The Owl Won't Get Up In The Morning - Alternative View

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The Owl Won't Get Up In The Morning - Alternative View
The Owl Won't Get Up In The Morning - Alternative View

Video: The Owl Won't Get Up In The Morning - Alternative View

Video: The Owl Won't Get Up In The Morning - Alternative View
Video: What is One Thing You Are 100% Sure Have Seen, But People Would Call You Crazy if You Told Them? 2024, October

Biorhythms are an individual matter. Energy channels in the body of "owls" and "larks" function differently, and these differences cannot be neglected, advises the master, Mrs. Svetlana Poletaeva.

English writer Samuel Johnson said that the mornings should be canceled. Being a classic "owl", he spent his whole life in bed until noon, punishing himself for this vice. “He who doesn't get up early will never do anything good,” Johnson exhorted the youth, urging them to be early risers. Apparently, he sincerely believed that one can become any of these “birds” at will, and it’s just a matter of habit and willpower. The writer was distinguished by a great passion for food and drink. Having gone through the evening, he suffered at night, his unfortunate body processed a hearty supper and disposed of poisons until the middle of the next day.

It turns out that an "owl" is someone who leads an unhealthy lifestyle? And the "lark" - the one who monitors his body, adheres to the rule not to overload the stomach at night, dine with kefir and fruit in the early evening, and at dawn he wakes up from hunger and runs to the kitchen, anticipating breakfast. In this case, a person "owl" or "lark" is determined not by physiology, not by the constitution and not by the mental makeup, but by the way of life. Or even simpler - daily routine.

On the other hand, the mode and way of life depend on the profession and occupation. In general, from social moments over which a person often has no control. The peasant is forced to get up with the roosters in order to groom the cattle or mow in the morning dew. Rural, agricultural culture is the culture of larks, the culture of morning, afternoon, sunlight.

On the contrary, in cities, albeit not everywhere, they start working late, the evening here is a time of communication and entertainment, which continues until late at night, or even until morning.

Having moved from city to village, having changed the lunar culture to the solar one, having taken up another business, a person, as it were, turns from an "owl" into a "lark". But the owl bird itself will never become a lark. They have the opposite rhythm of life. And mind you, natural, not artificial. Natural, biological, psychophysiological.

So it's not only about habits, occupation and environment, but also in the deep properties of the human body, innate features of the psyche and body. In a personal biological rhythm. In agreement with him, we must look for our culture, our flock. If you are a "lark" by nature, you do not need to lead the life of an "owl", but if you still have to because of insurmountable circumstances, you need to compensate for the harm from being in someone else's image. The same is, of course, true for the "owls."

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Internal body clock

Most people are of mixed types, but with a predominance of the solar or lunar element. Each of us gravitates towards some pole. How to determine which one? By indirect signs, in turn determined by biorhythms, which are associated with the circulation of energy in the body. It moves along 12 channels, running around them 50 times per day. Each channel becomes energetically full 600 times per day - each time for 2 minutes 24 seconds. And the cycle of a single energy supply to the body lasts 28 minutes 42 seconds. This is the same world constant as the speed of light. (Practical conclusion: to fully recharge with energy, you need to spend at least half an hour on gymnastics, breathing exercises, meditation.)

A half-hour energy rhythm is the basis of the body's vital activity. Another important rhythm is the daily rhythm. Each of the body systems works most intensively once a day for two hours. So, the peak of heart activity falls at noon, or rather, at a two-hour interval from 11 am to 1 pm, say the masters of Studio E, Ksenia and Svetlana.

During the period of greatest activity, the system or organ pulls the energy “blanket” over itself and, as they say, is cleansed. The gallbladder releases dirt from one to three in the morning - at this time, the bile ducts open as much as possible. The liver is cleansed two hours before the gallbladder, from 11 pm to 1 am. This is the most important organ, the energy of the whole organism depends on its state, therefore it must recover while energy expenditures are minimal, that is, while we are sleeping. And the gallbladder must prepare for the labor of the coming day in a dream, when supper is overcooked and the stomach is empty, when bile is not required to break down food.

The timing of organ cleansing is known from an ancient Chinese-Tibetan treatise on biorhythms. Guided by it, the liver and gallbladder should be given a rest from 11 pm to 3 am. At this time, you need to sleep. This means that you need to go to bed at 10 pm, you can get up an hour after the end of the cleaning - at 4 am. With roosters, it is easy and joyful. When the liver is back to normal, a person gets up vigorous, because, clean, it cleans the blood well, and that one supplies the tissues with oxygen well.

So it is not by chance that rhythmological prescriptions prescribe going to bed between 20 and 22 hours, wake up between 5 and 6 in the morning and warn against mental activities at 1 in the morning, because at this time the productivity of the brain is minimal.

