Darkness Is A Place Where Light Did Not Fit - Alternative View

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Darkness Is A Place Where Light Did Not Fit - Alternative View
Darkness Is A Place Where Light Did Not Fit - Alternative View

Video: Darkness Is A Place Where Light Did Not Fit - Alternative View

Video: Darkness Is A Place Where Light Did Not Fit - Alternative View
Video: Disturbed - The Light [Official Music Video] 2024, June

The headline is a verbatim quote from my first grandson at the age of 2 years and 9 months. And although the context did not at all correspond to the amazing depth of the utterance, the truth is truly speaking through the mouth of a baby. Having appreciated the uniqueness of the aphorism and its irrational infinity, I immediately extended the result to the surrounding space, from which far-reaching conclusions naturally and inevitably followed.

Shadow play

The issues of the existence and confrontation of light and darkness only in the modern era have acquired a massive, purely relative character, suitable for fascinating, but fictional fantasy scenarios. In past eras, and even now, in a narrower theological discourse, light and darkness and their interaction have always been associated with another, quite close in meaning dualism: good and evil.

Shadows, as we all know, disappear at noon. Despite the laconic imagery of the catch phrase, any light, even if it is at its zenith, bright, directed or diffused, is always accompanied by the presence of shadows. In other words, light, often possessing the property of diffraction (the ability to bend around an obstacle), is quite tolerant of the existence of shadows and, the brighter and more directional it is in an effort to absorb everything and everyone, the thicker the shadows, sometimes turning into complete darkness. Likewise, good, with all its striving to be an absolute value, is always cognized in comparison with evil.

It follows from what has been said that light and good inevitably coexist with darkness and evil, entering into confrontation, aimed ultimately at victory. But is this ultimate victory really so important, the absolute and unconditional positivity of which is not so obvious as it might seem? In the end: there will be no evil, there will be no good, and getting into an environment with a constant bright light, in fact, is in some way akin to torture with irreversible psychosomatic consequences.

I have written more than once that the history of mankind is a strange mixture of inventions, fantasies and outright lies, interspersed with rare truthful inserts with very dubious dating, where the characters are indistinguishable figures in the theater of shadows.

If we do not fall into unrestrained illusions, then it is still not known for certain at what historical stage we are: at the beginning of the path, in the middle or at sunset? There are countless facts that disprove the progressive development of civilization from savagery to technical progress - both material and mental. It seems that thanks to the Internet, a wide flow of information is about to break through the dam of dark ignorance and fill our virgin vessels with light knowledge about our present past, so that we can evaluate our mistakes and look at our future in a different way. But no, absolutely nothing is happening and no hope for change is foreseen yet.

Promotional video:

Progress or regression?

There is a simple answer to the question posed: if modern civilization cannot even come close to repeating the mass technologies of the past, available for viewing today, then this is an undoubted regression. Everything else is good illusion and an attempt to rearrange black and white or, in our terminology, good and evil, light and darkness.

There is a key word in what has been said: massive. This, in fact, means the following: even if it is possible to repeat technologies in a limited amount, but at the same time it turns out that when they are put on stream in the existing paradigm, meaning is lost due to the extremely high cost, which means that we are only on the way to a certain technological level, which already existed in the past.

I will add fuel to the fire: in addition to completely obvious evidence of the existence of an extremely developed civilization (s) in the past of mankind, partially accessible for open viewing and analysis, and completely either ignored or falsely interpreted by official science, a huge number of traces have survived on Earth, bearing indirect signs of reasonable high-tech activities. I was prompted to think about this topic by a rather interesting article "An industrially developed civilization has existed on Earth for tens of thousands of years", where, however, it is not entirely clear whether the author is simply analyzing material from the network, or has he seen everything he describes himself? Therefore, traveling a lot around the world, I decided to analyze my photographic materials with the question: what did I actually see myself?

For a start, I will take pictures from the Internet (that rare case when I do not use my own materials for analysis), taken from articles united by the general context: "water wears away a stone":


However, let's take a closer look and ask ourselves a question (given the fact that we are not aware of what kind of rock we are talking about in the photographs): what physical law made the water move along such an intricately winding path on an almost horizontal rock surface? There may be at least three answers, in my opinion:

- it was on this trajectory that there was not just the weakest rock, but a rock of appropriate strength, which the water could really "grind";

- in these places there was a geological fault;

- the trajectory of the river is formed artificially.

As for the first answer, I propose to reflect on it without any influence of scientific authorities who are able to explain anything. Let's take a look at the photographs taken by me on two different rivers: Khoper (Saratov region) and Chusovaya (Perm region):

Khoper River - sandy shores
Khoper River - sandy shores

Khoper River - sandy shores.

So, on the Khoper River, we see obvious traces of the undercurrent of the right bank, as a result of which the growing trees on the edge of the cliff periodically fall. In addition, on the left bank it can be seen that the trees do not keep pace with the movement of the channel (to the right), as if forming a descending level of vegetation. Does the photograph indicate that "water wears away the stone"? No, of course, the banks are sandy and the river bed simply gradually changes its trajectory due to the looseness of the sandy soil. Therefore, you always need to understand on which surface the water flows and whether it is simply eroding loose or sandy soil.

