A Unique Method Of Cancer And AIDS Treatment From Dr. Jacobson - Alternative View

A Unique Method Of Cancer And AIDS Treatment From Dr. Jacobson - Alternative View
A Unique Method Of Cancer And AIDS Treatment From Dr. Jacobson - Alternative View

Video: A Unique Method Of Cancer And AIDS Treatment From Dr. Jacobson - Alternative View

Video: A Unique Method Of Cancer And AIDS Treatment From Dr. Jacobson - Alternative View
Video: Why Haven't We Cured HIV yet? 2024, June

Despite the desperate efforts of world medicine, undertaken for decades, a radical cure for cancer has not yet been found. It seems that the traditional ways of finding this tool have reached a dead end.

All the more interesting are the attempts to get away from traditional search. One such initiative was undertaken by a 50-year-old American doctor Jerry Jacobson from Jupiter (Florida, USA), who has not received the support of official medicine to this day.

When Jerry Jacobson was six years old, he had a sore throat for a long time. The father, after consulting with the doctors, whispered to the frightened son that he had throat cancer, and the doctors insisted on removing the larynx.

Fortunately, they managed to do without surgery, but the boy gave his word to devote his life to the fight against this damned disease. He deliberately did not become an oncologist in order to protect himself from medical canons in this area, and graduated from the dental faculty, gaining fame as an excellent dentist.

Jacobson showed a peculiar approach to solving the problem in that he attracted the achievements of other sciences and, in particular, electromagnetism.

The discoverer, of course, knew the healing effect of electromagnetic fields, and he decided to apply them to the treatment of cancer.

Years of effort were not in vain. With the support of the medical pioneer of magnetic resonance imaging, Dr. William Yamanashi of the University of Oklahoma City, Jacobson developed the so-called "Jacobson resonance" method to treat cancer and other diseases, including AIDS.

The method consisted in fine adjustment of the strength of a weak electromagnetic field depending on the electrical potential of cancer cells, as well as on … the patient's height, the Earth's orbital speed and the strength of the magnetic field of our planet (!).

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One can imagine the reaction of faithful doctors to such a "crazy" idea. In 1981, when the author of the new method held a press conference in Brooklyn on the "Jacobson resonance", to which he sent out several hundred invitations to various medical institutions, none of the guests attended!

The main reproach to the discoverer was related to his amateurism in the field of oncology. Therefore, said detractors from the American Medical Association, "a new method of cancer treatment will never be accepted by medicine!"

Meanwhile, over the next fifteen-year period, Jacobson published in biological and medical journals more than fifty articles on his method and two books, and also chaired two dozen medical conferences and congresses. According to the protocols presented by Jacobson, confirming the effectiveness of the method, patients in treatment sessions were placed in a multi-turn cable reel and with it immersed in a pool of water.

After that, a weak electric current was applied to the coil, creating a carefully controlled magnetic field so that it entered into resonance with the genes responsible for the growth of cancer cells, ribonucleic acid (which is part of the hereditary genetic code), the corresponding enzymes, etc.

Physicians without technical education, of course, could not learn the Jacobson method, which obviously serves as one of the obstacles to its recognition. To illustrate what has been said, here is an excerpt from an article by the discoverer describing the "Jacobson resonance" published in March 1994 in the Israel Journal of Medical Sciences.

“Consider the possibility of using an extremely weak external magnetic field to treat various diseases by immersing a patient in water (to improve electrical conductivity). The patient is in a large cable reel, also submerged in water …

If we consider the patient as an electrical conductor, and place it at right angles to the magnetic lines of force created by the reel, we can fine-tune the induction of an electromotive force in the patient's body. Now you can try to create a resonant situation in the structures of oncogenes, enzymes, ribonucleic acid, etc."

There is no point in citing further, since we are talking about the application of the famous Einstein's formula, which establishes a connection between mass (in this case, for example, the mass of an oncogen) and energy through the square of the speed of light in a vacuum. Next, Jacobson draws on the Faraday formula, which includes the length of the conductor (in this case, the patient's height).

As a result of such a complex interaction, according to Jacobson, there is a "reorientation of the atomic crystal lattice and the transformation of the oncogene into a normal gene."

To understand the essence of the "Jacobson resonance" from the above description is, of course, extremely difficult. In addition, the author probably does not disclose some of the details that obviously constitute his know-how.

In the early 1990s, Jacobson received encouraging results from his treatment for ailments such as epilepsy, sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.

A top-notch medical expert from Stockholm, Professor Bjorn Nordenstrom, former co-chairman of the Nobel Committee on Medicine, is convinced that Jerry Jacobson is on the right track. “He should receive the Nobel Prize in Medicine,” the Swedish expert told reporters.
