Difficult Or Hard Days - Alternative View

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Difficult Or Hard Days - Alternative View
Difficult Or Hard Days - Alternative View

Video: Difficult Or Hard Days - Alternative View

Video: Difficult Or Hard Days - Alternative View
Video: The gift of tough times | Tara Igoe | TEDxLaJolla 2024, July

Our distant ancestors had no idea about such a phenomenon as magnetic storms. But the concept of "hard days" has been in use since time immemorial.


In his poem "Works and Days", Hesiod described in detail the life of a farmer, gave many practical advice and indicated what day to do: when to pick the fruits, when is the best time to plant plants, when to shear the sheep and open a new barrel of wine.

Hesiod named the days suitable for marriage, days that are most suitable for conceiving boys, and days that are best for conceiving girls. In addition, some days, according to Hesiod, are good in the morning, and in the evening they change the sign from plus to minus.


Take the Roman lunar calendar, for example. The first days of the month were called kalends in it. The seventh day of March, May, July and October, as well as the fifth day of the rest of the months, were called nons. The fifteenth of March, May, July and October, as well as the thirteenth of the rest of the months, are the Ides, which have a full moon.

So, the first days after calendars, non and id were considered unfortunate. In them it was impossible to take on important matters and hit the road. They were black for the start of marriage.

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In medieval Europe, there were various customs associated with the notion of hard days. For example, December 28 was the day of the massacre of infants in Bethlehem. The day of the week on which he fell, throughout the year was considered unlucky and completely unsuitable for taking on a new business or going on a long journey.

The power of this prohibition was so great that in 1461 in England the coronation of Edward IV had to be repeated, since the first time it fell on this unlucky day of the week.

And in Russia, as you know, for a long time there was a belief that all Mondays belong to hard days. On Monday you cannot go on a long journey, because it will be unhappy. You cannot take on anything difficult and important - you still cannot complete what you have begun.

If you lend on Monday, you give out everything you have and you won't get it back. It was also believed that if something happened on Monday that went beyond ordinary life, the same thing would be repeated on the following days.


At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous Berlin doctor Wilhelm Fliess, a specialist in ear, throat and nose diseases, while analyzing the course of his patients' diseases, noticed certain cycles in them. In 1906, a statistical analysis showed that there is a 23-day cycle in the development of diseases in men, and a 28-day cycle in women. By the way, Dr. Fliess was friends with the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud and discussed his theories with him.

Professor of psychology at the University of Vienna Hermann Svoboda found 23- and 28-day cycles in the development of tumors caused by insect bites, as well as in the development of heart disease. He also insisted that the sexual ability of men depends on the 23-day cycle, and the emotional state and sensitivity of a woman depends on the 28-day cycle.

Later, scientists came to the conclusion that both men and women have 23-day (physical) and 28-day (emotional) cycles.

In 1928, Dr. Friedrich Telcher from the University of Innsbruck tested the existence of biorhythms on 5,000 pupils and students. His data not only confirmed the reality of the 23- and 28-day cycles, but also found another - the 33-day cycle associated with mental (intellectual) abilities.

It turns out that one and the same person can be happy with the same event today and upset tomorrow. A person is not aware of his dependence on where he is in the physical, emotional or intellectual cycles. It changes all the time. Sometimes he is on the rise, but then the day comes on which he needs to beware of everything and, if possible, stay at home.

A person spends half of each of the three cycles: physical, emotional and intellectual in a positive phase, and half in a negative one. The day of increased risk is considered the first day when the transition from a negative phase to a positive one, or, conversely, from a positive to negative phase. On the day of increased risk, accidents, suicides, and exacerbations of diseases most often occur. The day before is almost as dangerous.


Hemingway shot himself on July 2, 1961. It was a high-risk day in his emotional cycle.

Famous Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa tried to commit suicide on December 22, 1971, the day he was at increased risk of his emotional cycle and the day before he was at increased risk in the intellectual cycle.

The classic of Japanese literature, Akutagawa, killed himself in the early morning hours of July 24, 1927. It was a high-risk day in the physical cycle.

In Germany, an analysis of thousands of suicides showed that in 70-80% of cases in the physical cycle there was a day of increased risk, and in the intellectual one there was a negative phase or a negative phase was in all three cycles.


On September 15, 1973, the Swedish king Gustav VI died. It was a high-risk day in his emotional cycle. In the same year, world renowned cellist Pablo Casals died on October 22, the day of increased risk of the intellectual cycle.

The famous movie star Marlene Dietrich passed away on May 6, 1992 in Paris. This happened on the day of increased risk of her physical and intellectual cycles (their coincidence significantly increases the danger) and on the eve of the day of increased risk of the emotional cycle.

The body of Italian filmmaker and poet Pier Paolo Pasolini was found on the outskirts of Rome on November 2, 1975. Pasolini is 53 years old. It was a high-risk physical cycle day.

The brightest ballet star of our time, Rudolf Nureyev, died of a heart complication caused by AIDS on January 6, 1993 in Paris, at age 54, on the eve of an increased risk of emotional cycle.

The largest French writer Jules Romain died on August 14, 1972, on the eve of a high-risk day in the emotional cycle.

Anna Akhmatova died near Moscow on March 5, 1966, on the eve of a high-risk emotional cycle day.

Konstantin Paustovsky died on July 14, 1968 in Moscow on the day of increased risk of the physical cycle and on the eve of the day of increased risk in the emotional cycle.

The outstanding Russian artist Mstislav Dobuzhinsky died on November 20, 1957 in New York, on the eve of a critical day in the physical cycle.

Sergei Prokofiev died on March 5, 1953 in Moscow at the age of 61, also on the eve of the critical day of the physical cycle.

Finally, we can recall that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin died on the 11th day of his physical cycle, that is, also on the eve of the critical day.


If desired, each person can calculate these days and behave at this time with the utmost care. There is only one difficulty: for whatever period you want to calculate your difficult days, you will have to start the calculations from the moment you are born. Somewhat difficult, but hunting, as they say, is worse than bondage.

However, at present there are both computer programs and pocket guides. There are tables by which it is easy to calculate the required day (the only thing you need to know for this is the date and year of birth of a particular person). In particular, such a table is in the book by Evgeny Goltsman “Famous psychopaths. Protection from damage and the evil eye."