Chusovaya River - rocky shores (Omutnaya stone)
Chusovaya River - rocky shores (Omutnaya stone)

Chusovaya River - rocky shores (Omutnaya stone).

Now let's analyze the image of the Omutnaya stone from the banks of the river. Chusovaya. There are no traces of the movement of the banks, neither on the right - there are no falling trees, but there is only a narrow, bare flooded strip, nor on the left - a smooth wall of a forest of the same age. On the left bank, there is no vegetation only on the periodically flooded area, which is larger than on the steep right one. That is, the water does not wear away the stone at all. Moreover, below there is an image of the 19th century of the same stone, which shows that the outlines of the rocky coast have not changed at all since then:

Omutnaya Stone, 19th century
Omutnaya Stone, 19th century

Omutnaya Stone, 19th century.

I assure you that the same can be found in the images of other notable places of the Chusovaya River, such as in these images of the Giant Stone:

Stone Giant
Stone Giant

Stone Giant.

As for the second answer, unfortunately, I cannot imagine my photographs, I will only note one thing: it is unlikely that a serious scientist will undertake to assert that a geological fault is capable of forming a river bed with the corresponding depth of the fault itself - several meters. That is, in this case, we can only talk about the thinnest layer of the earth's crust, which in fact, due to its plasticity, cannot have any lines of tension that contribute to such faults.

And finally, the third answer, which requires a more serious evidence base, so I propose to look at the consequences of modern (and not only) rock mining using, for example, a bucket wheel excavator:

Excavator Bagger 288
Excavator Bagger 288

Excavator Bagger 288.

Or the consequences of explosive opencast mining in the Urals:

Zygor quarry
Zygor quarry

Zygor quarry.

Kchkanar GOK
Kchkanar GOK

Kchkanar GOK.

Now let's understand carefully and without unnecessary fantasies.

So, after a bucket wheel excavator on the Earth, there may remain both a large excavation and a long and meandering along its trajectory some kind of a future river bed. The trajectory itself in this case will depend only on the random spread of the breed of interest to the owners of the excavator. During operation, the excavator, as a rule, extracts and grinds the rock along a circular path around its axis, periodically moving on a caterpillar track and fixing itself at a new point. In any case, as practice shows, both the trail from the excavator and the traces from blasting operations are some steps located on the inclined walls of the rock. The same is true for blasting operations. In either case, islands or remnants of unworked vertices, similar to the images in the first top photographs, can remain, only without "processing" by time:


And now, the most important thing: there are many thousands of places on Earth that bear clear traces of career development, but have nothing to do with our civilization. For example, I will draw the reader's attention to only a few photographs from Antarctica, discovered, for a minute, only in 1820 (by the way, by the Russian discoverers Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev) and where, according to the official history, in principle, no mining activity could have been conducted:


Mindful of my immutable rule to write only about what I saw myself and touched with my own hands, I repent - I have not been to Antarctica and I hardly will, no matter how much I would like. Taking into account the "deep freeze" and the absence of vegetation, the mountains of the icy continent are perhaps of the greatest interest and still await their researchers, especially not burdened with official titles and titles. In other latitudes of the planet, over the years, nature has done its job, so the photos below, taken by me at different times, are no longer so obvious, especially since then I did not think about this article at all and now I am just pulling them out of numerous folders for this publications:

































Thus, taking into account the fact that the photographs were taken by me at different times and completely, I repeat, not for this article, one can imagine how many interesting species bearing traces of previous civilizations are left behind the scenes. I admit that some of the images are incorrect in terms of the origin of the traces left on the mountain slopes, but some of them are completely indisputable.

In addition, I propose to carefully consider the images from China and once again make sure: the so-called "Great Wall of China", due to the location of the loopholes on the south side, which is clearly visible from the location of the shadows, was built to protect against the Chinese, and not the other way around:


To clarify: China, which I visited in January, is located in the northern hemisphere, and therefore the shadows should be located mainly from south to north, and the side of the wall on which the loopholes are located is illuminated. This can be seen in all photographs, and especially clearly here:


Taking into account the length of the wall of more than 6,000 km, it is logical to assume that the stone was mined from the slopes of the nearest mountains, traces of which are observed in the photographs. I understand that the consequences of stone mining along the "Chinese" wall have little to do with explosions and traces of a bucket wheel excavator, but this is how light and shadows highlight a piece of truth deeply hidden under a thick layer of lies and tendentious interpretations.

And now I formulate the main questions of the article:

- How important is it for humanity to know its true history?

- Will the search for truth, its public promulgation and acceptance as an uncontested axiom lead to irreversible negative consequences, analogous to the absolute victory of good or light?

- What is the meaning of the conscious (or unconscious, which is not important) the widespread concealment of the real history of mankind?

