Egregors Of The Witch - Alternative View

Egregors Of The Witch - Alternative View
Egregors Of The Witch - Alternative View

Video: Egregors Of The Witch - Alternative View

Video: Egregors Of The Witch - Alternative View
Video: 298. A Witch's Astral Army: Let's Make Servitors! 2024, September

My friends know that if something goes wrong, they can contact me. I will make a layout on the cards, and look at the astral plane, what is the cause of failures and illnesses. But I, like any person, may run out of Powers. That's right - with a capital letter. What is not difficult for an ordinary person turns into a great problem for me.

I teach my friends to replenish their strength at the expense of the Great Cosmos. You all know that besides the "visible" world, there is also a secret, astral plane. It is there that I replenish my reserves of energy, both magical and human. No, I do not participate in collective covens, I do not fly, according to legend, to Mount Brokken. These are the inventions of storytellers who embellish reality.

Adequate sleep and meditation are what even the most powerful witch needs. And if she is already well over 30, then no amount of cosmetics or magic will hide dark circles under the eyes from lack of sleep.

There are many interesting things in the astral plane. Amazing entities live there. Some are weird, some are scary. Lone stalkers and magicians with students. Predatory energy vampires and harmless thought forms are echoes of someone's unfulfilled hopes and dreams.

But do not think that all this mass of living subjects exists by itself. All of them are subject to a strict hierarchy and each belongs to its own egregor. For example, I can connect to several information communities at once. From the magic - I get knowledge and insight. I see the hidden meaning inherent in the meaning of the cards and their combinations in the layout. From the sexual - I draw strength for my Beloved. I attract energy to seduce and seduce other men. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to bring flirting to the state of a serious romance and close relationship. The very fact of managing sexual energy is important. The more I generate it here, in reality, the stronger the support from the astral community will be. The mutual exchange of energies is necessary in all areas.

The family egregor helps to manage the household and overcome difficulties. The clan must support and nourish. So the tree nourishes its crown, filling it with moisture. But with this energy community I have problems. Sometime next time I will talk about it. However, I have already talked about what made me a witch. If I had figured out the problems of my Family in time, many troubles could have been avoided.

But it so happened, and I am a witch.

In the Astral, I try to keep myself apart. I try not to look into the "professional" egregors of dark witches and magicians. For my work, the Tarot community is quite enough for me, where all the information about this magical tool for work flows.

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As a dark witch, I am not allowed to enter the Light Side of the Astral. Communication with Angels and Light Guardians is not available to me. For them, I am the enemy. After all, I use "forbidden techniques" - I deliver energetic blows, erect the Walls of Alienation and communicate with Demons. But don't be afraid of this word. Demons are the same Angels, only they are “on the other side of the barricades”. If you don’t make them angry, and I don’t do it, then you can peacefully negotiate with them and use them for your own purposes. For entities of a lower order, the service charge is usually paltry. With my "submission" they find people ‒ donors and settle for some time in their field. I do not punish good people, but if you offend me greatly, then a magical blow will not take long.

Demons of the "upper echelon" are not fooled by modest energy "handouts". Give them bigger prey. To their dark egregors, they gladly add people subject to various passions and vices.

Not so long ago, my friend Alyona sobbed bitterly on my shoulder: her husband was addicted to alcohol. She couldn't understand why this happened. Sergei has never experienced a particular craving for alcohol, but over the past six months, she saw him drunk every other day. The poor thing has tried all the methods and methods. She tried to code it, went to some "healers" for a special potion, but nothing helped.

She turned to me as a psychologist, not as a witch. Alena asked for advice on how to behave herself in this situation. The desperate woman decided that she would drink with her husband, if only he felt good!

Both as a psychologist and as a witch, I did not share this position. I hinted to a friend that her Sergei is a weak person. He is easily "led" to destructive sentences. With each glass, the egregor of drunkenness tightened him more and more. Soon he could no longer resist the urge to drink. The astral destructive community “gladly” accepted the neophyte. Here no herbs, dressings and "lapels" will help. Willpower is what prevents the soul from getting entangled in the networks cleverly placed by the demons. The support of relatives is definitely needed. But as long as the person himself is not aware of the entire horror of his situation, no one will help her. Connecting to any community is easy. It will be much more difficult to get out of it. The euphoria in which an alcoholic or drug addict arrives does not allow him to get out of the darkness. There is only one way out - to exclude contacts with thosewho is in this community. Do not visit "hot" places, do not arrange gatherings with friends at home, celebrate holidays without alcohol. Everything seems to be simple, but it is so difficult to follow these rules.

Dark egregors cling to every new convert. At the everyday level, they constantly lead a person to thought and action that carries destruction.

I can say the same about myself: once addicted to smoking, I cannot leave this egregor on my own. I, a witch, lack the Willpower to extinguish my last cigarette. I told all this to Alyonka. I advised her to completely eliminate "provoking" factors from their lives. Change family rituals and customs. To say resolutely "no" to relatives and friends who bring a "bottle of red" into the house. Try to change your lifestyle and change your usual social circle.

I advised my friend to join the healthy lifestyle community. If the husband really loves her and wants to keep the family together, he will definitely notice the changes and try to match her.

A month later, Alena came to me again. She said that her husband began to drink much less. He saw that his "hobby" did not delight his beloved wife. Sergei loved Alena very much and treasured their relationship. He found the strength to break the cycle of addictions and leave the drunken community. This story has a happy ending, but how many other examples I have to see. Not all people understand that at one far from perfect moment they become hostages of the Evil Will and feed it with their energy.