The old recipes are echoed by modern biochemistry. At 6 in the morning, she says, the most sugar and amino acids enter the bloodstream, the body is ready to work at full load.

Blessed is he who rises from the dawn

Canon blesses the "larks". But the poor "owls" somehow does not notice. Biochemical science does not favor them either, and this can be pretty confusing. Since oriental medicine has been guided by its postulates for thousands of years, it means that they are correct. Since modern knowledge is in solidarity with them, it means that the postulates are doubly true. But if so, then there are no "owls". However, they exist, and there are many of them. Their brain works great at one in the morning. Most of the sugar and amino acids do not enter their bloodstream at 6 am, but later. They did not enter Samuel Johnson's blood, apparently, until noon. The existence of "owls" is a stubborn fact. So weren't the doctors of the East mistaken, who long ago marked the dial of the biological clock?

No, we were not mistaken. However, considering man as a species, cosmically, they considered it possible to neglect the individual characteristics of human organisms.

Personal phase shift

Yes, the daily rhythm is inherent in everyone without exception, it is inevitable, irreversible, like the change of day and night, only this change occurs with a certain time shift. For a person also has a unique personal biorhythm. (This, by the way, explains the curious fact that a person chews, taps his fingers on the table or shakes his leg at his own, strictly individual pace.) Everyone's biological clock goes on differently, says the master of esotericism Ksenia Klishevskaya. The numbers on the dials indicating the beginning of liver cleansing may lag behind the norm legalized by the ancient Eastern canon. Lagging is just characteristic of the "owls".

The energy wave rolls up to the larks' livers in the early evening, and the larks begin to nod off, fall asleep, but never dawn. Livers of "owls" start cleansing not at 11 pm, but, say, at 3 am and recover until 7 am, so it is physically difficult for "owls" to get up at dawn, they need to lie down until a fresh liver is taken to intensively filter the blood …

Unfortunately, it is not accepted in our culture to conform to the personal biorhythm. The "owls" who do not know themselves live the life of "larks", even more often the urban "larks" who do not know themselves - the life of "owls". Both those and others experience constant discomfort and chronic stress, which undermine the body and lead to disease. It is clear that a person is better off living his own life, but how do you know which pack you belong to? It's good if the features of one of the two birds are convex in you. If not, you have to navigate by indirect signs. First of all - by the time of cleansing the liver and gallbladder. If it starts early, you are a morning person; if it starts late, you are an owl.

You are a night owl if you want to eat late at night. In the instructions on a healthy lifestyle, this is strictly prohibited, in some it is declared a grave sin to eat even after 4 pm. It is clear that these instructions are addressed to the "larks". "Owls" can eat late, otherwise they will sleep badly - from hunger.

You are an "owl" if you do not feel appetite in the morning - it appears only at one o'clock in the afternoon. And great! Let the larks have a hearty breakfast. It is quite natural for them, as it is natural to give dinner to the enemy in the evening. In the morning, an “owl” is enough to drink tea, coffee, juice, eat a cookie or a piece of cheese. Note that in Russia there was no habit of gorging themselves early. And not without reason - the body is not limited to cleaning the liver and gallbladder, it utilizes, digests its own dirt, which is always enough. So much for your morning food, no other is required.

It is also important to wake up by your personal biological clock because in the short "sleepy" minutes between sleep and wakefulness you need to have time to tune in to the worries of the day, imagine it in a joyful light and get out of bed ready for accomplishment. And if you were violently pulled out of sleep and you only want one thing - to fall asleep again, then the day starts badly and is unlikely to be successful. Consent with your own biorhythms contributes to professional, business, and everyday success. Perhaps not to a decisive degree, but far from the last.

Alas, it is not always possible to coordinate your regime with your biorhythm. In this case, try so that the discrepancy is not too painful, and learn to compensate for psychophysiological stress.

A "lark" forced to stay up late will be helped by relaxation exercises, short meditations, in which you need to immerse yourself several times during the day and especially towards the evening, and even more so at night, to wash away fatigue. Choosing the right meditation technique for yourself and learning it is not at all difficult, the health literature offers many examples.

It is very useful for an "owl" to get up early to do exercises "to wake up". You can easily find the complex you need by looking at the same books on a healthy lifestyle.

Of course, the "owls" should get a cunning alarm clock that you just can't slam, which will wake up the dead. However, one fine moment they will notice that they began to wake up without an alarm clock. This means that there is a transformation into a "lark". This happens: with age, the hands of the biological clock on the personal dial can move to a new position. Other extremely interesting things can happen - extroverts become introverts, introverts become extroverts. Observe yourself and a lot will be revealed to you. Self-knowledge is not the easiest science in the world, but it is fascinating and rewarding.