And finally:

- Isn't there a fundamental dualism necessary to maintain the stability of the system?

I will note that the fact that until now philosophy has never investigated the "dualism of the history of mankind" does not and should not have any significance.

Therefore, let's continue.

What's the truth, brother?

Once Buddha told people: "I give you as many truths as leaves fall from trees in autumn." One way or another, but at first the inquisitive human mind did not believe Buddha and enthusiastically began searching for one single truth. In the process of searching, a guess came: “maybe Buddha was right after all? And the truths are really incomprehensible? And in order to find all of them, not only one human life, but also the life of all mankind from the beginning of history to its end is not enough? And if so, then what is the point of pushing back and catching a crane in the sky?"

Having doubted enough, humanity, in the person of its especially inquisitive representatives, rolled up its sleeves and rushed into comprehension of the surrounding reality, full of mysteries, and assigned the name "philosophy" to the final product, which began to appear at the exit. love of wisdom. Who was the first philosopher is not so important, much more important is the search for "truth" itself - the process, its motives, motivation and the results to which this search can eventually lead.

Let me note that the search for "truth" in the philosophical sense, which professional philosophers were engaged in, proceeded in parallel with the same search for "truth" in the everyday sense that "ordinary" people were engaged in everyday life, or, to put it simply, "non-philosophers" by occupation … Thus, we can confidently state that every person, at least occasionally, is engaged in philosophy, and, consequently, in the search for "truth" (or, as I have already noted, "truth").

Let us fix the revealed identity of the concepts of "truth" - "truth" and accept it as an axiom adjusted for the level of research: the highest philosophical or everyday, without denying the latter in the ability to comprehend the highest wisdom. And let us note that an obvious continuation immediately arises: the search for truth inevitably leads us to study such an equally important concept as "justice".

Without being burdened by scholarly conventions, I repeat: no authorities and generally accepted dogmas should interfere with an independent search for truth, including in such a neglected field of research as the history of mankind.

To begin with, I will try to answer the questions posed at the end of the previous chapter:

- to know the true history is necessary at least in order to gain a solid foundation, relying on which alone it is possible to push off to move forward, in other words - development.

- of course, a revolution in historical hypotheses and concepts is not so safe, because then a revision of the entire development paradigm with a change in most of the basic general civilizational attitudes is inevitable, which will inevitably be accompanied by catastrophically tough resistance.

- the answer to the question about the reasons for the concealment of the true history of mankind inevitably echoes the answer to the last question - about the fundamental dualism inherent in the science of the formation and development of civilization.

Actually, this article is devoted to the opening of this dualism, so let's talk about this in more detail.

It would seem that there is nothing simpler - record events, arrange them in chronological order and describe them as objectively as possible in accordance with scientific methodology. I understand that you have to be very naive in order to rely on objectivity where it should not be expected, but in any case, the scientific community should always guard its borders, beyond which no one is allowed. Again, I realize that the issue of a single generally accepted methodology also requires titanic efforts, but even this is not the main thing. Practice shows that the suppression of historical absurdities is global in nature, which suggests that the methodology itself is incorrect.

It follows from this that the causal relationship is extremely simplified: methodology as a cause generates incorrect conclusions - consequences. But even if this is so, then the obvious urge to call for a change in methodology also does not solve the problem, because inevitably it encounters the same obvious resistance with possible catastrophic consequences, as I said above. Consequently, just as in the surrounding world, good and evil, light and darkness, as, finally, spiritual and material, being and consciousness are doomed to live together for eternal centuries without special prospects for victory, just as history, as a science, has an internal fundamental dualism, the essence of which is compressed looks like this:

- the true history of mankind is necessary (conditionally) for one half of humanity and extremely inconvenient for the other half. I'm not ready to answer the question: when did this dualism arise? The most obvious answer is when history appeared and became interesting to people. But a clear divide emerged when a large-scale cleaning of artifacts began, followed by a distorted interpretation of what remained uncleared.

A completely overt and deliberately confused detective with a Chinese wall of this is vivid confirmation of this, when the signs lying on the surface are ignored, as a result of which the history of China appears as a vibrant ancient civilization, suffering from the raids of savage barbarian northern tribes. At the same time, for some reason, the modern borders of China are far above the protective wall. So who was defending against whom?

By the way, in some of the restored areas, the battlements (loopholes) suddenly appeared on both sides, which is at least strange for a defensive structure and can be unequivocally regarded as causing falsification:


However, now it already seems completely natural that one of the most powerful economies in the world would not be able to restore several thousand kilometers of the grandiose structure.

And such examples, carefully ignored by the scientific community, driving everything inconvenient into the shadows, are scattered across the Earth, which I have written about many times. I can promise that I am going to continue to reveal the carefully hidden. If only because it is extremely interesting and, most importantly, it is extremely fair.

For it is only in the Russian language that truth and justice are inextricably linked words of the same root, forcing the search for truth, regardless of the depth of its occurrence.

Author: Alexander Dubrovsky