the Dogman balance at the level of urban legends or stories about meetings with the Yeti, that is, with practically no factual evidence and mainly with anonymous eyewitnesses, so the public trust in them is the same.

However, the stories about meetings with the Dog-Man tell about things that are too strange for cryptids, for example, about the ability of these creatures to regular telepathic contacts, so you shouldn't treat them as 100% fiction, there is definitely something here.

Legends of dog-like creatures have been told for many centuries, but there it was mainly about werewolves attacking people. Immediately there is a creature of a completely different level in its behavior and in its appearance, rather resembling the famous Christian cinephals (psoglavtsy).


Dog-human telepathic

One of the stories about the meeting with the Dogman tells about a creature named Tulack. The year of the meeting is not specified, but it was already in the 2000s. The woman met this creature in the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico, when she went there on a hike with her fiancé Michael.

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Suddenly she saw something dark and large ahead and told Michael to be careful, as there was probably a bear ahead. The creature, meanwhile, was moving in the thickets and it was heard how it breaks branches.

“When this 'bear' came out of the thicket, we saw something with a figure that looked like a human, and it was making wide strides, as it was quite tall. His back was with a hump, which at first seemed to me like a backpack, but then I realized that this was not a backpack, but his real body. Moreover, his body was a strange color, a mixture of gray, purple and dark brown.

It looked at me and then quickly went into the thicket. Michael and I followed him in that direction, but suddenly a strange feeling hit us in the stomach. It was like a silent order for us to leave here. Despite this order, I wanted to move on after the creature, but Michael stopped me, saying that it could be very dangerous.

Because of this strange feeling in my stomach, my heart rate increased and my adrenaline rush into my blood increased. I felt my whole body begin to throb. It was at that moment ahead that I saw this creature again. It stood and looked at us and I managed to take a photo of it on my phone.

In the photograph presented by the woman, one can indeed see something dark and standing vertically by the tree, but the face of the creature cannot be discerned and its very figure is indistinct.


“I also want to note that this creature did not smell at all, that is, it did not smell like a bear or like another animal. Then I found out that it was a Dogman."

It would seem that this story is similar to many stories about observing the Yeti. But … When the woman returned home, in the following days she had telepathic contacts (!) With this strange creature, during which she learned his name Tulak. She also learned that Dogmen are not violent or aggressive creatures.

“Tulak gave me a lot of interesting information, among which the most curious is that they do not belong to people. They live in forests and occupy their definite position there, not interfering with animals, but hunting them for food. According to Tulak, they prefer to walk alone and are wary of people. And Tulak also said that he has been friends with a big brown bear for many years."

Dogman from Pennsylvania

Another story about meeting the Dogman was told by a man who introduced himself as "Zay." According to him, he had regular telepathic contacts with the Dogman in the forests of Pennsylvania.

He recounted words similar to the words of the woman from the previous story that Dogmen are not evil creatures and they are generally not opposed to people, but they are very unhappy with their behavior.

“Very few people understand what real courage is. Courage is not to stand against a werewolf - I have repeatedly met with such “werewolves”, courage is not to go through the zone where Dogmen live with weapons and ammunition - I regularly did this without weapons. If they consider me unworthy, they will chase me away, but I still go to them and still meet their distrust.

Recently, I discovered a footprint from a large paw with three toes nearby. It was the size of my hand and was completely fresh. The dog-man was here watching me.

I am a bachelor and live alone my quiet and modest life, but I really love to learn the unknown. During my hikes in the forest, I sometimes heard their soft growls and heavy breathing very close around me. I felt that they were very close to me and one day a strange image of a dog's head appeared in my head.

But if I was asked what I would choose - to go through the bandit area or through the zone of habitation of the Dogman and Yeti, I would choose the latter. I walked a lot in their area of Pennsylvania because I trust them and I trust very few people in my life."


After that, I became afraid of the dark

A whole network of stories about meeting the Dogman has been posted on The Cloaked Hedgehog, dedicated to Dogman and cryptozoology in general. It indicates that many people, when meeting with Solbakman, mention the fact of telepathic communication and indicate that these creatures have mastered much more than the five senses familiar to everyone.

One of the stories happened to the very founder of this site, Anna MK Larsson, in 1999. One evening, a woman was near the house and looked at the dark starry sky and suddenly felt a wave of fear that was coming from the nearby grove of trees.

“I felt the presence of something in this grove by the fence. The wave of fear made me feel very sick, as if hundreds of small needles were thrust into me, and my body was paralyzed. And then I heard in my head the voice "Go to the house, but don't run away", repeating this phrase twice. I went home and after 10 minutes I heard a strong howl, after which I quickly closed the window and tried to forget about everything."

In subsequent years, Anna began to study these creatures and learned to feel them on the mental level in the "ether", in which they were "like a long tentacle of energy." Sometimes she felt them approaching very close to her and one day contact was finally made.

“They found me, fortunately only mentally, where I am physically, they do not know yet. After this experience, I became afraid of the dark and I also had something strange with my mirror in the bedroom, because of which I got rid of it. And I no longer looked out the window when night fell. I force myself not to live in fear of them, but it's very difficult."

Attack horses

Another story about the Dogman was posted on the Coast to Coast site by Parker Duvall, a researcher on the Dogman and Yeti problem. Duvall spent several years studying Dogman in the Kentucky forests.

According to the researcher, he had telepathic contact with a Dogman named Rawjer and after him Duvall confidently said that Dogmen are a race of warriors who use fear and terror as a weapon against humans.

According to Duvall, Dogmen can attack livestock, in particular horses. Duvall took two photos of horses affected by the creature's attack. The horses' thighs were ripped apart by someone with large claws.