Is The Cosmic Mind Silent? - Alternative View

Is The Cosmic Mind Silent? - Alternative View
Is The Cosmic Mind Silent? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Cosmic Mind Silent? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Cosmic Mind Silent? - Alternative View
Video: Cosmic Consciousness: Your Silent Partner, Dr. Murdo MacDonald Bayne 2024, September

The evidence suggests otherwise. So, for example, in the village of Salskoe, Rostov region, in the blue sky, huge, clearly outlined chains of white squares and rectangles suddenly appeared, as if drawn by dense steam. Then these geometric shapes were transformed into a chain of signs, consisting of the mathematical symbol "greater than" and the numbers 2 and 7.

This phenomenon was seen by hundreds of local residents, as well as various UFOs, which are frequent guests here.

A simple transformation of the characters included in the strings, taking into account the number of characters "greater than" in each group, gave the ufologist M. L. Gaponov calculations of quantities that very accurately coincide with the value of fundamental physical constants: with the number "pi", the golden section, the rest energy proton, constants of weak and gravitational interactions, the frequency of cosmic radiation of hydrogen, etc. Further calculations led ML Gaponov to the numerical values of the periods of revolution of the planets of the Solar system around the star and their distance to it.

A number of memorable dates were also calculated, for example, 1908, when on June 30, earthlings were shocked by a grand explosion on Podkamennaya Tunguska. If the “greater than” signs are replaced by 1, and the spaces between them - by 0, then you get the binary number 110110110111101101111, which in the decimal system corresponds to the number 7191999, which is perceived as the date of July 19, 1999. This date recalls the prophecy of Michel Nostradamus: "In 1999, in the seventh month, the God of terror will come from heaven … Mars will rule with luck."

Let us recall the decoding of the mysterious "Salsk signs" that appeared exactly 200 days later in the same place. On April 3, 1990, celestial writing was again observed, consisting of a chain of squares and rectangles. After some time, they were transformed into rows consisting of numbers 7. A clear, but also very curious interpretation of the alien scripture was offered by the famous ufologist A. K. Priima. His decoding of this "code" takes several typewritten pages and states that something important for humanity will happen on July 7, 2002. As you can see, the difference is less than three years?